A girl?

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Whilst I was being carried by the boy through the forest the chatter from earlier got louder and louder with every step he took, laughter now becoming clear to I get more and more curious "hey kid" -I say kid even though he looks a good few years older then me- he ignores me "HELLOOOO" I said louder knowing forwell he can hear me. He finally lets out a response "be quiet would you we are almost there" he says sounding abit fed up

"What, almost where" I say confused and worried at the same time "ughhh can u just tell me what is going o-" just as I was about to finish my question I was dropped from the boys shoulder almost falling over "thanks for the warning" I say rolling my eyes "your welcome princess" he says cockaly I look at him ready to knock him out "for the last time I said DONT CALL ME THAT!" I say slightly raising my voice at the end of my sentence

"Oooo sounds like we have a feisty one this time boys" I hear a boy with brunette hair say as he emerged from his hut "oh shut up you ass hol-" the boy with brunette hair interrupted me
"A girl ? " he states almost in a mad manner as he looks to the boy to the left of me  "what have u never seen one before" I say pissed at them as they are acting like I'm some sort of alien from space "hey excuse you young lady but that is no way to speak to me or my lost boys" he exclaimed

"Or what!" " and lost boys really this isn't some knock of neverland so tell me what's actually going on right now I demand it" I say straighten myself up and trying to sound as intimidating as I possibly could he lets out a small laugh "your bold aren't you now how did u get in my island"

"I just woke up here okay now tell me what's going on"

"Well I hate to brake it to you darling but this is neverland and oh did I forget go introduce myself" "it's pan, Peter Pan" I burst out laughing "ahaha you don't actually expect me to believe that do you?" I say with tears in my eyes from laughter I looked at the brunette boy he just kept a cold expression "really so you just expect me to think we are in neverland" I state using air quotes around neverland

"Ohhh so you actually believe this how cute"I say and with no warning he shoots towards me and grabs me bye the neck "let...go of...me" I say trying to get my words out "no you need to learn that rude guests are not welcome here ok my island!" I look at him fury in my eyes I grab his wrist and it burns he gasps out and lets go

"Omg I'm so sorry I don't know what happened" I say scared he just looks at me in confusion "you have magic?" He asked "what no I don't have magic no one does" I say thinking I'm stating the obvious "oh really"
Peter says at that moment he makes an apple poof into his hand "what.the.hell" I stay still looking at him he just smirks

"You will be needing this later lock her up" he says staring at me "what no get of me" I say as hand wrap round my arms "what's her name?" Peter asks the boy to the left of me who's name I still do not know "I think it's princess" he says looking at me "NO ITS NOT" "its y/n" I say so mad I could explode "well take her away to the cages boys, have fun princess" Peter says knowing it will get a reaction from me
"You di-" I didn't get enough time to answer before he was gone "it's felix by the way" the boy to my left tells me while he starts to take me away "yeah well for you information felix I don't like you"

Peters girlWhere stories live. Discover now