Rosanna was going with her friend Natalie to a movie red carpet which was Spider man far from home premiere and she met Tom Holland there. And then her life has changed ..........
⚠️spicy parts so if you don't like it just skip it⚠️
I woke up and found Tom still sleeping on my chest, I tried to move without waking him up, and thank God he didn't wake, I went to the bathroom then went back to his room to change. Today is Tom's birthday so it have to be special, I will book us a fancy dinner, so, I must go and buy a new dress so I decided to take Nikki with me and she was okay about it. I walked to the bed to wake Tom, I planted a soft kiss on his forehead as he started to move
"good morning babe" he said with his deep voice
"good morning birthday boy" I said and gave him a soft and quick kiss, he jumped out of bed
"Oh my god it's my birthday!" he said while jumping in his place like a kid, he came up to me and gave me a tight hug "this is the best birthday ever because you're here with me" he gave me a soft kiss on the top of my head
"I'm so happy to have it here with you, darling"
"Hey! that's my word!" he said while laughing as he was trying to get mad but he couldn't
"okay sorry, I'll tell you......... Tommy"
"I like it" he said while changing his clothes, when he finished we went down to them and....
"SURPRISE" they all screamed, there was balloons and the 25 number, and of course I knew about all that, I'm the one who planed it with Nikki and Harry
"Omg guys you scared me!" he said while trying to catch his breath "thank you guys so much" he turned around and looked at me, I was smiling "did you know about all that?" he asked with raised eyebrow
"of course I did I'm the one who planned it" I said with a big smile on my face
"when did you guys do all that?"
"it's a secret" I said in almost whisper while walking toward Nikki
"hey come here" he walked behind me then suddenly he lifted me up and spun me around
"OH MY GOD TOM I'M GONNA BE DIZZY" I said while laughing, Tom putted me back down
"I love you so much Rose you're the best" he said kissing my forehead
"I love you too"
"okay guys let's eat because me and Rose are going to go do some shopping" Nikki said, we all went and ate breakfast quickly because we don't want to be late. I booked at a fancy restaurant at 7 p.m., only for me and Tom as a goodbye date. We finished breakfast, I helped Nikki to clean the dishes and then we headed to the mall, we went into the store and started looking for a good dress, I found two options and I didn't know witch one to pick.
"so Nikki which one do you think is better the black one or the green satin one?" I asked
"I think the black one looks better on you" she said with a smile
"okay, so we will take the black one" I told the girl who worked in the store
"perfect choice ma'am" she said and took the dress from my hands and went to the cashier, we went with her to pay, Nikki held out her card
"no, no don't even think about it" I said taking her card away and giving the girl my card
"hey! I wanted to get to you, it will be my first present to you" she said
"my birthday is in 4 months so you can get me a present then" I giggled and the girl swiped the card and we took the dress. Finally! We went back home after 3 hours of shopping.
"finally guys you're here" Tom said standing up from his seat
"what we didn't take a lot of time" Nikki said and I laughed
"really mom tree hours isn't a lot of time" Tom said crossing his arms
"was it really tree hours?" Nikki asked me and I nodded "it still wasn't that much girls take more time than that"
"yeah we do take more time" I assured Tom, Nikki went upstairs to her room
"anyway why did you even go shopping?"
"because we will go out tonight" I said walking closer to Tom
"just me and you?" he asked looking me in my eyes
"just me and you" I whispered against his lips until he closed the gap between us and kissed me gently
"I don't loke tp interrupt this romantic moments but I came to get some water, sorry" Harry said walking down the stairs which made me and Tom pull away immediately
"really Harry? you had to ruin this moment" Tom looked at him
"sorry guys" he said walking towards the stairs, Tom gave him the finger and he ran upstairs
"so, what time is it?" I asked with lustful eyes
"it's 3:45" Tom said looking at his watch
"okay the reservation I did is at 7p.m. so...." before I could even finish Tom's lips was pressed against mine while carrying me upstairs to his room and we did it. It's now 6 p.m. and we have to get ready for our date I went to the bathroom to do my hair and makeup and then I wore the dress matching it with black heels and a black purse while my make up was simple and my hair is curled.
