Hold On

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Life is unpredictable, you never know what could happen next. But when something does happen, all you can do is hold on...

🎵 loving

Spencer and his boyfriend of 6 years, Liam Scott, were snuggled up on the couch together, eating away at the popcorn, watching star trek. Liam hadn't been one to watch it but after a bit of convincing he gave in.

"You didn't have to watch this with me, you know." Spencer said as he cuddled closer to Liam's chest.

"I know, but I wanted to. Plus, it's kind of interesting." The older man replied as he gently stroked Spencer's hair, earning a soft hum of pleasure escaping his mouth.

"I love you, Liam." The agent said, shifting his position to place a gentle yet passionate kiss on the man's lips. Liam returned the kiss, just as sweet and passionate, before he broke it, replying with a:

"I love you too, love."

🎵 And fighting

"Why can't we just tell them already?!" The older man yelled. As much as he loved Spencer and respected his wishes, he wanted everyone, no, the world to know that he was his, and that he loved him dearly.

"Because I'm not ready, Liam! You, of all people, should know that!" Spencer, however, wanted to keep their relationship a secret. He wasn't ready for his team to know who he really was. Yes they were like his family, but he didn't want them treating him differently because of it.

"When will you be ready, Spencer?! When will you stop being ashamed of me?!"

"I'm not ashamed of you, Liam! I just, I'm not ready."

"Will you ever?" With those being his last words Liam walked out of the kitchen and into their bedroom. Spencer could feel the tears falling from his eyes. He wanted to tell people, but he just couldn't. He couldn't? Or he wouldn't?

"I'm sorry." He whispered, both to him, and his lover who was in the other room.

🎵 Accusing, denying

The next day at work was just a paper day. Liam and Spencer had made up the night before and were on 'ok' terms.

"Hey pretty boy." Morgan said as he oh so subtly waltzed over.

"Hello, Morgan." Spencer said. He was focused on his paperwork so he hadn't realized that Morgan was looking him over.

"Reid, is that....a hickey?" Prentiss said, asking the question that was on everyone's mind.

Spencer quickly moved his hand up to cover the mark. "No, I just bruised it." He lied.

"With a pair of lips I bet." Morgan teased. JJ nudged him slightly to tell him to 'back off'. "Come on pretty boy, when do we get to meet this girlfriend of yours?"

"I don't have a girlfriend, Morgan." He wasn't exactly lying, he didn't have a girlfriend, but he did have a boyfriend.

"Sure, you don't." Morgan teased once more.


🎵 I can't imagine a word with you gone. The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of. I'd be so lost if you left me alone.

Liam had come home from work to find his boyfriend all dressed up and dinner set on the table.

"What's all this, love?" He asked as he made his way over to his lover.

"I just thought I could surprise you. I tried making something else but everything splattered everywhere and the kitchen was a mess. It took awhile to clean but I managed. So since that didn't work, I made spaghetti instead." Spencer replied.

"Sounds like pure chaos to me." Liam joked.

"Do you...do you like it?" Spencer asked.

Liam smiled and pulled him into a deep passionate kiss. "I love it, Spence. I love you."

"I love you too, babe."

🎵 You locked yourself in the bathroom

"Spence!" Liam was knocking on the bathroom door, practically breaking it off its hinges. "Spencer, open the door! Please!" He continued knocking until the door gave way.

🎵 Lying on the floor when I break through

"Oh my god." Liam ran over to the agent's side, carefully lifting his head onto his lap. There were cuts all over his arms. Thin, long, and deep. He could see the blood dripping from his arms and onto the floor.

🎵 I pull you in to feel your heartbeat. Can you hear me screaming:

"Spencer!? Please! Don't leave me!" He could feel his tears sliding down his cheeks.

🎵 Hold on I still want you

Liam carefully lifted Spencer up and gathered his keys and wallet, quickly making his way to his car.

🎵 Come back I still need you

He gently placed him in the passenger seat and started the car, pulling out of the driveway.

🎵 Let me take your hand, I'll make it right.

"You're gonna be ok, Spencer, I promise."

🎵 I swear to love you all my life. Hold on I still need you











🎉 Tapos mo nang basahin ang You Came Back Cause I Still Need You 🎉
liam's a bitch. you shouldn't force someone to out... ever... that's why I broke up with my last boyfriend... he was forcing me to come out and I know he didn't mean it like that but it became too mich pressure for me and sl I broke up with him...

1y nakalipas

This needs more love, I swear.
Nothing makes me cry and I was like so close I had to walk away...

3y nakalipas

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