la'nyja doesn't have much drama in her life. with that being said, what drama could be brought along after a 1 night stand? read the book to find out!
started: july 22, 2021
ended: n/a
"sorry i just miss you" she said with a big smile.
naomi's in college now, while i'm finishing up my senior year. she's the closest thing i have to a sibling, besides my bestfriend so we were always together. the 3 amigas. & when we're apart its hard to not miss each other.
we walked upstairs to my room & sat on my bed.
"so how has college been?" i asked starting up a conversation.
"its been cool, ian fw a lot of ppl there tho. yk my anti ass" she said.
"why nott? college is suppose to be the shit" i told her.
"its rl not even all that, BUT i do know one thing! they're havin a lil party tonight" she said.
"aw party?" i asked.
"hell yeah, i think i wanna go, i needa get outta my anti-phase. ion wanna be lonely all my life now" she said.
"truee, well have fun & show me your outfit b4 you go" i told her.
"you can see for yourself, you comin along w/ me stink" she said with a smile.
"gmfu" i said.
"girllll, you never get out the housee! & if you do its when sb has to drag you! come on, we can even bring keyonna, like old times" she said.
"idk naomi, a college party? what am i even gonna tell my mother? yk fa sho she aint goin for that" i told her.
"lie, it aint that bad" she said.
ian too good w/ lying, my mother always finds a way to see right through me. hate that shit.
"yk what fine, but you have to lie cus yk my history w/ lying" i told her.
"mkay" she said getting up & walking to my moms room.
i quickly followed behind her tryna catch up. she knocked on the door before comin in.
"hey shay, can ny spend the night at my house? i be at college so much i barely get to see her and key & this weekend since im free i wanted us to have a sleepover, is that okay w/ you?" she asked her.
my mom looked between both me & naomi with suspicion.
"& yall gon be at your house the whole time? nowehere else?" she asked.
"yeah, where else would we go? besides like to run errands for my mom & stuff" she told her.
"alright, she can go. be safe please & call me if you need anything" she told me.
"i will, i will" i told her shutting her door with a big grin forming across my face.
idc, yes im 17 & i still gotta ask my mom for permission to go sumwhere, i dnt have a car neither my own house. her house, her rules & if i wanna continue staying here, i'll gladly go by em.
we went to my room so i can pack up my clothes & everything else i needed. after doing so, i texted key to meet us at naomi's house & what we were planning to do.