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I went down stairs and found Tom waiting for me wearing a black button down shirt the sleeves a little and left two button opened to reveal the perfect amount of his skin with a simple black jeans. when he saw me his mouth dropped and then a smile grew on his face.
"see something you like Tommy?" I asked with a smirk on my face
"yeah I do" he answered while walking closer to me, our face were inches apart "you look amazing darling" he wispered against my lips
"you look amazing too" I smiled and closed the gap between us and attached my lips to his, the kiss was soft and passionate, after a couple seconds we pulled away our foreheads stayed together "I love you" I said while my mouth curved into a smile.
"I love you more" he said and planted a quick soft kiss on my lips
"come on Tom we're gonna be late" I laughed as we pulled away
"okay let's go" he said interwinding our hands together, we walked out of the house until we got to his car
"are you going to drive?!" I asked while raising me eyebrows
"yup" he said and opened the car door for me, I thanked him and settled in my place, he started to drive to the location I sent to him earlier, while he is driving his hand rested on my thigh and he started tracing shapes with his thumb on my leg, after a little his hands started making their way to my center I moaned quietly
"eyes on the road Holland" I said moving his hand down a little
"how dare you take my hand off" he said with a fake gasp
"because we're gonna have a crash, when we get home you can do whatever you want" I said with a smirk on my face
"fine" he said, after about five minutes we got to the restaurant, Tom got out of the car and came to me and opened the door, he held his hand out so I can get out, after I got out I thanked him and we entered the restaurant
"welcome, do you have a reservation?" the waitress at the door asked
"yes it's Mr. Holland" I said with a smile
"oh Mr. and Mrs. Holland, this way please" Tom looked at me after what she said while she was leading us toward our table
Tom bent down and whispered at my ears "Mr. and Mrs. Holland huh?"
"I just told her Mr. Holland" I said and he smiled, the waitress laid us to a table beside the window at the amazing view, after we stayed at our place we got our menus
"so what are you going to eat?" Tom asked while looking at me
"I'm gonna get the-"
"Alfredo pasta" he finished the sentence before I could even say anything
I raised my brows at him then continued "without-"
"without mushrooms" he finished the sentence again
"how did you know all that?" I looked at him with a confused look
"I know you too well darling" he said raising his hand at the waiter, while he was giving her our orders I started to think is it a good or bad thing that he know me that good? and even if it's good now will it be good after? and-
"baby are you okay?" Tom cut me off my thoughts
"yeah just lost in my thoughts" I laughed nervously
"is something darling?" he asked with a concerned look on his face
"no love I'm really good" I said with a soft smile
"I love you" he said while holding me hand and kissing the back of it
"I love you more" I said with a smile, we talked for a while and when the food came we ate it still talking, it's one of the best nights in my life, after we finished it was already 11 so, he payed of course didn't let me do it, and then we headed back to the car and started heading back home, when we got there they were all sleeping, we headed to Tom's room to change and get some sleep because tomorrow is my last day with them
"hey Tom can you open the zipper of the dress please?" I asked struggling to open it, he came closer to me and zipped it open but he didn't walk away, he started to kiss my neck going all the way to my shoulders while pushing the dress down until it hit the ground, I stepped out of it and turned around to face Tom, his lips were tucked between his teeth while he was looking down at my half naked body, I walked closer and collided our lips together, my hands running down his chest while unbuttoning his shirt until it revealed his chest, he took it off of his body and started to kiss the way down to my pants line. He looked at me with raised eyebrows asking for permission, I nodded and he hooked his fingers and dragged them all the way down, he lifted me up and started walking toward the bed he started kissing me again, while his hand moving all over my body his hand was close to my area and.... you know what we did after , when we finished we took a shower with no funny business and then we cuddled in bed and we directly fell asleep.
I'm not ready for tomorrow, I'm not ready to leave him, I want to stay like this forever.