chapter five

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◇Nick's pov◇

June just told us about her bio parents, they really did not treat her right, i don't know what that man thought he was doing, but that was abuse, she told us about, for her her real parents now.
There names are Milla and James Lopez, they sound like lovely parents, only very busy, mrs. Lopez is the mayor af course.
June is our little baby now and my beautiful girlfriend and i won't let anyone hurt her!

"N-nick...?" She asks shy, still with tears in her eyes. I wipe the tears away and smile at her.

"Yes, princess?" I say to her, she looks down at the floor and speaks up.

"May i please have my phone.....?" She asks, well it was more a wisper, but i shake my head.

"June, you know you're not getting it back. We are keeping it until friday, okay baby?" I say to her. Today it's monday and i hope she isn't so addicted to her phone like Lexy is, otherwise it while be a hell of a week.

"But i need to call someone really quick, can i do it with your phone then....please Nick....?" She asks and i look at Alex and she nods.

"Okay, sweet girl, you can call with my phone, what's the number?" I ask and she tells me the number, i give her my phone and she walk to the bathroom.

♡June's pov♡

I walk to the bathroom and lock the door, i stand against the door and slide down. I look at the phone and no one answers. I call again and after three bleeps someone answers.

"Hello, who is this?" A women asks.

"Aunty Ary....?" I say, i trying not to break down in tears.

"June? June what's going on? why aren't you calling me with your own phone? Did something happen? Did your parents do somethingto you?!" She asks with a angry and worried voice.

"No aunty Ary......i..." i can't get a word out of my month anymore and i just cry, really hard and drop the phone on the flufy carpet in the bathroom.

"June, where are you huney? i'm come to you, just tell me where you are?" She asks and i tell her without picking the phone up from the ground. She hangs up and i stand up and look in the mirror, i sit down again on the floor with my head against the wall.

"June? June open the door, sweetheart!" I hear Alex yell and she tries to open the door.

"June, open the door, now! I swear to God if you don't......" i hear Nick say, but don't listen anymore and get a flashback.


"JUNE!! YOU BITCH, OPEN THE GOD DAME DOOR RIGHT NOW" my bio dad yells from the hallway.

My bio dad and i had an argument and he hit me to the ground, i runned away to my bathroom and lockt the door. My bio dad is yelling at me and i'm crying with my head in my hands.

"JUNE!! OPEN THE DOOR, NOW!! I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU DON'T OPEN IT RIGHT NOW, YOU'RE ASS WHILE BE PURPLE!!!" my bio dad yells again from the hall way.

~~end of flashback~~

"June baby, calm down, i'm hear now" i hear a women say. I open my eyes and see i'm on my aunty Ary's lab in the living room of my new dorm. I couldn't call mama and dad, they would have been really worried and take me home, I didn't want that yet, I miss them, but no wanna go home yet.

I look at Ary and start to cry, again. Lexy gets scared and Ariana takes her out of the dorm. Nick walks to the kitchen with Alex.

"Hey, shhhh, you're okay, lovely, i'm here." She says and rocks me back and fort

"Hush, little baby, don’t you cry; mama’s going to sing you a lullaby.
Hush little baby don’t say a word; mama’s going to buy you a mockingbird.
If that mockingbird won’t sing, mama’s going to buy you a golden ring.
If that golden ring turns to brass, mama’s going to buy you a looking glass.
If that glass begins to crack, mama's going to buy you a jumping jack.
If that jumping jack is broke, mama’s going to buy you a velvet cloak.
If that velvet cloth is coarse, mama’s going to buy you a rocking horse.
If that rocking horse won’t rock, mama’s going to buy you a cuckoo clock.
If that cuckoo clock won’t tick, mama’s going to buy you a walking stick.
If that walking stick falls down, you’ll still be the sweetest little baby in town!" She sings, i slowly calm down, Mama always sings that to me.

"Here this while help too." I here Nick say. I don't look at what he gaves to Aunty Ary, she takes me on her lab like a baby and i can see that she is holding a bottle, i don't have the energie to fight it so i just open my mouth and she put the bottle in and i just drink it slowly.

After a while i fall asleep in her arms.

982 words

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