"SHE POOFED AGAIN," Millie said as she exited the classroom. Lee looked up from trying to shove her books inside her bag and trying to balance herself. What Millie said was true. Tessa was nowhere in sight.
"She did say something about helping the art team with Perfect Warrington's campaign banners..." Lee mused to herself.
"Can't be, they obviously finished those already," Millie said pointedly, jabbing a thumb at the gigantic banner of Harry Warrington's face emblazoned with the slogan 'Warrington for President!' stretched over their heads.
Lee grinned sheepishly. "Maybe she went for lunch as soon as class got over cause she was starving?" she said questioningly, unable to come up with any other possible reasons.
"And I'm not?" Millie snapped back, one eyebrow raised. Lee raised her hands up as if surrendering. Millie shook her head. "She's been doing this the whole damn week."
"Ooh what if she's sneaking around with a guy?" Lee asked excitedly, a bunch of thoughts rushing into her braincell-free brain. "Do you think they're secretly dating? Why is she not telling us?" she started rambling when Millie got fed up.
"Shut the fuck up for a minute. I'm trying to think over here," Millie said angrily. She stood there for a while, deep in thought, when the obvious struck her. She quickly tried to get to the cafeteria, a stumbling Lee trying to catch up with her.
After many glares and pushing past people, they finally reached the doors of the cafeteria. Both of them peered inside, but what was waiting there was not what they had expected.
Tessa was sitting alone at their table, happily munching away at her packet of M&M's. There weren't any guys or other friends. Both of them let out a sigh of relief at finding her and made their way towards her.
"I was right," Lee declared triumphantly. "You came here because you were hungry, didn't you?" She asked a confused Tessa.
Tess nodded her head, still clueless about where all of this was going. Millie just rolled her eyes and sat down, stealing a couple of M&M's.
"I am hungry. Plus I was getting free chocolate from–"
"Your secret boyfriend?" Lee cut her off excitedly.
"SECRET BOYFRIEND?" Tessa screeched. A couple of glares and curious glances from the people around them were thrown towards them but the three of them paid no attention.
"Lee thought that since you've been poofing it's because you're meeting up with a guy," Millie said in a matter of fact tone.
A slight blush dusted Tessa's cheeks. When Lee noticed that, she pointed at her just like Joey from friends finding out about anything.
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