This was one of our most important nights of our lives. The whole entire Football Team were getting ready in our locker room as some were already starting to warm up. I was just putting my shoes on and finding my helmet as Sebastian rushed into his locker to get dressed. Coach was taking our attendance to make sure we were all present. Me, Kieffer, Dane and Sebastian were talking about wrecking the other team as we got ready. Dane was telling us how one of the other team's player got caught cheating two weeks ago as Sebastian pictures me crashing into him, in a jokingly way. I laughed of course as we were all ready to head out. Before heading out, we all sat as a team next to each other as our Coach was giving us his speech of doing our best out there. He expect us to play right, do our best and have fun. Even though this was a championship, our Coach wasn't the type to expect us to be one hundred percent perfect. We still do get punished only if we did a mistake though.
On our way out, as we passed through the Hallways, me and Kieffer stopped for a second as he looked at me concerned. I was too worried about the game that I even wanted to take out my cigarette but I could because our Coach was already calling us in. Kieffer hates it when I smoke, actually most of my friends except Sebastian. He doesn't mind seeing me now a cigarette but he doesn't like it when its constant. Anyways Kieffer was smelling me and because I didn't smoke, he felt relieved. I pulled him out of course because we were about to be the last ones to leave as our team was heading out.
After Gwen and her Cheerleading Squad did their cheer routine, we all ran out, trying to create an entrance as everyone sitting on the benches screamed and cheered for us. The other team were on the other side, warming up. One of them kept looking at me as I kept looking at him. This is all sports stuff by the way, the staring, the bull shit talk, maybe fights is all normal, it's all because every team wants to win in a championship. Gwen right away ran towards us and gave Kieffer a kiss. Me, Dane and Sebastian looked at each other as we wanted to tease Kieffer. Gwen wished us luck and left. We kept teasing Kieffer as he got a little red and bumped my chest as we all put our helmets on.
My team got out the field and started to warm up. After we jogged and stretched, me and Kieffer started to throw the football to each other in order to practice and sort of stretch a little more. We could tell that Dane and Sebastian have been practicing outside of practice because their throw have been improving. Me and Kieffer kept having our conversation as we practiced our throws and catches. Our Coach soon called us in and we all ran to him as he had his chart out. He began indicating where each of us will stand and where to reach the win. Our goal was of course to win so we all had a specific position to be in. We then began chanting as we later all ran to the field as if we are ready to play the real NFL.
"Let's go Red Bulls let's go, *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*"
I was behind Dane and had my stance ready as I looked over to Kieffer who was prepared. You could tell that Sebastian was shaking. This was our shot I mean, we want to win this championship before we leave to College I mean. Dane was definitely the most confident among all of us as you could tell by the look of his face. As the other team faced us, the referee blows out the whistle and game has begun.
I got the ball and began running I was waiting for Dane to be ready. I threw it to him before I got tackled down as I saw him run. After Dane recieved the ball, he began running and moved quick before the other team was trying to tackle him, he was super quick. Any how he was sort of in danger because he did have a runner behind him but a few seconds later, Sebastian came and tackled the runner, Thank God. Dane was safe so once he ran, he threw it at Kieffer. I was praying that Kieffer make that touchdown. As he ran with that ball, I sort of got distracted as I looked over to the people that were cheering until I saw Elizabeth walk in. She sat next to Penny with the popcorn as they both watched the game. As soon as she saw me, she just waved at me with a smile. I smiled back and waved until I heard our team yell "YES!". I ran towards Kieffer and we hugged as he did that touchdown, everyone was super excited. Our first points were on and we knew that this was our night.
The game went on for an hour as the other team sort of catched up to our points. As we were close to have another touchdown, Kieffer got tackled by some muscular player. At that time they were winning by 8 points ahead of us. Coach Strum soon called for us to have a group meeting as the referee blew the whistle. We hustled our way as our sweat dripped and breathe in and out. Coach Strum took out his board again and started to tell us what we were doing wrong. Our only problem is that Kieffer is just a little slow when getting that touchdown so this time Coach Strum expects me to get the touchdown.
As we all step on that grass, all I did was just close my eyes and catch a deep breath, praying to myself that I can make that touchdown. We all got into our places as I called out and the ball began. Kieffer catched the ball as quick as possible as he began running. I kept yelling at Kieffer to pass it to me until I saw how difficult it was since there were already three from the other team by his side. He decides to throw it at Dane as Dane kept running across from me. I yelled out to Dane to pass it to me until he did. Dane got tackles down but I kept running. The buffed muscular player was after me but I did a small trick which got his legs going nuts. As I sort of laughed, I reached to the end and bam, managed to make that touchdown. Everyone started cheering as our team leveled up and I saw Elizabeth, excited and happy. The game continued for about an hour more and we ended up winning by six points above. We all huttled and chanted together as Sebastian grabs the bucket of water with ice and wets Coach Strum. As I saw Elizabeth run down the stairs, I walked over to her and smiles as she congratulated me. I thanked her of course and decided to invite her to celebrate with us all. I didn't know why but for some reason I felt like I wanted her to be with us.
Of course we all went to a Diner and sat at a table as we ordered food to eat. I introduced Elizabeth to the rest and everyone actually like dher from the moment they saw her. As I laughed with the boys, I sort of overheard Gwen gossiping to Elizabeth about us and began making fun of us. Elizabeth laughed with the things she said as she kept looking at me almost the whole entire time. I remembered that at some point Gwen took Elizabeth to the bathroom and they both talked about their futures as Gwen expressed her fear about the future. She didn't really care about being on her own but afraid about her relationship with Kieffer. What she was trying to say was that she is afraid that things may not work out for them in the future. Sometimes I believe that Gwen's parents sort of brainwash her with this "whole you are too young to have a relationship" shit because I mean don't some teen have parents like that? I knew Gwen's parents of course and they aren't really mean if I have to be honest. They cool but it's just that speech shit that can get annoying. If you're wondering how I know about this, it was because Elizabeth told me later on before I had my accident in which I never told anyone either Kieffer about it. As soon as we all finished and about to leave, Elizabeth asks me if I am availing to go to the park for a little while as I told her that I have nothing else to do other than lay at home and sleep.
As we head to the park, Elizabeth began running and I chased her. She laughed on her way and I managed to catch her as well accidentally fall to the ground and we both kept laughing. We both sort of laid there for a while as we both watched the moon shine from above. All I could say is that it was a nice view. Later on she decided to go on the monkey bars as I stayed down and watched. She was about to make to the otherside, she was at the middle until her fingers slipped and I managed to catch her as we both looked at each other for a while. I remembered we both close our eyes and our lips touched. That was our first kiss and how our love story began.

Hold On To Me
RomanceA High School senior gets into a car accident with his friends and is stuck in a coma. Meanwhile he is in coma, he sees himself fighting for his life in the decision whether to live or die while his girlfriend and family waits for him to wake up.