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I woke up by myself at 11:30 am and I got downstairs and saw no one was awake, then I though I could make us all breakfast because I was starving.

I hear voices coming from the stairs when I was all done, guessing it was them because it wasn't anyone else in this house.

I sit down at the kitchen island and when started to make a sandwich.

"Good morning, wow you've done breakfast to us all?" Louis asks as four of the boys got inside the kitchen walking to the table. I made us bacon, scrambled eggs and I also took all the stuff you can have on a sandwich and put it on the table because I don't know what they like.

They all was wearing sweatpants with a hoodie or a t-shirt. Harry and Zayn was also wearing a hat. They looked very tired and like they just woke up, and their hair was a mess.

"Good morning, you can take bacon and scrambled eggs from the stove, and here you have bread and cheese, peanut butter and everything you can have on a sandwich that we had home" I explain to them.

"What a wifey" Harry speaks as he walks up to the stove with Liam as Louis and Zayn sit down, on the other side of the kitchen island as me.

"And you can get whatever you want of kind of coffee in my machine on the counter" I say and then put my sandwich in my mouth to take a bite.

"Thank you" Louis and Zayn then stands up to walk to the machine. It's almost like a queue to get bacon and eggs and coffee because we were so many people.

I take a sip of my coffee I've done while waiting for them and because I needed it and then look back to see them standing against the counter like a line-up. Then Harry turns around with a plate with bacon and eggs and walk up to me to sit next to me.

"Where's Niall?" I ask, noticing he's the only one of the boys that's not here.

"He's still sleeping" Louis say as he comes up with a coffee cup in his hand and sit down opposite me.

"Didn't you woke him up?" I ask.

"We tried, but he always gets hella' angry when you try to wake him up" Harry answers, I look at him confused. All of them got downstairs together at the same time, meaning someone woke them all up I guess but then didn't wait for Niall.

"Yeah he threatened with that he's going to shoot us if we knocked again" Liam laughs as comes up to us and sit down next to me on the other side with a plate, my brows higher and look at him even more confused at his words.

Everyone get quiet, the only sound is the coffee machine.

Shoot them? That's not really a fun thimk to joke about, to shoot somebody.

I look around at Louis and then to Harry on my side, they all stared at him, but they were more angry it looks like than confused. He takes a bite of a bacon and then looks up at us.

"Okay sorry guys chill, geez" Liam speaks with bacon in his mouth to break the short silence to defense himself from all the eyes.

"Any hungover, Issie?" Louis then changes the subject and I meet his eyes.

"Yeah a little bit, I'm not going to do much today" I laugh a little awkwardly.

"Yeah well we neither I don't think," he looks at the boys, Zayn sitting down next to Louis with his cup of coffee.

"No, it was hard to get up today" Harry laughs.

"Yeah, like Niall" Liam speaks fast and a little cough. Everyone looking at him again except for me, I don't know why this time. I look at everyone confused.

brooklyn baby (N.H)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora