Chapter 9~ Challenge

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  I am uncertain if it's just me, or the whole damn situation. But I've had more than enough of this bullshit. I can't take any more of Kareem, and his possessiveness. I am NOT his property! Starting to feel smothered by the man before me. Kareem stood with his eyes boring into mine, I could tell he was daring me. His eyes widened, at the same time I felt strength building up within me. I suppose, you could say it was fear because the unexpected happened next.

  Something inside me just exploded. Not only did it detonate from inside, but it burst through me. Sending him flying into the other side of the door frame. I was shocked and surprised, and completely confused as to what was happening. But I didn't let that stop me, no… I feel good… Fantastic.

 This urge to pick him up, in the same manner he just did to me sparked more fuel to the insane fire that was currently burning. Kareem sat against the frame, still wide-eyed and staring me down. Can't say I don't blame him, if I was in his shoes… I'd be the same way. But I don't have time for that now… No… Right now, I need to show him, that I accept his dare.

 I wrapped my fist around his neck, and lifted Kareem until he was eye level with me. “You don't own me, let's make that very fucking clear here and now!! Touch me again, without asking, and I'll make you beg me to stop ripping your limbs off one by one,” I said with a growl that came from deep, and I mean DEEP inside my chest.  Where the hell that came from, or how I was able to even make that kind of sound was a mystery. Was that even my voice? The fuck is wrong with me? Whatever it was, It snapped me back to reality, causing me to let go of Kareem and let him drop to the floor.

 My whole world went fuzzy, followed by sharp electrifying pains in my lower back. Before my body went limp and began to fall. Last image I saw, was him catching me right as I was about to hit the ground, and the darkness consumed me. Almost as if I just fell into a black hole.


 After meeting Katherine weeks ago at Luigi's. I knew that she was still my mate. Regardless of what my father told me years ago. What's bothering me though is, I can't sense her wolf. I should be able to detect her wolf, and yet again nothing.  I felt the sparks when we kissed, the undeniable heat and I know she did as well. If she were human, there'd be none of that.

 It's not uncommon, to have wolves mixing with humans. Most the time, it's rouge wolves or those who don't wish to be in packs. But to be mated to a human, that never happens. So, what is she then? I need to discuss this with the one person I can trust more than anyone, my Beta Sovereign. Using the link, I reached out to him and told him to meet me in my secret den.

  There's only one person who knows of the location and that's Sov. “ Hey, what's up?” Sov asked as he came through the opening of the tunnel and sat down on the lounge chair in the den.  He was already aware of the encounter with Katherine years ago, and the fire when we were in school. Hell, he's the only one who was able to pry me off my father before I could deliver the fatal slash and watch as he took his last breath. As much as my father would have deserved to have his life ended, I didn't get the chance, and I thanked him for that.

 " Any updates on the research I asked for?” I asked him. “ Unfortunately, no. I need to meet her Kareem. Maybe we can ask the doctor to run some test in private. Possibly get a blood sample from Katherine, see where it leads us.” He spoke. All I could do was pace in front of him, as I argued with my wolf on the idea.
  “ Look, as your Beta and best friend. You should know, wolves in this pack are getting agitated. You've been Alpha for 5 years now, and they still don't have their Luna. There are rumors that you're incapable of being Alpha. If we don't figure your mate out soon, someone will try to challenge you for the title. Without her, you're not as strong as you'd need to be if another Alpha was to challenge you for this pack. “ Sov explained his concern.

 “I'm on it, and I'm aware thank you for the help. What would I do without my right-hand man?” I laughed as I patted Sov on the back. “Get some rest, it'll all work out. I'm going to go talk to her, call me if you happen to find out anything. “ With that we exited my Den.

  I went to her work, her house, and even drove around her neighborhood to only find she wasn't anywhere. I mind linked the wolf that I put in charge of watching her, while I'm away. He informed me that Katherine was at the grocery store shopping.  I gave my driver her location and got lost in thoughts of what all she'd be buying, what was she wearing, and mostly lost in the image of my mate. For once in my life, I don't have all the answers, I'm unaware of how I should approach her. We're mates, and it should come naturally, but with her, it's like walking on eggshells.
  One moment she's cussing me out, then the next she's as sweet and innocent as her appearance. In the human world they have a medical term for that, but in MY world this will be one hell of a ride!  “Alpha, we're here. Her car is parked on the side of the building.” My driver said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

  I made my way to the automatic sliding glass doors of the entrance to the store. Spotting Katherine ahead in Isle six. I let out a small laugh watching as she just dumps stuff into her shopping cart. Honestly, don't think she's even paying attention to half the stuff that's already in there. I welcome the smell of honey-suckles, which in return cause Alastair to whine and beg for us to be closer. Goosebumps trickle along my skin, making me look like a plucked wolf.

 My heart begins to calm from the rapid beats moments ago at the site of my mate. The pull towards her is the same feeling that magnets do, when you're trying to take two apart. I could tell she's experiencing the same effects, with a hint of arousal. She darted off quickly making her way to the section of the store, that read “restrooms” above it.  Using my senses, I could tell she was alone.
  I opened the door to the men's, and walked in locking the door behind me. Then went to the wall on the other side of the room, and pressed my ear against the thin excuse for a wall. I could hear her mumbling something, but couldn't make out what it was. I let my wolf push his way to the surface without transforming to test a theory. I left the restroom and we now stood in front of the women's door. We knocked on the door before asking her if the shopping cart belonged to her.

  We could hear her raspy breath before she replied, causing the member between my legs to stiffen. What I would do to take her here and now. To just feel my hard member inside her warm tight stem. To get drunk from her sweet heavenly nectar, as we licked and sucked every ounce from the ripe bud between her legs. Alastair was practically scratching and clawing on the inside to claim her, as her orgasmic aroma flooded every sense in our body. He began begging her to cum, through the door. When she did, it was the most exotic smell we've ever smelt.  Pushing my wolf back and taking over control, I looked down and noticed a big wet spot as if I just pissed myself, but it wasn't piss. “Fuck.” I mumbled and left the store.


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