I don't know wether the hospital is trying to kill me or depress me.
The doctor who apparently has a name,Matthew,gets a spazz if I walk around.He keeps locking the door of our rooms to we can 'relax'. Personally,that's what a serial killer would do before chopping your head off.
Aside from that, there is the fact that I have to still share a room with Four. And lucky for me, he appears to have gone back to his old ways.
He keeps asking stupid questions to irritate me. The list never stops, it goes from
"Can birds swim?"
"Does Walmart actually have a secret shop attached on a wall?"Either way I try to ignore him.
So when Matthew finally walked in the room I felt relieved.
Four sits up
"S'up doc?"He gives Four a weary look.
"Aside from your grammar,everything is up. You guys can finally get released from the hospital""I thought we can't since we don't have guardians?" Four says.
"Well, Sam had volunteered to take tris. Is sam your lover?"
I flush at that, and notice Four looking at me.
"No he's just a friend""Well you should tell him that because he never leaves the waiting room" Matthew mutters. "Anyways get ready to go and Four, Zeke is outside and ready to pick you up"
When he leaves the room, I'm already stuffing things in my purse.
"So what are you going to do when you get out?" Four asksI stop what I'm doing and glare at him. "What do you think you piece of sh**"
"ah so we are back were we started off"
"Oh I'm sorry, write me a letter to apologize for the whipping and I might consider becoming best friends"I say, making sure sarcasm drips from my voice.
Just as he was about to reply, the door bursts open to reveal Sam.
"Hey tris! The doctor finally allowed me to come in,are you ready? I got my house clean and-"He stops and looks at Four with a disgusted look.
"What are you doing here?""Sam shut up and let's go" I grab my purse and my phone from the table.
I look back at my bed making sure everything is in order. Finally I leave without a wave or a glance at Four.
It finally ends here.When I'm halfway though the hallways, I'm yanked back with force.
I look back to see Four squeezing my hand."This isn't the last time I'm seeing you is it?"
"Let go of my arm!" I pull my arm away from his grip "and yea I would love seeing in court and for real this time."
I bring my self close to his ear.
"It ends here Four. I don't want to see your face ever until the court. And any feeling I had for your are gone so don't think I'll take pity on you"Sam grabs my elbow and glares at Four.
"That's enough Tris, let's go"
He was pulling me toward him."That's it your really pissing me off" Four screams at Sam.
With one swift motion Four pushes me hard. My head contacts the marble floor and a big pounding pain goes through my head.
I try to open my eyes to reveal Four punching Sam on the cheek.Sam tries to return the punch, but Four is too fast and he brings his leg up to punch Sam's stomach. Sam falls to his knees, while clutching his stomach.
"ENOUGH! BOTH OF YOU" Matthew screams.
Four mumbles a swear word, shoves Sam's shoulder, and followes the nurse to his room, not before shooting me a threatening glare.I on the other hand, lay still.
"Are you okay?" I look up to see Matthew.
"I-my leg" I croak.
I finally took off my cast, and my leg feels like it's burning on the inside."Can you walk on it?"
"I can't try" I say blinking a few tears. I take his hand and get up slowly. I have to limp but I didn't seem to fall.
"That boy has many problems I see" Mathew says once Sam and I settle in the chairs.
"Believe me he does" I mumble
"Does it happen often?" I look up swiftly and I see Mathew's soft eyes on me.
As painfully as it is, I shake my head No.
Sam pulls me toward the door. I walk outside and the bright sun beams brightly allowing me to breath for the first time in weeks.
Once I have settled in the car Sam begins.
"I'm sorry tris I swear I was a jerk and you didn't deserve it. Shauna is sorry too and she's working hard as ever on your case. I'm hoping you forgive me, and if I can take back what I did, I would"
I look out the window, and the trees standing strong and wide.
"Just start the engine Sam"____
It was true.
Sam's house never appeared cleaner. There was no chips covering the couches and the clothes aren't scattered on the floor."You can put your stuff in that room" he points at the second door on the right side.
I nod and move.
It was awkward to talk to him since all of that happened. But can you blame me?Once I reached the door I find Shauna sitting on my bed. She is no longer wearing her professional work clothes. Instead she is wearing trousers and a large blue shirt. Sam's shirt I thought sourly. She looks up and I could see the bags under her eyes.
"Tris!" She gets up and squeezes me in a bone crushing hug "I'm so sorry about all I have done. I knew you needed a friends and I wasn't there for you I'm so sorry"
I had to resist the urge to scream at her. But despite all the horrid thoughts I decided to keep my mouth shut. I need her,and it might seem like I'm using her but I couldn't care less.
When she notices that I didn't respond she gives a small smile and moves toward the door.
"I layed some clothes on the bed and I'll see you for dinner if you want to talk" she says and then disappears.
The room was fairly small. It had a dresser and narrow bed and a bathroom. I wear what she set out on bed. It was a red sweater and a pair of black pants. I take my old clothes that reeked of hospital smell and stuffed it in the closet that was attached to the wall. It seems stupid, but I didn't feel like asking where to put my dirty clothes. I left Sam and Shauna for so long and I felt like I was talking to strangers. I knew that my pride was the only thing I have left.
I enter the kitchen to the aroma of pasta.
"I'm starving what about you?" Sam asks grinning.Once he notices that I don't smile back, he sits down without a word.
Dinner was incredibly quite. I could see Sam and Shauna sparing glances at each other. I didn't need words to know they were taking about me."Okay that's it, Tris we need to talk now" shauna says laying down her fork.
"I don't think there is anything to talk about" I say dryly "when I was suffering in the hospital, you two were making lo-"
"Tris we didn't know you were in the hospital then!" Sam exclaims
Suddenly a surge of anger runs through me.
"And does that give you the right to do that?! Are you kidding Sam?" I take a deep breath "you made me trust you and it was my fault because shocker! You also betrayed me"Shauna looks like she is about to say something, but I beat her to it.
"Amd shauna, your married what the hell where you thinking? I don't know if you care or not but Zeke came over once and cried about losing you. I hope your satisfied"I'm response Shauna's eye widen and so does Sam's.
"I suddenly lost my appetite"I say and
head to my bed room.
Once my head hit the pillow I kept reminding myself that after the court date is finished I won't see any of these people anymore.Before I fully dose off, I hear a knock. I sigh and get up.
"What do you want" I ask Shauna.
I notice Sam behind her.She gives me and Sam a guilty look.
"I-I want to tell you that the reason I did it with Sam is because I had history with him. And Sam doesn't know I'm married."Before I could ask her questions she holds up her hand.
"I'll tell you everything in the morning, now sleep"
thanks for reading :) please comment and vote. (I actually had to re do this chapter 2 times! I'm officially exhausted)