Hi, I am Sora and this happened only five days ago me and my friends, Ally and Jorden. Ally she has blonde hair and blue eyes she has her hair in pigtails all the time I met her not that long ago. Jorden he was black hair blue eyes. My little sister was having a birthday party at this pizza place. Of course I didn't want to join, but I had to go because my father wasn't home and mother didn't let me be home by myself. So I invited Jorden and Ally we where just chilling in the game room. It was already boring one hour in. Ally, Jorden and I fell asleep asleep. When I woke up I wanted to know what time it was, so I woke up Jorden. The clock was 3:00 am. "What do we do! They forgot us at a creepy pizza place!" I answered. Ally waked up and asked what the time was. Jorden answered 3:00am they forgot us. Ally froze. She was about to say something when I said "did you hear that?" Jorden nodded and then we all walked slowly to look behind the door. There they were three robots playing and singing in the dark. Ally whispered "guys what are those?"
I don't know, but we gotta get out of here" I replied." We can go up to the night guard he can help us" said Jorden with conference while he said it, but both Ally and I knew that he was when more scared then we were. We walked slowly up to the security room, when Ally stopped and said " look a book". She started reading quiet "Dear diary for five months ago my parents forgot me in the pizza place. I was so scared, I looked around and fond a corner with pillows and a blanket I thought if I felt asleep that mom and dad would realize that they forgot me, my parents are hard working so they probably thought I have already walked home by then. I fell asleep like ten minutes later I found that room. When I woke up it was dark. I didn't know were I was, But one thing was for sure I wasn't in that room anymore. I left another letter in the security room" Ally looked up from the letter and asked " what do you think happened to her"
"I don't know, but one thing is that she really did stop there? Really!" Jorden said
We continued walking up to the security room, it took us about five to ten minutes.
Ally opened the door because nether Jorden or I didn't want to. Jorden said that he was being polite and let the ladies in first, while I just stood there. She opened the door and looked in, there was no security guard there. "Where can he or she be?" Ally asked "I don't know, they are supposed to be here right?" I said in confusion.
"Yeah I think so" Jorden replied. We all walked in, we looked around and found two buttons on each side beside the doors. The tallest button was red and it stood door under it. The button under the red one was white but it was glowing so it looked blue, it stood light.
" door, light? What's that supposed to mean?" Jorden Asked
" I think the red button is supposed to close the door and the white button is supposed to turn on some light" Ally answered. At that point I was sure that it was a little suspicious that Ally knew so much about this place but she did say that she wad never been there before. I mean it could just be a coincidence maybe? Jorden walked up to the door on the left side, "hey guys the lights are off" Jorden said " on the right side too" I answered. "They want us to play a game with them" Ally said " and how do you know?" I asked her. "Because there is a new letter here stupid" Ally answered. I felt kinda stupid to be honest, I thought I could get an answer for why she knows so much. Ally started reading the letter out loud " Good you found my second letter, now you're in the main office or also called the security room. Behind you is the tablet, on that tablet you have access to all of the cameras. I left you a voicemail on the phone listen and you will find it really helpful. good luck, and also I left another letter in the kitchen. " So are we gonna listen to it? Or what" Ally said.
"Hello my name is Michael Afton, I guess you ether got the job here or are locked up. Well I hope this can help you, I'll share the story of my family and history of this place. It all started back in 1974, a new member of my family was born. My parents wasn't the best at all, on the day he was born he was crying actual tears, that's not normal for a new born. He was named the Crying Child. Yeah really good name mom, well a few years had passed and it was his birthday he was turning about four i think. I was dose bag, i mean so my friends! He used to Torment him, poor C.C at the day of his birthday me and my friends put his head in one of the animatronics, and didn't end well. His head was smashed in the animatronics head."Huh? What happened? " I asked Ally. Ally looked around in the room. "Oh shit" she said looking at something. "What's wrong?" Both me and Jorden asked now all of us looking at a clock. " no no no no no" she said to her self. "What's wrong" Jorden asked. She looked at us. "It's 23:58"
Hii I hoped you like the first part! I'll try to make chapter 2 soon! Bye for now Beautiful!
Word count : 1005

Mystery / ThrillerThis is FNaF story! Also my first story! I hope you like it. <3