Nicole didn't know what to think her mom hasn't spoken to her in almost 7 months why was she here and what did she want ! She was scared that she might do the same things get dad did and make her give the child up for adoption ! She wanted nothing more than for her parents to move past the angry stage and just be accepting that what happened happened and nothing will change ! She once thought that adoption would be a good idea because her son would get the life he deserves but then she thought no one will love my son more than I do ! I don't care how old I am his mother and I will love him no matter what ! She also thought why couldn't her parents think the same !
Nikki: Mom what brings you here ?
Kathy: I was driving by when my tire blew out and my phone is dead so can I use you phone to call Triple A or can John fix it ?Nicole was crushed that she wasn't there for her !
Nikki: You can use the phone Johns tired from work and he has to go in early again tomorrow so I don't what to bug him !
She lied as she let her in !
As they were waiting for the tow truck to come they sat in silence while Nicole text John to stay up there and pretends to be sleeping ! The silence was getting awkward Nicole was about to talk when here was a knock on the door !
Kathy: Must be the tow guy !
Nicole got up and saw Carol and she was happy !
Carol: Oh sweetie I'm happy I caught you awake !
Nikki: Is something wrong ?
Carol: No I just know how much you enjoyed the food tonight and the cake so I brought you the left overs since you work tomorrow ! Mrs. Thomson would enjoy it too and Johns told me about your late night chocolate cravings !Nikki smiled snd hugged her !
Carol: Oh and you forgot the book I got you !
Nikki: Oh I know ! I was going to send John to get it tomorrow after work !
Carol: Have you looked through it or even thought about a name ?
Nikki: Kind of all I know is that I want my baby to have Johns name like his dad and Sir John !
Kathy: And your father !Nikki turned to Kathy and looked mad at her !
Nikki: I have no dad ! He made that pretty clear !
She said as she looked down and Carol hugged her !
Nikki: Do you want some Tea ? I was going to make some before bed !
Carol: I see you have been doing what I told you !
Nikki: Yeah it helps the nightmares ! Before your advice I was dreaming about having a baby the size of an M&M and carrying it around in my purse and in my back pocket and sitting on it !
Carol: Oh you're dreams were worse than mine !
Nikki: I think that one has been the worst one I've had ! I spent half the night crying into my Nanna's arms !
Carol: Where was John ?
Nikki: Sleeping ! He had school and work right after so I didn't want to bug him !
Kathy: You wouldn't have to if you hadn't gotten the pregnant !
Carol: Why are you still mad what's done is done there's no going back !
Kathy: But there is adoption !
Nikki: I'm not letting some other woman give my baby the love I am very capable of giving him !
Kathy: Nicole your too young !
Nikki: I don't care ! We're doing just fine without anyone's help !
Kathy: How do you guys afford such a nice place ?
Nikki: Why do you care ? Just be happy your daughter has a place to live with someone who loves her !
Kathy: John doesn't love you he feels obligated !
Carol: I will not allow you to talk about my son that way !Then John came downstairs !
John: I won't either ! I love Nicole baby or no baby I would be with her !
Carol: If my son felt obligated he would have told us and we would have taken care of it !
Nikki: What do you mean ? Would you have asked me to kill my baby too ?
Carol: Oh god no ! We would ask to either adopt the baby from you or offer you money to raise it on your own ! We even told John that and he said no ! He wanted to take care of you and your baby !
Nikki: Is that true ?
John: Yeah ! I told you that I would be here because I love you Nicole your the mother of my child and I hope all my future children as well !
Nikki walked up to him and he hugged her tight !
Nikki was about to speak when Nicole felt something in her stomach !
Nikki: Omg !
Carol: What ?
John: Are you alright ?
Nikki: Yeah I think the baby just kicked !She said as she grabbed Johns hand and placed it on her stomach !
Nikki: Talk !
John: Umm hi it's daddy ?Just then the baby kicked again !
Nikki: Omg John he kicked his first kick !
Carol: Oh I want to feel !She said as she walked over to her !
Carol: Hi baby it's your grandma Carol !
John: She's my mom !The baby continued to kick and Nicole was just so happy !
Nikki: Oh I can't wait to meet you my baby !
She said she's rubbed her belly and Mason kept kicking !
Carol: Hope he doesn't keep you up at night with the kicking !
Nikki: Please don't honey ! Mommy has work tomorrow !Mason kept kicking and Nicole just smiled and there was another knock at the door !
John opened and it was the Triple A guy !
