Episode - 5

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Y/n Pov : oh god why I'm feeling nervous??

Jimin : Y/n are you ok ??
Y/n : yeah... I think i am...
Jimin : what's wrong??
Y/n : you know!! It's my first time sitting beside a boy without Huening oppa... Everywhere we go we used to sit together...

Jimin : don't worry I'm not gonna eat you... "Smiles a little"
Y/n : JIMIN!! did you just smiled?? Wow!! You know you're really handsome when you smile... And I'm happy that I'm the reason that you smiled...

Jimin : Y/n.. just focus on your studies...

Jimin Pov : what's wrong with me??

"After Class ends"

Y/n : oppa let's go and eat something I'm hungry...
Kai : I'm not coming you go...
Y/n : no... You're coming with me.. let's go... "Angry pout"
Kai : don't be so cute... Ok let's go..
Guys you wanna come...

Jin : no we're fine..
Kai : ok...
"Kai and Y/n left"

Jin : Jungkook let's go to Jimin...
Jk : ok hyung...

Jimin : oh Jin hyung, how's your work going??
Jin : it's good Jimin.. and I have something to say...
Jimin : what's that hyung...??

Jin : you know you're being less cold with Y/n... you're laughing and being happy around her... You know it's been 2 years since we saw you laughing...

Jimin : oh.. that's nothing hyung...
Jin : i think Y/n is correct for you Jimin...
Jk : yeah Jimin... Jin hyung is right.. you've changed after Y/n came... You remember how you used to talk with Y/n and how you're talking with her now...

Jimin : that's nothing... And I'm not changed no one's gonna change me...
Jin : forget your past Jimin.. that happened 2 years ago.... Forget about her...

Jimin : Shut up Jin hyung... "Left"

Jk : when will he change hyung ??
Jin : he have to understand that not every girl is same...
Jk : do you think Y/n's gonna change him??

Jin : ofcourse she can... Let's just wait and watch Jungkookie....
Jk : i hope so... I want to see him normal again... The old Jimin...

"At Rooftop"

Jimin Pov : am I really changed?? What Jin hyung said is right... But I can't love anyone... I'm not changed..  from now on I have to more cold with Y/n... That's when I can prove Jin hyung and Jungkook that I'm not changed.... Yes...

Kai : hey Y/n I have something to say...
Y/n : com'on say it oppa..
Kai : umm... How's your work with Jimin hyung ??
Y/n : ahh... He is same cold guy.. but a bit better than before... This is what you wanna ask??

Kai : no... Yesterday i... I was at vending machine... And suddenly a girl came and...
Y/n : and... What??
Kai : she said she likes me..
Y/n : what?? OPPA... What'd you said??

Kai : I didn't said anything, she left after she said that...
Y/n : oh... Is she from our class?? Is she beautiful?? What're you thinking about her??

Kai : oh god Y/n... Please stop yor non-stop questions...
Y/n : ok just tell me you like her or not??

Kai : I'm thinking about it...
Y/n : think hard oppa... And all the best...

Kai : hey Y/n... You wanna date a guy??
Y/n : yeah I'm waiting to be in a relationship...
Kai : yeah till now neither of us never dated anyone...

Y/n : yeah oppa I wish we both will have good relationships...

Jk : hey guys what're you talking??
Y/n : Hey kookie oppa!!
Jk : oh god Y/n pls stop calling me kookie oppa...
Jin : why kookie... It's cute...
Y/n : yeah Jin oppa is right...
"Everyone laughs"

Jin : Hey i heard while you guys were talking... That you both never in a relationship...
Kai : yeah...
Jk : ok whatever... We've got an idea about chemical lab let's go...
Kai : ok hyung bye Y/n...

Y/n : bye oppa... I'll leave too...

Y/n Pov : i came straight to library... And started arranging books... I'm standing on a ladder and arranging books ...
I held 5 books with my left hand and arranging other books with my right hand... I think Jimin isn't here yet...
Suddenly a huge book from upper shelve fell on my face... I lost my balance...

Auth : Y/n lost her balance and fell from ladder...

Y/n pov : I didn't fell on the ground... And.. i fell on a guy... My lips were touching his ..... I only see his eyes...

    To Be Continued....

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