Chapter 3

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I file into class and slump down in my seat. My eyes feel heavy as I didn't sleep too well last night, with any luck I'll be able to nap in class. The rest of the class starts to file in noisily talking as they take their seats. I lay my head on my arms glancing over at his empty desk and let out a sigh. Aizawa walks in and stands in front of everyone, clearing his throat.

"Right first things first, an old friend contacted me. He works at a public school in Australia. He says there is a kid there that could benefit from our school, this class to be specific. I am going to go there and check if this kid has what it takes. Todoroki, Bakugo, you two are coming with me. I need my two strongest to test the kid. We leave in an hour, everyone else you have the rest of today off." He says as he sits at his desk sighing.

"What about the memorial next week?" Round face shouts out.

"Don't worry we should be back by Monday at the latest. Boys, don't forget your hero costumes and meet me outside your dorms." Aizawa says, looking at us.

I quickly change into a pair of combat shorts and my favorite black tank top with a faded skull on it. It's supposed to be scorching in Australia right now. I throw some clothes into a duffle bag and slide my phone into my pocket and attach my earphones. Hopefully, I can sleep on the plane if half 'n' half doesn't talk too much.

I grab my case with my costume and sling my bag over my shoulder as I head to the common room. I see Kiri, Denki, Mina, Momo and Jiro. I slump onto the sofa next to them yawning.

"How are you tired when you are first in bed?" Mina laughs at me. I glance at Kiri and he gives me a knowing look. He is the only one I have told about my nightmares. They're always the same. I'm stuck in an endless blackness, all I can hear is Izuku screaming. But I can never find him. I laugh it off with them.

"You ready Bakugo?" Half 'n' Half says behind me. I sigh and grab my bags. I wave to everyone and trudge behind him yawning again. Aizawa is waiting for us, I slide in the back and shut my eyes as soon as we start moving.

"Hey sleeping beauty, if I'm awake you're awake." Aizawa laughs at me as I pry my eyes open. I grumble as I pull myself out of the car. Half 'n' Half looks at me shaking his head. I'm too tired to fight back so I just fall in line with them as we make our way through the airport.

"What is this kid like?" Half 'n' Half asks Aizawa.

"No idea, all I know is he is around your age, and Charlie is impressed by him. It takes a lot to get him this motivated." Aizawa says as he hands us our tickets.

"We have 15 minutes until boarding if there is anything you want to buy before we go," Aizawa says as he sits down, yawning. I slump in the seat next to him but Half 'n' Half walks off to the shop.

"Are you still having nightmares?" He looks at me out of the corner of his eyes. I smile at him weakly.

"Yeah, it's worse at this time of year though. I'll be fine, just need one good sleep." I sigh.

Not long later we are called to wait at our gate. I manage to nab the window seat, I shove my earphones into the plane's socket and flicked on the onboard movie falling asleep before we had even cleared Japan.

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