Why would he do that?

Start from the beginning

"What do you mean?"

"I-I don't know. I was talking with her and she was responding, she just sounded distant. Like...." He chuckled at the words about to come out his mouth, "Like she's hurt."

Steve creased his eyebrows, "Hurt? Come on, this is Y/n we're talking about. The one that put you on your butt 8 times in a row."

Bucky nodded, finally turning to Steve. It was true, you were and are the strongest Avenger there, second place to Thor. You've taken down the hulk millions of times before Natasha came up with the lullaby, you've shut down Tony a million times, and you've even managed to out maneuver Bucky on the floor 8 times in a row. You were always strong and out going, so for even Bucky to notice something was wrong, it got Steve on edge too.

"No way, maybe she's just tired." Steve shook his head, "I don't believe it. If you're right, and she is hurting, we should get more clues about this. Wait until we have enough evidence."

Bucky nodded, stuffing his phone back in his pocket, "Right."

"In the meantime, What to wear? What to wear?" He mocked, tapping his finger on his chin in thought.

Bucky rolled his eyes. Even though Steve was a good friend to him, he hated when he did that. Because in his mind, it meant trouble.


"Where are you going?" Travis asked, more of a demand as he entered the bathroom.

Your heart dropped but you kept strong, "Out. My friend is having a birthday party and I'm bringing her a present."

"Who's this friend?" He snarled, stepping closer.

"Trinity." You lied.

Grabbing your arm, he yanked you closer to him and kept his grip on you, your face twisted a bit. Annoyance and fear crumbling up your spine.

"Travis, let go." You spoke, yanking your arm from him.

His face showed shock for a moment before he completely drowned in anger. Grabbing you again, he slapped you across the face, tears stung your eyes as he forcefully grabbed your jaw. Your cheek burning with a new sensation, you clenched your jaw, prepared to hear his speech.

"You don't talk to me like that." He growled, his nails digging further into your skin, "You're a pathetic excuse for a woman, don't forget your place, bitch."

A tear fell from your face and onto your shirt, he pushed you away from him and had you stumble into the wall. Your back colliding with the marble and another migraine forming.

"You can go to whatever shit party you're talking about." He spat, "But if I find out your lying, the punishment won't be fun for you. But it will for me. Do you understand?"

You nodded.

"I can't hear you!" He shouted, making you jump.

"Yes." You answered, looking down at the floor, "I understand."


He left and slammed the door shut. You almost fell to your knees right then and there, but you kept yourself upright. You could already see the new brusies forming on your arm, you wiped the tears off your face and slipped on your jacket. Desperate to head to the Tower. You didn't know how you were going to convince Travis that you were at a party, it was like he saw right through you. Weather you were telling the truth or not. But, you also didn't care about what you'd say, he'd think you're a lair either way. Getting into your car, you drove off, releasing the tension in your muscles as the engine roared to life. You put on your Playlist and drove off, feeling the wind in your face, a real smile etching on your face, a smile that hasn't shown in months. Arriving at the Tower, you checked that all the brusies were covered and you had on your best conveniencing smile. You were going to let loose, let all your feelings drown in fun, and forget about what was waiting for you.

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