💫 One night....🌙

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Only cries could be heard as the broken alcohol bottle was thrown onto the child...

"If it wasn't for you, you little wretch, she'd be alive!" The guy you used to call father screamed through his drunk mouth.

"P-papa please s-stop!" You screamed through the tears and blood. You were only six. How could a child bear all of that in such an early age?

Your mother had died a month ago in a car accident while coming to take you from kindergarten.

Since then, your father had dropped you out of kindergarten. And that's when the abuse started.

Every day, he'd blame you and beat you up, leaving you screaming and bleeding for dear life. It's a miracle you were still alive after all of that. After the beating was done, your father had left you where you were in the living room and stormed off to his room, muttering nonsense in his drunken state.

You tried to stand up, but your little legs had given up on you, so you had fallen down again back on the ground where glass pieces were. The sharp shards engraved themselves in your little knees and skin.

"Ouch! Why does papa hurt me? That's right... He says I killed mommy... But I didn't kill mommy!"

You cried and whimpered through the pain, hands covering your teary eyes. You were fatigued from everything. You hadn't eaten in a week or so, and you were thirsty. You would usually take a glass of tap water when your father was out at work or knocked out from the alcohol, but this time, you were never able to find food in the fridge, and the tap water wouldn't come out.

'I'm too hungry... Papa is sleeping. Maybe I could go out and get some food like I used to do with mommy! I know, I should go to the store on the end of the street! It's papa's favorite.'

As soon as you thought that, your mind cleared up. The tears slowly dried and your flushed cheeks slowly calmed. You started to try to stand, which had proven successful. You went to your room and took out some tweezers your mom had. The tweezers were taken from your parents' bedroom, not long before your mother died.

She had taught you in the past how to use a first aid kit, so that's what you did. You removed the glass and started to patch yourself up. It was painful, but you managed.

You took out a pair of clean clothes and started to undress yourself. Then, you started to wear the pair of cloth.

After you wore them, some blood started to seep from your bandages on to the clothes you had on, but you didn't mind it though. And soon you were off to the street...

**✿❀ ❀✿**

Walking down the dark street, you estimated it to be around 2 am or something. You began feeling a cold breeze on your skin, making you shiver.

'Brrr... M-maybe going down here w-wasn't a good i-idea.. '

As you thought, the weather only got colder. For your dismay, it started snowing. It wasn't much, but enough to make your little body almost completely covered.

"C-c-cold... I w-wanna go home. Achoo!"

You heard footsteps coming your way. To your luck, the footprints you had left behind contained a hint of red from the blood.


"What the- hey kid, what are you doing out here at this hour? Where are your parents?!" A black haired man, who wore some yellow goggles and had a tired voice, asked.

"O-oh, I was getting something for papa! He's in a bad mood so I wanted to cheer him up!" You told him in an innocent voice, hopefully convincing him you're okay.

"Then where did this blood come from?" He asked as he bent down to be at your level.

"Oh, from me, I think! Papa was in a really bad mood, so he hit me! That's why I'm bleeding." After you said that the man was speechless. How could you say that without any pain in your voice?

"Hey kid, do you mind coming with me for a sec? We need to get those wounds healed before they get infected, okay?" The man told you with worry in his voice.

"O-okay, but mommy told me not to go with strangers..." You said as you backed away a bit.

"Don't worry kid, I'm a hero, see. My name is pro hero Eraserhead. I'll take you to a hospital to get you checked, alright? And maybe on the way you can tell me more about your parents."

He told you with a smile and reached his hand out. You didn't know why, but you trusted him. Something about the way he talked called out for comfort. So you took his hand, and he carried you in his arms. He proceeded to call someone on the phone while running in mid pace.

❃.✮:▹ ◃:✮.❃

As you both got to the hospital, some nurses came and took you from the hero. On the way, the hero, who you'd found out his name was Shota Aizawa, had asked you some questions about your family and where you live. Of course as the innocent child you are, you told him everything. He was shocked at first but his expression didn't last much.

