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Giancarlo's POV

"Sir, I need you and your family to exit the room immediately. We'll take it from here." One of the many nurses instructed us  as they ran into the room. 

Does she not know who I am! I'm not leaving my amore alone at a time like this. No matter what she's going through I need to be by her side. I gave the nurse a stone cold look daring her to test me.

She quickly averted her gaze and mumbled "You can stay but everyone must leave." I quickly ran to Bianca's side. Seeing her like this was killing me. This was all my fault. I told her I would protect her and now look where she is.

I failed at the one thing that mattered the most to me. 

Bianca was still shaking and the nurses have turned her on her side to prevent her from choking on her own saliva.   

After another thirty seconds of her seising she finally stopped and went back to sleeping peacefully in a coma.  

"Sir, we must take her to do an MRI now. She could have permanent brain damage from the trauma." Another nurse informed me. What ever my baby girl needed she will get. I quickly nodded and watched as the nurses grabbed her bed and IV and pulled her out of the room. 

All of my brothers had a concerned look on their face as we walked by, but Sofia seemed to be taking this the hardest. The second she saw us pull her out of the room in a hurry, she broke down crying falling to her knees. I hatted seeing my family like this.

Please baby come back to me.

Bianca's POV

Darkness. Complete and utter darkness. For whats probably been ages all I could see was a whole lot of nothingness but a whisper of voices in the distance gave me hope. The voices were theirs. Sofia's, Giancarlo's, Dante's, Tony's, Enzo's. 

They were always pleas and begs for me to come back. Was I dead? If I am, am in heaven or hell? To be honest I feel like I'm lost in some sort of abyss, like a forgotten memory, not truly there but not truly gone. 

I never felt any pain or any type of emotion, just - lost. I want to go back to my new family but every direction I walk in leads to no where, just further into darkness. 

But then it happened.

A light.

A bright, blinding light coming from no where. 

I occasionally see shadows dart left and right almost in a chaos. But a strong urge to walk towards the light struck me like a ton of bricks and nothing else seemed to be getting in my way, although my brain was yelling haven't you heard that if you see a bright like your dying!

But I couldn't help myself. No matter how hard I tried to stop I just couldn't. I couldn't turn around or even look away from the light. I just kept moving closer until eventually everything became white. 

"Ma'am if you could hear me everything is ok, just stay calm." A voice called from the unknown.

But then I felt it. Pain. A pain in my head so strong I felt my head throbbing.  

"Oh my God! Amore can you see me?" His sweet angelic voice rang through my ears. Maybe I wasn't dead. 

I forced myself to blink a couple times and watched as my surrounding became clearer. Light grey walls, a brown cabinet in the left corner, a large window to my right, and the most beautiful people on the verge of tears to my left. 

"My head hurts." I whine to them and I watch as each of their faces turned into a smile. 

"Bianca, thank God you're ok! I missed you so fucking much." Sofia exclaimed as she ran around to the other side of the bed to hug me. After she removed herself from on top of me I felt a squeeze in my left hand. I look over the see me hand engulfed by a much larger, tanned hand filled with gold rings that could only belong to the one and only Giancarlo. 

I look up to see his beautiful face that I haven't seen in ages and let me tell you, it was the best sight in the world. 

"Hi tesoro." He softly greeted with the biggest smile on his face. 

"Hi." I reply with a smile and a small squeeze to his hand. As he was about to continue our conversation a doctor walked in.

"Bianca! What a blessing to see you awake. It has been a long two weeks for your family, I'm sure." He said looking to everyone around the room. 

Two weeks? Have I really been out for that long?

"If everyone doesn't mind I must speak to Bianca and Giancarlo alone for a moment." The doctor continued, the three boys and Sofia nodded their heads and left the room with out a word.

"What is it, is everything ok?" Giancarlo asked, concern clearly lacing his voice.

"Well, I am aware that you two are together so I thought I'd inform you together that because of the trauma to your abdomen area the chances for you being able to conceive and bare a child is less than 15%."

The second the doctor said those words I felt my blood run cold. Becoming a mother and going through the whole pregnancy stage was something I've always wanted to experience when I grew up and now my chances of that happening are less that 15%.

I looked over to Giancarlo to see him already staring at me. Anger, sorrow, and sadness clear in his expressions. I couldn't help but release a couple stray tears. 

"I understand." I reply barely in a whisper still holding eye contact with Giancarlo. 

'I'm sorry' was all the doctor said as he walked out of the room and the others walked back in. 

All I could seem to do was stare into nothing and imagine what my life would have been like if I didn't have the worst father in the world who just took away his only daughters chances at getting pregnant. 

How could my own father do this to me. I don't even know what my future will look like now. Giancarlo will probably leave me for another woman who could actually bare his children, and I will be left alone with no family and no kids to love for the rest of my life.

I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch. 

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