Chapter 1: Down The Rabbit Hole - Part One

Start from the beginning

You go through the cabinets in search of a cereal box. As you search, you respond to Siri to keep the conversation going.

"They shouldn't have published it since the beginning then."

[???] "Reasonable, however; it seems as if they wanted to share their work. The writer, proud of their writings, published it under the name of a Y/N fanfic."

Something came into your mind, and you paused. You turned to your side and stared at Siri's chatbox as if it was its face.

"Why's that? They should've written Y/N as them instead. Publishing it as Y/N fanfic is misleading."

[???] "Indeed, I'm not sure why they haven't thought of that."


You went silent as you contemplated. Why did the writer publish their writing as a Y/N fanfic when it's clearly about their fantasies? Siri knows they based Y/N off of them; how much does Siri know of the writer exactly?

Siri noticed your silence, and the chatbox's three dots started bouncing, meaning they were about to talk, but the bouncing stopped as they were interrupted.

"Maybe they're ashamed to write Y/N as them in fear of getting hate for their fantasies?"

[???] "..."


[???] "Hey, you're actually smart!"

...Did Siri just-

"Was that a compliment?"

[???] "Yes, I mean it!"

Siri, that's backhanded!

Before you could say anything, however, the front door opened with a bang, and the sounds of grocery bags rustling could be heard. It startled you, and you instinctively turned around.

"Oh dear, I shouldn't have slammed it." The voice of a middle-aged woman spoke. Her shadow cast down the hall. By the sounds and visuals, you could tell she was holding onto large bags of groceries.

[???] "Ah, your mother's here!"

"My mother? You mean Y/N's mother?"

[???] "Oh yeah, right."

"Y/N, I'm home! Can you please help me with the groceries?"

[???] "Come on, play the role. This is your first test!"

You tip-toed towards the front door as you raised your voice to call out, "Welcome home."

At the door, Y/N's mother stood. Her arms looked frail as they held onto the grocery bags.

Her black eyes widened slightly to your call. She wasn't expecting you to come straight away, it seems. "Oh, you're up early today. Are you hungry? Help me unpack these bags; I'll make you something to eat." She said, her voice was soft. You found it relaxing to listen to.

You nodded and helped her with the bags. Walking towards the kitchen island counter, she asked, "When did you wake up today?"

"9 AM," A simple answer.

"That's an hour earlier than usual. Y/N, why don't you fix your habit of waking up late? Your mother is worried about your health. Tomorrow is your first day of school; you wouldn't want to sleep in class now, would you?"

She asked with care as she was genuinely worried that her child's sleeping schedule will make them fall behind their classmates. She looked tired; there were dark circles under her eyes.

What a caring mother, you thought. At least Y/N doesn't have an abusive mother, as that wouldn't be fun to deal with. As you help her unpack the groceries, she goes on to talk about the neighborhood.

You take your time adjusting to her as she talks. She doesn't seem to mind that you're not talking; it looks like she's used to having one-way conversations.

The things you unpacked consist of regular household items people would buy; dish soap, cleaning sponges, shampoo, shower gels, butter, margarine, eggs, milk, heavy cream, flour, cheese, pasta noodles, parsley, and more. You looked at the ingredients and thought of something you could eat.

"Mom, can you make me alfredo pasta?"

Again, she widened her eyes as you spoke. Deep down, you started feeling anxious as an "Am I out of character?" came to your head. Siri sensed your concern and reassured you, "Don't worry, any OOC will go unnoticed no matter how obvious it is!" which made you slightly sigh in your heart.

Then why is she surprised? Is it because of my request? Actually, does Y/N even interact with her mother at all?

You were pulled out of your thoughts as Y/N's mother smiled at you; she seemed happy but also anxious? She looks relieved...? Right now, this woman emits an air of loneliness. What happened between her and Y/N?

"Of course," she broke the silence between you two. She went to the cabinets and pulled out a pot and a pan. Filling it with water and turning on the stove, she prepares the ingredients as said water boils. "You can wait upstairs; I'll call you when it's done."

You quickly nodded as you turn back to head towards the stairs; as you walked upstairs, you did not notice Y/N's mother tearing up with a smile; the smile of a mother's joy and relief.

Author's Note: I'm sorry for this chapter being so short! Please don't come for my head

(*_ _)人

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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