This is a Mikey x Fem reader story based on a dream I had🥴 this contains lemon/smut idk the difference 😅
I don't not own any character from Tokyo Revengers or any pictures shown💕 They belong to Ken Wakui.
(A/n:) all the characters are grown and in their current ages which is in their 20s but I won't state it because I let everyone have their imagination that's why I barely describe (y/n) features or anything else of that matter fr, i leave that up to you guys. I use pictures of the younger characters to show the emotions that are presented, there are barely pictures of everyone when they're grown so I just use the ones shown in the show since they don't look any damn different except their hair color💀💀🤣
Thank you, now back to the story💕
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"Can we be friends." Embarrassed at his question Chifuyu avoided eye contact to hide the redness on his face.
Last time you heard that you got Fucked but you knew is intentions were pure, this friendship didn't come with terms and conditions.
"Yes." You smiled. "You and mr Peke J here come as a package deal." You picked the cat up giving it kisses on the forehead.
You and Chifuyu sat on your porch conversing about several topics. You were enjoying both their company so much it took your mind off Mikey. Before you knew it, it was dark out. Peke was asleep in your lap.
"I'm sorry, I kept you two here so late."
"No it's fine, I enjoyed talking to you (y/n)."
"Same here."
You passed Chifuyu the sleeping animal. "Be careful getting home okay."
"I will, goodnight." You both turned to go your separate ways. "Wait!"
Almost inside your home to turned to the man regaining your attention. "Yes?"
"C-can I have your number, nothing weird, it's for whenever you wanna s-see Peke!" Chifuyu frantically waved his hands in front of him.
"Sure, send me lots of Pictures of him everyday."
"Okay, I will!"
You both exchange numbers and said your goodbyes. It was like soon as they left your heart fell into the floor. you wish today didn't happen. If you were being honest with yourself you still cared for the jerk. "I hate you Mikey."
The next morning you and Hinata were having brunch at a restaurant. You asked her to met you to talk about what happened with you and Mikey.
"I'm glad you punched him, he's such an asshole for the way he did you."
"I'll be okay though, I just wanted to vent."
"How about we go to the fair together just us two, you need a day of fun." Hinata suggested.
"Oh no it's fine, I don't want you to ruin your date with Takemichi."
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"You need me more then he does and no one wants to third wheel."
"Hinataaa." You protested.
"It's final, there's no changing my mind!"
Knowing that your supportive friend wasn't going to give up, you decided to. "Okay, I'll go, if I must." You playfully rolled your eyes.
Mid conversation you got a message on your phone. It was from Chifuyu. Your face lit up with excitement when you seen that the message was a picture of Peke J sleeping in a weird position. "Oh that's right, I met the cutest kitty the other day." You showed Hinata the picture.
"Awww it's so adorable."
"His name is Peke J!"
You talked about this cat as if it was your own. About an hour after that you said goodbye to your friend. You were otw home, nothing really left to do with you day. You pulled out your phone and called Chifuyu to see if he wanted to hang out today. The last thing you wanted to do was go home and be alone. You didn't wanna get sad over Mikey.
"Sure I'll be right over!"
"Okay great. I " You hung up the phone.
You invited Chifuyu in and you guys sat in the living room watching tv and playing around with Peke. Even though you two just met you two clicked instantly, excluding Peke, Chifuyu was fun to be around, you both shared the same interest and sense of humor. The room filled with friendly arguments and debates over shows and topics. Random jokes and insiders only you two would understand and laughter. Another pure friendship.
Losing track of time, before you knew it all 3 of you were napping. You were at one end of the couch sleeping and Peke and Chifuyu was at the other end both layed out sleeping in weird positions almost taking up the whole couch. Waking up to use the bathroom you laughed at the sight. You took out your phone and took a picture of them. You clicked into your gallery to see how the photo turned out, two images over you seen the photo Mikey took, the one he sent to Hinata. It made your heart hurt. You haven't talked about to him since that day, it was so weird knowing that the guy whole took every inch of innocents from you was just out somewhere living his life not even caring that he hurt you.
Tears began forming in your eyes. You hated this feeling but what you hated more than this feeling was that the fact you still liked him.
"(Y/n), a-are you okay?" Chifuyu called out.
You looked over at him and smiled the tears instantly started steaming down your face. "I'm fine."
He instantly got up and embraced you. He held your head against his chest, resting his chin on top of your head his other hand on your back. "Do you want to talk about it?"
You shook your head, you didn't want to continue to talk about that idiot, you wanted to forget all about him. You wish you never met him.
"Little crybaby." Chifuyu joked hoping it would cheer you up. It did, earning a tiny chuckle from you. Chifuyu received a phone call that seemed to be important.
"I'll be right over" he hung up the phone and brought his attention back towards you. "I have something to go take care of, will you be alright?"