Chapter 7

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Isaac: We need to talk.

I read the text from Isaac but didn't reply. I don't know how should I face him and I don't know if I want to be with him. I did say we're over but it seems like he still have place in my heart. I've been ignoring him for the for days and he did come to find me. But I just can't.. I don't want to meet him. Yet.

Isaac: Don't ignore me pleasee.

Another text popped up on the notification but I slide it to the right. Glancing over the empty silent living room that used to be lively I took a deep breath and locked the front door. As soon as I turned my back facing the door my vision was filled with familiar figure of my boyfriend, Isaac.

He looked at me worriedly and I tried to walk pass him. He grabbed my arm holding me back from leaving. "Miqaila please.." His voice cracked and he sounded tired as if he didn't get enough sleep. "I miss you. I don't know what to do. So pleasee.." He voice trembles.

"Isaac.." I looked straight at him. His calm profile is in front of me yet it's blurred by the tears that started pooling in my eyes.

"Tell me what to do to save our relationship?" He cuts me off.

"Nothing. What is there to be saved? There's nothing between us at from the beginning." Unable to hold back myself from crying again I bursted into tears again.

"Quit fooling around. I love you Isaac. But it won't work if I'm the only one loving you." I stated breaking into tears. "You can't make any sound if you're clapping with only one hand. Do you get it? It needs two to make it works. If it's only me.. No matter what I did it won't work." Choked sobs left my mouth.

"And it won't work if you kept running away from me. Just this once.. Give me another chance." He grimaced in pain. My heart feels like it's burning. Burning with something I can't describe. "I'm willing to do whatever you want to save our relationship. If I can do it I'll do it. No matter what it takes. Don't leave me." He loosened his grip on my arm and closed the gap between us. Dropping his head at the crook of my neck he sighed.

My body stiffened when he wrapped his arm around my waist not wanting to let me go. "Is there really nothing else I can do?" His faint whispers reached my ear and I shook my head.

"I need some time Isaac."

"I'll wait. Even if it take years I'll wait." His words made me speechless and I bit my lower lips holding more of my tears from falling. I've always heard peoples saying that time will heals everything. If it's true then maybe one day.. I'll be able to accept Isaac back. Maybe he's right. Just another chance to fix our relationship. To start over.

He pulled back and his hands cupped my face. His thumbs lightly wiped away the tears at the edge of my eyes. He leaned down resting his forehead against mine and the tip of our nose brushed against each others. Faint whisper escaped from his mouth, "I'll wait.." It was then followed by something warm pressed against my lips. His lips brushed against mine and the same feelings I felt when we first kiss rose within me. I know he felt it too. I can push him away but how can I ignore the tingling sensation that arise within me? How can I ignore the butterfly that went wild inside my stomach and the knots that formed in it?

It's sweet just like our first kiss. Unconsciously I rested my palm on his chest. Deepening the kiss he tightened his embrace around me and it comforted me more than I expected. When I gasped for air he pulled back, loosened his embrace and slightly back off. A bitter smile plastered on his face and don't have anything to say to him.

"Sorry." I muttered and he look hurted knowing that I'm not ready to be with him again. Even so he did say he'll wait. Turning my back towards him I walked towards the cafe without looking back. Wiping away my tears I bumped towards a tall figure who was standing in front of the cafe. When I looked up it was someone that without me realizing became a familiar face in my life.

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