Chapter VI : A chance of freedom

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Aisuru:"Are all of you ready to watch the next video?"

Random Students:"Hell yeah,we wanna see what happened next"

Ike:"Just hwaaaaaah,start the video without me,I'm too hwaaaaaah,tired"

Aisuru:"Whoever doesn't watch the video will lose 50,000 points"

Ike:"Alright! I'm ready to watch the video!"

Aisuru:"Alright, let's start the video"

8 years later

      In the gym, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka was lifting weights non stop

Random students (Almost everyone):"Damn..."

    When suddenly, an instructor interrupted his training

Instructor:"Kiyotaka, your father wants to see you"

     Kiyotaka first wiped his sweat and changed his shirt,then he followed the instructor to his father's office

Kiyotaka:"Yes father?"

Prof. Ayanokouji:"Kiyotaka,I will be temporarily shutting down the white room for some renovations, prepare your things"

Ayanokouji POV

Does that mean,I can go outside?

Kiyotaka:"Where will I be staying then?"

Prof. Ayanokouji:"You will be staying in our mansion in Tokyo"

I never thought the day where I will be able to go outside would come,well at least not this early

Prof. Ayanokouji:"You will still be continuing your training and education there. I have already asked someone to prepare everything that you will be needing. A car will arrive to take you there in 30 minutes, prepare yourself"

Kiyotaka:"Yes father"

Prof. Ayanokouji:"You may leave now"

I will still be continuing my training? Well it's better than nothing, at least I will be able to see the outside world. I've been curious about it for years now

I wonder what it's like? I never saw the outside world up close before, except for the pictures my instructor showed me. I wonder if it's like what I've read in books? Well, I'll probably know once I see it for myself

Hiyori:"My book buddy is really curious right now"

Horikita:"His curiosity is like that of a child" 'who knew he could be cute sometimes'

I should probably prepare my things now. I'll be leaving in 30-- no, 25 minutes

25 minutes later

Alright, what should I do now? I'm inside a car right now so I can't really do anything, I should look outside and observe what kind of things people do for know

30 minutes later

There seems to be quite a number of buildings here, there are also multiple cars outside,it seems rather busy here in the outside world,well that's normal,there are more people here than in the white room and most of them live independently without the help of there parents and have to do everything themselves.....It must be nice to experience freedom

3 hours later

I'm finally here,it seems to be rather large for one person to live alone

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