Where I Belong

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Brayden's POV
For once since the fight, I see a smiling, happy, girl. I see the beautiful girl that I love with all my heart, I see the girl who I fell in love with on Twitter. Maya was walking back to her apartment as I was getting in my car. "Wait! May!" I yelled and she turned around. "Yes May is here." She said while laughing as she ran over to me. "Maya... you're beautiful." I said before I could stop myself. She blushed and so did. "Goodnight Brayden," she said as her eyes glistened in the light. She walked away as I hollered, "Night Maya, night."
<time skip>
Maya's POV
I woke up to the sound of a text message from Brayden,
Brayden <3 xoxo:
good morning sweetie xxx
I blushed as I checked the time: 9 am. Oops... I decided to respond by saying,
morning xoxo um brayden? may I just ask... what are we now?
I anxiously waited until he finally said,
Brayden <3 xoxo:
well what do you want us to be? :3
Wow I kinda walked right into that one... So I typed,
you sly dog
Man this guy takes a long time to type.
Brayden <3 xoxo
haha I'll leave your question unanswered ;3 wanna go to starbucks at 7? <3
Guess he enjoyed the first date.. I mentally squealed again, even though no one would care if I did it out loud. I keep forgetting I'm always home alone... So I typed,
okay :3 see ya then, brayers <3
Wow Brayers.. I'm good at nicknames..
Brayden <3 xoxo
brayers and may <3 ttyl I got volleyball practice :3 bye love xx
I pinched myself but I was awake... I think I'm living the dream.. Semi-dating my favorite YouTuber.. yeah. <3 I felt my heart flutter, but then the thought of that blonde-headed brat and Brayden kissing got in my head, so I shoved it aside. I shoved aside the thought and I grabbed some breakfast from the cupboard. "Now what can I do till 7...."
<time skip>
I checked the clock: 6:50 pm. I put Twitter down and reapplied my coat of lipgloss. "Legoooo!" I said to myself as I hopped out my door. I ran down the stairs to the parking lot, ready but also nervous. I was going to ask him about what we are now... I started the engine. I turned on the radio and a familiar song came on. "I wish that I could wake up wish amnesia, and forget about the stupid little things.." I sang as I remembered that this was the song I sang to when we met. I then pulled into Starbucks ready to see the cow again. I parked and ran out to see Brayden waiting for me. Once he spotted me his face lit up and I ran to hug him. "Brayers!" I yelled as I ran into his arms. "May!" He said as I smiled. "Let's go in, shall we?" He said. "Let's be professional, shall we?" I said as he laughed. We linked arms and heard into Starbucks. "What can I get this cute couple today?" The lady at the cash register asked. "Actually we're not-" "Thanks!" Brayden said while smiling as I got interrupted. "I'll have a cotton candy frappé please." I said politely as Brayden gave me the -you're such a white girl why do I hang out with you- look. I just smiled and stuck out my tongue at him. He did the same, then ordered because we were probably driving the lady insane. "Okay I'll be right back with those!" She said, still smiling. "Huh, she didn't ask for our names.." I said to Brayden while he just shrugged. "Here you go!" She said, handing us our drinks as we both payed. "Thanks!" We said as we took a seat at our table. "Awwww!" I said as I blushed like crazy. "What..?" Brayden said as he smirked. "My cup says: to the cutest couple ever <3" I said as he looked at his. "Mine says the same!" He said while blushing. "Brayden.. why do you like me?" I said out of nowhere, wondering what he would say. "Hmm that's a no-brainer. I like your smile, I like you personality, I like your eyes, I like your everything Maya." He said while smiling sheepishly. I blushed while we stared at each other. "You know you're pretty romantic for a cow.." I said with a chuckle as he smiled and laughed. "Maya, will you be my girlfriend?" Brayden asked with a twinkle in his eye. "I would be honored." I said as we took a sip of drinks. He took a picture of our cups and tweeted it on Twitter. All the replies we like, "awww!" or "who's the girl?!?" I saw one that said, "Brayden got a girl, well that's surprising!" I showed it to Brayden and said, "true, so true." He shoved my playfully and I laughed as I went back looking at amazing comments. Some said, "aww I bet it's that Maya girl <3" I smiled at Brayden and he smiled back while I thought to myself,
This is were I'm meant to be.

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