He pounded and punched, screamed and shouted, desperately wishing this was just a nightmare. Desperate for his loving husband to hear him. He fell onto his knees after what seemed like an eternity, knuckles bleeding, scraped, and just starting to turn white and his voice sore.
"Tsumu, please hear me... I love you."
"Unfortunately this is just a viewing dimension.. But I think I might know how to get you back to your time." (Y/N) said.
"HOW?! Sorry, I didn't mean to shout. How, please I'm begging you, tell me. I'll do anything." He replied.
"Well, the only way I can think of is you re-living the 3 years. That means that you'd have to meet him, and fall in love with him all over again. Meaning, you'd have to stay in this dimension for the next three years, but don't worry. One year is one day in your world. So really this would take about 3 days. But first, walk me through how you 2 met." (Y/N) replied.
"Okay. We bumped into each other at an event. The Sendai frogs vs Schwieden Alders. We bumped into each other after, and he commented on the shirt I was wearing that day. It was a shirt that my friend got me, a snake shirt. We talked and talked about just random things. I normally can't keep a conversation to save my life, but it was different with him. I felt... comfortable talking around him. We had talked so much that I wasn't even paying attention to the time. It was getting dark when we noticed, so he offered to walk me home. When I got home, he said that he played volleyball and if I was interested, to come around sometime. He gave me his number and the location of where he'd be practicing." He said, feeling a bit of warmth inside from re-calling the greatest day of his life.
"Okay, then how long was it after you 2 met that you started dating?" (Y/N) asked.
"Um about a month. He's a very smooth talker and I could tell by the look of surprise on his face that day that he didn't even know he did that. He was flirting with me. I caught on almost immediately. At first, I didn't really think our relationship would get far. I mean we only knew each other for a month." He replied.
"Okay, so go to the place he's practicing at tomorrow. We'll go from there. Understand?" (Y/N) said.
He nodded, this was going to take a while.

Never Met..: A sakuatsu fanfic
Fanfiction"Honestly, it'd be better if we had just never met." (I don't own the characters, nor the photo. The plot is 100% mine.)