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Materials: Fish-lots of it!

To Tame: Walk towards an ocelot while holding out a fish, then wait for it to approach you and eat it. Tamed ocelots become cats-the only mob that can scare away creepers!


Materials: A bone

To Tame: Simply approach a wolf and feed it a bone. You have a one-in-three chance of taming it. Once tamed, it turns into a dog with a red collar.

Pigs (for touch screen only)

Materials: One carrot (for a million pigs)

To Tame: Walk towards a pig while holding the carrot, then press and hold the pig with it. Simple as that! The easier (and better) way to get a lot of pigs while not walking around is to go to a spot where there are lots of pigs, just hold the carrot, then walk towards your house. Turn around to see the door blocked with a million pigs.


Materials: A saddle

To Tame: Carefully approach the horse and then attempt to ride it. Your patience will be tested but keep at it, bro; your persistence will eventually pay off. Horses are great for covering long distances quickly and safley.

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