After the nurses got you in a room they started to undress you, they were all shocked from all the scars and sloppy bandages that were on you. They quickly called the doctor and Aizawa back in the room. They were also shocked and the doctor immediatly asked for an x-ray scan to take place.

As the nurses left to make the room ready, it was only you and Aizawa ,who was calling someone on the phone, left in the room.

"Mr. Eraser, what is an x-ray ?" You asked.

"Hold on a sec Hizashi, an x-ray kid is something to check if you have any broken bones in you, don't worry it won't hurt you. Ya I'm back Hizashi, so as I was saying do you think you can get her to come.. "

As eraser continued to speak on the phone, you started to get sleepy. He must have noticed since he hung up the phone and headed straight to you.

"Hey kid don't sleep now ok, just a bit longer and then you'll be able to sleep." He told you

"But I'm sleepy... Can we do the x-ray tomorrow Mr eraser." You said in a droopey voice.

"Don't worry kid. It'll only take a few minutes and someone who's going to heal you will be here shortly so can you at least stay awake for just a little while longer, I'll get you a candy if you do!"

He told you trying to wake you up.

With the mention of candy you had become wide awake, of course you had a sweet tooth for candy, who didn't?

"We'll get candy! I'll stay wide awake then!" You said excitedly.

Aizawa was glad he was able to keep you awake for a while longer, but what he didn't like is that he'll waste time getting candy from a store. That's why he'll improvise from a 'friend'.

*+:。.。 。.。:+*

After the x-ray, you were sent back to a room where eraser was waiting for you with a bunch of people.

One person had yellow hair shaped as a spike who had a... Rat? No mouse, on his shoulder. For you that looked cute. And there was a lady in a skintight suit?... Which reveled too much... But you didn't mind it.

And there was an old lady who looked nice looking right at you.

"Mr eraser who are these? Are they your friends?!"

You said to eraser trying to whisper it as much as possible, but of course the others heard you and the yellow haired guy snickered.

"Yes they're my friends kid, could you tell them your name?" He asked..

"Sure! Hi my name is (Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you!" You said cutely, they all awed in response to your little voice.

"Awww Shota you didn't tell us she was this cute!!!" The blonde man exclaimed too loud for your little ears, so you had to cover them.

Everyone noticed and sent mic a death glare

"S-sorry!" He said but this time he was in a lower and more normal voice.

"Anyways, (Y/N), that is mic and the person on his shoulder is principal Nezu. And over there that's midnight and recovery girl." Aizawa said introducing everyone.

"It's a pleasure to meet you miss (Y/N), how are you now? Does anything hurt?" The guy named nezu got down from mic's back and sat next to you on the bed while asking you.

"It only stings a bit. But the nurses healed all of my wounds! So most of them don't hurt anymore thanks to them and Mr eraser!" You said enthusiastically to him.

But something was bothering you, under the bandages, where your wings were. The were bandaged very well to the point it bothered you.

"Um.. Mr eraser... Can I take of the bandages on my back... They hurt.." You said with a little frown. They all felt bad but they knew they can't do that until recovery girl healed you.

"I'll take them off when recovery girl heals you. Don't worry, it'll only take a second." He told you with a reassuring smile.

Then the nice old lady, recovery girl, came close to you.

"Hey dear, don't worry. Eraser told me everything and don't worry you won't get hurt anymore ,and we'll make sure of that. Now can you stay still so I can heal you?" She said.

You nodded your head and soon she started planting kisses on you and you could feel yourself getting healed but more tired by the second.

After she was done, you were smiling brightly because there was no more pain.

"I'm all healed! Thank you Ms recovery girl! Can I remove my bandages now Mr eraser!" You said with a smile, again they all awed at your smile while only thinking one thing.

'We must protect that precious smile!"

Word count:1663

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