chapter thirty| birthday sleepover

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(Still Dixies POV)

We all got blankets, and pillows. We set them down on the floor, but we did have to move the couch to make more room.

"How about we play spin the bottle!" Bryce suggested. He always wanted to play that. "Sure" I said. I got up and grabbed a bottle.

I went back over and we began playing. They said since it was my birthday, I should go first. So I spinner the bottle and it landed on...

Avani. Thank god it wasn't a boy

"Come kiss me baby" she winked. I laughed and went over to her, followed by a kiss. "That wasn't so bad" I said, sitting back down in my spot.

Noah looked at me. "Dixie, you're cheating on me.." he joked. I placed my hand on his chin. "Suck it up" I smiled and laughed. "Avani! You're next" I said.

Avani spun the bottle and it landed on Anthony (her boyfriend) after avani, Anthony spun the bottle... landing on Blake. Blake spun the bottle and it landed on...charli

"No! You're not kissing my sister!" I said. "I wasn't going to anyway" he laughed. "Good. Ok char you're next"

We continued playing until around 10:45. Good thing my spins only landed on Avani, Addison and also landed on Chase once but he agreed (and Noah) to only kiss my cheek. Wasn't bad.

"Can we play t or d now?" Blake complained. "Ok yeah!" I loved truth or dare. It was one of my favorite party games.

This time, Bryce decided to go first. I had no choice to let him but it's ok. "Um..Dixie truth or dare?" He smirked at me.

Of course me. "Um truth" I shrugged. "Ok, how often do you and Noah have sex?" He asked, sounding like he was eager to know. "Uh.." I looked at Noah.

"It's ok" he mouthed. I looked back at Bryce "like every other day.." I chuckled. "Woah" charli said, "thanks for letting me know about my sisters sex life with her boyfriend, ex boyfriend whatever you guys are" she laughed.

"Boyfriend and girlfriend" Noah corrected. "Ok ok anyway moving on. Dix your turn" Bryce said.

"Ok, um" I looked around. "Charli" I started. "Truth or dare?" "Um..truth, I guess?" She answered. "Ok, are you still a virgin?" I asked. "um..." she hesitated. "CHARLI!" "Can we talk!?" She stood up. "Sure"

We walked into a different room. "What" "I-I'm sorry" she said, on the verge of tears. "It's ok" I hugged her. "I won't tell mom or dad, ok?" I looked at her. She smiled "thank you, I love you"

"I love you more, now let's go back out" I grabbed her hand and walked back out to everyone. We sat back down. "Ok char, your turn"

She smirked at Noah and I. "Noah, truth or dare" "dare" he said, proudly. "Fuck, ok um...I dare you to kiss someone in this room, your choice, besides Dixie"

"Ugh, really!?" He yelled. "Mhm! Do it!" Charli laughed. "Ok" he got up and it looked like he was going over to Madi...

"Madi.." he said. Madi stood up and smiled at him. I just looked at them, on the verge of tears. "u-um I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back" I quickly got up and ran upstairs to my room.

Noahs POV:

I laughed. We had all planned this before Dixies party that if something like this happened, we would do that. "We got her!" Madi laughed. "Oh yeah" I said.

"Um, WHAT THE FUCK NOAH!?" charli shouted.I forgot she wasn't in on this. "Oh fuck. Char-" she got up and ran upstairs before I could finish talking.

Charli's POV:

I ran upstairs to Dixies room. "Dixie, can I come in?" I asked. "Mhm" she said. I opened the door and saw Dixie on her bed crying. I came up to her and hugged her.

"I'm so sorry" I said. "You don't deserve him." She just cried into my chest. "Do you want me to tell everyone to leave?" I asked softly. She nodded so I went back downstairs.

"Hey guys, sorry but Dixie wants you guys to leave.." I said. Noah came up to me "charli it was just a joke. I wasn't going to-" "I don't care! Fuck off noah" I ran back upstairs to dixie

I hugged her and let her cry into my chest. i comforted her. Told her how beautiful she was and how she deserved to be treated right.

Noahs POV:

"I'm gonna go up there. I fucked up" I said. "Yeah go ahead well wait down here" Blake said.

I went upstairs to Dixies room. I knocked on her door. "Who is it?" I heard charli say. "It's me..Noah. Can I talk to dix?" "No go away. She doesn't want to"

"It's fine char. Just l-let him" I heard Dixie say. "Ok fine. But if he does anything to you I give permission for you to kick him in his dick. Got it?"

Dixie laughed a little "mhm. Come in noah" I came in and then char left. I shut the door and sat on her bed. "Dix, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. It was a joke, I wasn't ever going to kiss Madi. We had it all planned out before you came back.."

Dixie looked up at me. "Still noah. We're fucking dating and your lips were so close" "I'm sorry, I won't do it again"

"You better not." She stood up. "Can I have a kiss?" I asked her. "No. You're not getting cuddles either. I'll make you sleep all the way on the other side of the living room tonight"

"baby! That's not fair!" I laughed and walked up to her. "Yes it is. Now let's go downstairs" she walked out of the room. "But I want a kiss" I poured

She came back "you're a fucking child" she quickly kissed me and left "thank you. I love you" I smiled and followed her out. "I don't" she mumbled, very loudly though.

We made it back downstairs. "Everything good?" Madi asked. "Mhm" I said. "No" Dixie said, sitting down next to Addison.

"Ok, should we continue?" Bryce asked. "No I'm tired and I wanna watch a movie" Dixie added in. "Ok, you pick" Addison said.

Dixies POV:

"Hmm..the notebook!!" I giggled. "Ok then, the notebook it is" Blake laughed.

"Come on girls let's go to the kitchen real quick" I said. The girls agreed and followed me to the kitchen. We got to the island and sat down.

"Dixie, what's on your ring finger?" Avani asked. I looked down at it "oh Noah gave it to me. It's a promise ring"

"A promise that he just broke" Madi said and laughed. I laughed as well. "I agree, but whatever I think it's pretty so I'm going to keep it on either way" I smiled.

"That's my bad bitch." Addison laughed. "Genuine question. Who do you love more..Us, you're best friends, or Noah, you're ex boyfriend or boyfriend whoever he is to you." Amelie asked.

"obviously you guys! You guys are my people. I love you with all my heart. More than anything" is smiled, hugging them all.

Noahs POV:

Fuck that. I gave Dixie, everything. i made her feel loved. I loved her the most..and she chooses her best friends over me.

I can't anymore. I was listening to their whole conversation. I went upstairs to Dixies room and laid on her bed, starting to cry.

Dixies POV:

"Ok! Let's go back out and start the movie!" I said, wading the girls back out. I sat down at my spot. I didn't see Noah so I suspected he was in the bathroom.

10 minutes go by and I still haven't seen him. "Uh, guys do you know where Noah is?" I asked.. "uh yeah he went upstairs somewhere" Blake responded.

"Ok" I got up and went upstairs. I searched everywhere. I went to my room and opened my door to see...



haven't been here in a while. i'm starting to get bored of this book. i'm making a new one that's going on tiktok (btw my TikTok is @/.doahbabes25)

i have chapters made up until like 40 or 41...i can't remember? but idk what to do

anyway have an amazing day/night<3

Word count: 1411

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