Part 29

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He looked up work releases and any county-funded programs that were running. The last one expired in 2002. There was a new program proposed but it was waiting for approval from several departments.

The work-release program Pete was a part of did not actually exist.

He looked for Pete's record in this nonexistent program and found he had completed it successfully despite the fact he had only been in it for a month.

Ted's head was reeling after reading about all the dropped balls and conflicting information. This did not speak well for the city or county. He could not dwell on that, however. If what he was reading was accurate, Pete was a free man with no additional jail time needed.

It was getting late. He sent his assistant home and wrapped everything up for the day. He knew he had to make this all legal and tie up loose ends but he felt hopeful he would be able to do that.

He called Zach in the morning. He briefed him on the record search and what he had come up with so far.

"Even if the county made a royal mess here, it all has to be by the book so there is no chance Pete can be rearrested."

Zach had his own piece of fantastic information. "I looked up the original arrest and sentencing. Pete should not have been charged with a felony and he should not have been incarcerated. His lawyer did a terrible job of defending him.

Because his sentence was incorrect, we could retry but I believe we can get him released. Have you heard of second look sentencing? Here a judge can vacate a sentence if the original sentence was incorrect. Pete also had some good time credit. And... the sting that was done regarding Doxell should help him. His nonviolent status will carry weight.

These are all reasons the judge can use at his discretion. With the overcrowding that exists, judges look for reasons to release."

"Oh, man. I do love the law when it helps someone out. Do you think we can get a judge to sign off on that?" Ted absorbed everything rapidly. "I have to go over this with my superiors. I think they are more to be concerned about keeping all the mistakes out of the press. The public would have a field day. They will be motivated to make this quietly go away.

Let me get back to you on what I come up with."

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