The contract

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"Caliana "

"Caliana "

"Come on girl, bust a move, we are going out!"

I pretended I did not hear her, I just wanted to mope on the sofa maybe have a cat nap, I was not going anywhere, and Leila had rudely interrupted my quiet time, maybe if I kept my eyes closed and pretended to be in a deep peaceful slumber she would go away.

"Caliana, come on girl, move! "

I practiced what I preached and breathed deeply, as if I were in a peaceful slumber, it was not that I was a social recluse, I just could not be bothered with the drama of dressing up and going to a strange place and exchanging pleasantries with strangers I really did not care for.

It had all gone quiet, I smiled deep inside, I could not believe my master plan was working and right when I was secretly gloating, Wham!

A pillow came hurtling at my face, I was partly shocked that my genius plan hadn't worked and partly shocked that a pillow had come hurtling at my face at the speed of light, I squinted my eye at Leila as if I was winking at her, she just stood there bent over in a fit of hysterics, clearly her disturbance of my fake slumber amused her, I waited for the hysterics to be over but she laughed until tears streamed down her face and I pouted at her like a petulant child.

Leila always got like this when she found something funny, it was infectious but I wasn't giving her the satisfaction of having me laugh right with her, I was however curious what her master plan entailed, there was always a master plan that more than likely I would be uncomfortable with, I'd shared an apartment with Leila for a year now, we had been friends since we were kids and when we set off for university the only logical thing we thought we should do was live together, it had its ups and downs but mostly I loved living with my best friend, that is until she came up with ridiculous notions like go out and mingle!

After what seemed like a lifetime Leila finally composed herself and stopped laughing, she threw herself on top of me.

"Come on Leila, get off of me" She laughed at my childish remark.

"Only if you hear me out "

"No way! I am not going on another of your wild adventures "

"Cal come on, please just hear me out, if you hate the idea, I won't bug you "

I scrunched my nose at her and squinted my eyes until there was frown lines.

"promise? "

She made a cross across her heart

"Cross my heart babe "

I looked at her curiously, I didn't fully believe what she was saying, once she had something in her head, she always acted on it unless her plan was diabolical in which case that would explain her obvious niceness over the whole thing.

I moved and sat up on the plush sofa with my legs crossed, the pillow that had just connected with my face moments ago, I hugged into my stomach with my arms wrapped firmly around it, I nodded at Leila to let her know I was ready, she slowly sat next to me, crossing her long shapely tanned legs and brushing her wavy blonde hair out of her face, she smiled.

" Cal, I want you to come out with me tonight " I pursed my lips as if deep in thought.

" Where?" she raised her eyebrows at me,

" Okay but first you have to hear me out "

" Oh no "

" What Cal, what's oh no "

I smirked, like she didn't know what I was on about, like she had to play dumb, this is why our conversations did the rounds before she got to her point because we always played this game of she has no idea what I'm going on about, when in fact she knew exactly what I was talking about but today was different, I was more agitated than usual and I didn't want to play her games.

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