You finished cooking dinner and set the plates on the counter. You felt exhausted, and you wanted to get some rest. With the plates done, you decided to wait for Bruno to come home and rest a little. You walked to the couch and laid down on the soft cushions, instantly falling asleep. Inside of your dream, you were lying on a bed of grass. Slowly you sat up and looked around. The grass underneath and around you was dead. The color of the sky was grey like it was going to rain, and the atmosphere seemed gloomy. In front of you was a house that you wished you hadn't recognized.
" No. . ."
The house was the same house that Ji-Young raped you and claimed it was your place of peace. But there were a few differences since the last time you visited. The windows were broken, the front door was gone, and vines were all over the house and entering through the window. You stood up from the ground and slowly walked towards the building. You climbed the front stairs and entered the house, looking around. It seemed like a tornado came and blew the windows through. Glass was everywhere on the floor, and the green vines were crawling everywhere. The kitchen was disheveled, and everything was on the ground and broken. The cabinets were thrown open, and some were even missing. Inside the living room, the bookshelves were torn apart, and papers were littering the floor. The coffee table was smashed into pieces, and the couch was in shreds with stuffing lying on the floor.
' What happened here? '
You decided to check upstairs to see the condition it was in. The handrail was still here, but pieces were missing. When you reached the second floor, you could spot holes in the floor. Inside the bathroom, there was water littering the floor and walls. The sink was gone, and the toilet was smashed to pieces. You walked into one of the rooms, and the bed was slightly moved from its original position, the dresser had fallen on top of the bed, and everything was demolished. When you walked into the hall, you went back down the stairs. Unfortunately, the hole in the floor was in front of the master bedroom, so you couldn't go in there and look inside.
As you walked down the stairs, you glanced through the window that showed the backyard. The grass was dead out there too. But strangely, there was a red glow coming from a small spot outside. You finished walking down the disheveled stairs and went through the backdoor. There was no water running down the fountain, and there was no water even sitting on the floor of it. Instead, there was a figure sitting on the edge of the fountain. Their back was facing you, and he was sitting on the farthest side of the fountain. The red glow was coming from in front of him on the floor.
You walked closer, and the man didn't react. He was slumped over and rested his elbows on his knees. His hair was black and long to the point it stretched to his lower back. His skin looked pale, almost dead. He wasn't moving, and in front of him, there was a red rose that stood out of the ground on the grass. It was glowing red, and it was completely healthy and in bloom. You looked at his face but quickly realized there was a mask hiding his facial features. The mask was grey, and there were red vertical ovals representing eyes. There was no nose on the mask and where the smile should be was a wicked grin. One that was jagged and reminded you of a Halloween jack o lantern. The grin was red, and there were no details about it as it sat on the mask.
" Hello? "
The man didn't respond and remained slumped on the fountain and looking at the flower. You stood in front of the flower to get his attention, but he still didn't move. His clothing was black with no colors. His pants were black ripped jeans with fancy shoes on his feet. A red ribbon stretched around his hips and tied in a knot on his side through the belt loops. He wore a silk black shirt that was loosely tucked into his pants. The shirt sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and a few buttons were loose from the top. Then on his right-hand ring finger, there was a ring. The band was silver, but you could spot purple jewels decorating the band randomly.
" Excuse me? "
The man tilted his head up at you, but all you could see was the expression on the mask. Your vision started to get hazy, and you knew that you were waking up. His tilted face just looked up at you, and his hand rose to the mask. And he gently slid his thumb underneath the mask and lifted it a little. All you could see of the man before waking up was his mouth. His lips weren't smiling as his mask showed, and instead, he was frowning. When you slowly opened your eyes, Jin was sitting on the couch, and his hand was on your shoulder. He was gently shaking you.
" Hey, sleepyhead. You didn't eat dinner. "
" I wanted to wait for you. "
" Silly, you should have eaten without me. Let's go warm it up and then get you ready to sleep. "
You slowly got up from the couch and joined Bruno in the kitchen. Bruno placed the plates in the microwave and heated the food. You sat down, waiting for the plate to be set in front of you, and when it was, you started eating peacefully.
" I've got a surprise for you. "
" What is it? "
" I bought some bathbombs, a face mask that you paint on your face, scented candles, and some other things. I thought you could get a bubble bath with the bathbomb and wear a face mask. I thought it would help you relax. "
" Why did you get all of that? You didn't have to. "
" Well, I thought I would try and help you relax. I know that after having that dream it starled you and you've been very jumpy lately. So, I think you deserve to relax a little bit. I researched what things I should get and I went to buy them. That's why I'm late coming home. "
" Well, thank you Bruno. You really shouldn't have. "
" I wanted to. Again you deserve to relax and if I'm going to be your boyfriend I want to be able to take care of you. I want to be able to make you comfortable and relax. "
" One date and you're already saying your my boyfriend. "
" I-I mean. . .I want to be but I also know that it's best to take it slow. . .finish up. I'll go get your bubble bath ready. "
Bruno stood from the island and walked upstairs to start your bath. When you were finished eating, you walked up the stairs and grabbed some clothes to wear once you got out of the bath. Then, you knocked on the door, and Bruno opened it, showing his face through the crack of the door.
" Ready? "
You nodded, and Bruno opened the door wider. Inside, the lights were dim, and the candles were lit, allowing your favorite scent to fill the room. There was a little steam rising from the water and through the bubbles. Bruno held up the face mask he would put on your face, and you nodded. You pulled your hair back and secured it so no strands would fall in front of your face.
" I can do it you know. "
" You sure? Again, I just want to make sure you're relaxed. "
" I can. Now get out so I can get in the water. "
Bruno nodded and left the room, leaving the rub on face mask. You stripped yourself of your clothes and applied the face mask on your face. You slipped into the water, and you could feel how smooth the water felt, meaning that the bath bomb had already fully dissolved in the water. Your back slowly started to lose tension, and you relaxed in the water. After soaking for a while, you got out and changed into some comfortable clothes for the night. You wiped the face mask off and opened the drain in the tub. You left the bathroom and went into your room. On top of your bed was a bouquet that was freshly grown. You walked towards them and picked up the flowers. You set them on the table beside you deciding to put them in the water in the morning. You felt even more tired now, and you mentally thanked Bruno. You pulled the covers up and laid your head on the pillow, getting comfortable. When you closed your eyes, you swiftly went to sleep entering another dream.

The Land of Dreams Book 2 (Yandere Dream Demon x Reader)
General FictionIt's been four years since Bruno and Y/n defeated Ji-Young and everything is at peace. Y/n is a college student and Bruno is still working in the field as a detective. Nothing seems wrong until someone dies in class like the high schoolers from long...