Kathy: Nicole I want you to think serious about the adoption I will help you through it just please don't throw away your life !
Nikki: If you're not going to be supportive than I suggest you do that same as dad did and pretend that Brie is your only daughter ! I'm not giving up my son and I will not kill him either !Kathy just looked at them and walked out ! Nicole tried to contain her tears but couldn't !
Carol: Nicole don't be sad !
Nikki: I feel so stupid !
John: Why honey ?
Nikki: When I saw her I thought maybe she was here to say sorry and to ask to be apart if my life again with our baby but no ! She came because she had a flat and needed help !
Carol: Sweetie she will realize what a mistake she's mad and she will want to be apart of your lives !
Nikki: No I feel like she will follow in my fathers footsteps ! The only family I have now is my brother my sister my baby John and my baby !
Carol: We're your family too don't forget that !
Nikki: Thank you Carol ! I'm going to lay down I'm a bit tired !
Carol: Go I'll send John with you tea !Nikki nods and heads up stairs !
Carol: I didn't know it was this bad !
John: I did I just don't know what to do ! And what ever I do might make things worse !
Carol: Yeah maybe !
John: I want Nicole to be happy mom but what can I to ?
Carol: For right now nothing ! I'm going to put the water in and I'm showing you what tea should be in the water and I'm going to go !
John: Okay mom thanks for coming !
Carol: No problem !After making the tea she leaves and John heads up stairs and finds Nicole looking through the book !
John: Here you go babe !
Nikki: Thanks baby !
John: How you feeling ?
Nikki: A little better !
John: So any good names ?
Nikki: Non that I like as much as Mason !
John: Is it in there ?
Nikki: I haven't gotten there yet hopefully it is !John took the book from her and made her drink the tea !
John: That's enough reading for one night come on let's go to sleep !
Nikki: Okay !
John: Why did you tell your mom I had work tomorrow and so do you ? And my mom ?
Nikki: Because these last few weekends we have either spent it with your family or with my Nanna I want a day just go our selves ! When the baby comes we won't event be alone again !
John: I know but I will be worth it !
Nikki: It sure will ! So I was thinking tomorrow we can sleep till noon then go have breakfast a Denny's after that take a walk in the park where when Mason is only enough we will take him then come home watch a movie then we can make dinner together and later just lay and bed and go back to the same old routine !
John: Sounds amazing ! I'm in !
Nikki: Haha you had no choice ! I would make you !
John: Oh you would ?
Nikki: Yeah and you know why you would do it ?
John: Why ?
Nikki: Because I'm the mother of your children and because you love me !
John: That I do !He kissed her he grabbed her cup put it down stairs and when he came back up he laid down and she cuddled up to him and they fell asleep !
That Monday !
Nicole had just gotten home from work when she saw someone waiting at her door step !
Nikki: David ?
David turned around and was shocked to see her belly !
David: Nicole your pregnant ?
He asked shocked !
For the past year in a half David had been going to school in England !
Nikki: Yeah I'm 6 months ! What are you doing here I thought you were in England ?
David: I was ! I came back last week I wanted to see you when your sister told me you were living here I assumed you were living right your dad !
Nikki: No I live here with John !
David: John ?
Nikki: Father of my baby !
David: Oh wow ! Well congratulations !Nikki smiled and hugged him !
Nikki: Thank you ! Come in !
She said as he opened the door to her house !
David: Wow nice place !
Nikki: Thank you !They sat down and started talking Nicole told him everything that had happened and he did the same he apologized for what he did to John and she forgave him !
David: So now that I'm here I have to give you a gift !
Nikki: Oh no you don't have too !
David: No I do and it's not for you baby it's for you !
Nikki: What are you talking about ?
David: I remember how you loved to work out and I'm sure after you have your baby you will want to get back at it !
Nikki: Yeah actually so ?
David: I will give you a free 5 year membership at my new gym !
Nikki: What ? No David I can't let you do that !
David: You can and you will ! It will be your way of accepting my apology !
Nikki: Omg thank you !She said as she hugged him then John walked in !
John: What is he doing here ?
David: I actually have to go but it's nice seeing you and you too John ! Just know the membership will include a pass for a friend in your case boyfriend !
Nikki: Thank you David ! I'll be in contact !He hugged her again and shook Johns hand and left !
John looked at Nicole and she sighed and explained everything's to him !
John: I don't like this !
Nikki: Babe nothing will happen between me and him !
John: Promise ?
Nikki: I promise I love you and only you !
John: I love you too.........