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Sam is not looking forward to Dream's announcement:

Eventually Tommy decided that they should go just in case it's a claim they need to defend themselves or something not even related to them. They decided to meet Eret before going to the holy lands and both Sam and Eret agreed to stand near an exit and leave as soon as any semblance of a threat to any of them is seen.

This decision did nothing to make his mind shut up though, the truth of his son's origins and the iminate danger he could be in assuring that the silent walk to the portal was anything but peaceful.

The only thing calming his nerves is the raccoon pressed against him, held in his dad's arms in case they need to make a break for it.

In what feels like no time at all the pair are stepping into a portal, meeting with Eret back in the overworld. The king is ,as expected, joined by Fundy and dressed up in a puffy dress that Sam knows is obscuring the armor underneath.

" Ah, it's good to see you both"

Fundy nodds in agreement

" you too, I suppose we should make our way to the holy land"

Dream has at least some semblance of sanity left to choose the holy land, Sam would most definitely not bring Theseus anywhere near that many people who could hurt him after the whole ordeal in any other location.

" yeah I guess so"

The four people fall silent as they walk step by step to where a crowd is growing, settling just inside the borders and turning their attention to the familiar masked figure sitting on the roof of the church.

As soon as the green bastard opens his mouth Sam's instincts begin to flare dramatically.

"Hello everyone, I'm so glad that almost everyone decided to hear this important announcement"

The whole crowd shifted uncomfortably.Dream stands up, clearing his throat and Theseus can feel Sam's arms wrapped around him tighten slightly.  Finally after a few more moments of awkward silence he begins speaking, his words immediately washing a sense of dread over Sam and his son.

" I'm glad you are all here, I've found yet another liar in our ranks that I want you all to know about."

His false-sweet tone does nothing to stop the murmurs and cries of outrage from the crowd below him.

" this liar isn't a traitor or spy like Wilbur or Tubbo but is a fucking liar none the less, even more so than either example ever was"

Dream spits the words with such ferocity Tommy is unable to help himself from shrinking into Sam's arms even further.

" I'm sure many of you have met our dear Theseus already-"

Sam hisses protectively as the crowd turns to face them, hiding his son from both the hateful and the concerned stares. Dream appears to sneer under his mask as he continues

" As admin I get to see information no one else can "

he bluffs.

" and our 'newest member' is actually someone in hiding, pretending to be a mute Racoon hybrid when he's not"

Confusion and surprise ripples through the smp and who is dream to not explain further

"When I had Theseus come with me for a bit I did a few tests and found out who he really is!"

"a boy with access to a compass in a ender chest he shouldn't be able to open!"

" a boy who played with magic unknown to fake his own death!"

Racoon Theseus Dream Smp Au 🥀Where stories live. Discover now