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Madison couldn't believe that he asked her to marry him. She never wanted a ring, but she never thought of marriage. She walked over to Edward smiling as she took his hands. Edward looked at her as he smiled. "I don't need a ring or anything special just to be yours." She says. "I love you, Edward and when ever you are ready to turn me will be on your own terms. No rushing."

"I really want to marry you."

"My answer is yes, Edward." She tells him. "I just wanted you to know you don't have to rush."

"I know." Edward says as he kissed her. "I'm lucky to have you and Carrie in my life."

"We're lucky too."
Madison and Edward went straight to Charlie to announce their engagement. Edward noticed they stood outside of the police station and became nervous. "Edward, are you nervous?"

"Yes." He said. "He hates Kayden for how he left Bella and then there is me. Charlie doesn't know what to say about myself because of you and Carrie."

"Madison? Edward? What brings you by?" Charlie asked as he walked over to them.

Madison looked at Edward as he closed his eyes meaning she had to announce it. "We're engaged." She tells him. "I know there is no ring, but I don't care for that as long as I have Edward's love is all I want."

"As long as he takes care of you and Carrie and doesn't leave like his brother did, I'll accept." Charlie tells them.

Edward was surprised with what he had just heard. Charlie accepted him and Madison's engagement making him smile. Madison hugged Charlie as he walked back inside to finish his work. Madison looked at Edward smiling. "Now let's go back to your house and get Carrie ready for a picnic."

"Sounds fun."

The two walked to his car and got in. They just need to think of graduation first and then they can sit down to discuss when they should get married. As long as Carrie is the flower girl, they didn't mind how big or small it will be. Madison couldn't wait to marry Edward and start a life with him. "I love you."

"I love you, Madison."

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