In a dark alley in the rain stands a tall young white man with dark hair. Another person arrives with an umbrella.-You should be in bed. Doctors are worried. Go on. Said the latter, extending his hand to the other.
"I… I don't want… not to come back… he spat with blood in his mouth I… I… I DON'T WANT!" He vomited blood.
-Erza is coming, if you want to heal. I'll be in your room. To wait for you. Besides, mom is here. He smiles
"Mum !? I .. I want mum ... I want MY mum !!"
-Yes you will have your mom. Come on, follow me. Mom is over there.
The two young men go to the hospital in the rain. Together.

Give me your love one last time 。。。
FanfictionCette histoire est une adaptation en anglaise. L original est en français mais c est toujours mon idée.