Brielle was sick to her stomach after the game in Denver. She watched as Crawford’s three point attempt missed and the Clippers fell to the Nuggets 109-106 after fighting back the entire game. They now had an 18-8 record after getting two wins at home before flying to Denver.
Blake was pretty quiet on the flight home as were the other players. Jada, Chelsea, and Brielle sat in a row together talking about the gender reveal that was coming up in the next couple days. The girls were doing everything they could to get Brielle to slip and mention a color or some other way they would know what she was having. In the end Brielle stuck to her guns and didn’t let anything slip.
They finally landed at LAX and the girls all reluctantly went back to their guys. Brielle followed Blake off the plane and to Blake’s car. He loaded his bag in the back and slid into the driver’s seat as Brielle got in the passenger seat.
He reached over and grabbed her hand lacing their fingers together as he started the engine and headed out of the airport.
“I’m sorry we didn’t win,” Blake said breaking the silence.
“It’s okay Blake. I know how it goes. You can’t win them all,” Brielle smiled at him.
“I know, but I wanted to win especially since it was an away game and you were there,” Blake sighed.
Brielle was fighting the tears that were threatening to fall. She was so touched that he was the reason why he was upset over the loss. Damn hormones.The rest of the car ride home was pretty quiet. The two made small talk about the next game. Blake had a couple surprises for her that he was dying to tell her about, but held back knowing how happy it would make her when they were revealed.
“I need you to go and pick up my parents at the airport tomorrow, if you can,” Blake said as they were getting ready for bed.
“Oh are they getting in while you’re at shoot around?” Brielle asked pulling the covers back and sliding into bed.
“Yeah. Marieka has plans already and Taylor is gonna be with me,” Blake explained trying to come up with a somewhat believable story.
“Yeah I can go get them. What time do they get here?”“Eleven and they’re coming in on Delta,” Blake said sliding under the covers next to her.
“Okay,” Brielle sighed. She reached over and set her alarm just in case she overslept.
“I love you beautiful,” Blake whispered planting a sweet kiss on her lips.“I love you too,” Brielle smiled at him.
The next morning Blake got up checking his phone to make sure everything was set for what Brielle was really doing at the airport. He grabbed his bag and unpacked what was still in there from last night’s game and tossed in what he needed for tonight’s game.
He carried his bag downstairs setting it on the couch before walking into the kitchen. Lately Brielle’s breakfast of choice was broken up chocolate doughnuts in milk with cut up strawberries. Blake grimaced as he threw it together for her and carried it back upstairs. Setting the bowl on the table he gently sat down next to her and planted a sweet kiss on her forehead.
Brielle stirred and opened her eyes smiling as she looked up at him.
“You getting ready to leave?” She asked her voice raspy.
“Yeah. I made your nasty breakfast,” Blake smirked at her.
“It’s what your kid wants,” Brielle laughed sitting up and grabbing the bowl.
“She’s yours too,” Blake said his smile fading as he watched Brielle eat.“What?” Brielle asked seeing the completely disgusted look on his face.
“I always thought you ate everything separately. The fact that you’re eating the strawberries and doughnuts together in the same bite makes my stomach hurt,” Blake explained his grimace returning.
“Go away” Brielle laughed pushing him with her foot.
“I need to go anyway. I’m gonna be late,” Blake said standing up and stretching his arms over his head.
“Are you going to get Taylor or is he meeting you there?” Brielle asked as Blake leaned down to kiss her goodbye.“He’s meeting me there love. See you tonight,” Blake said kissing her goodbye.
He quickly made his way down the stairs grabbing his bag, water, and Red Bull and jetting out the front door. He was really going to pick up his parents from the airport before practice. Taylor and Marieka were meeting him at the practice facility so Marieka could take Gail to her and Taylor’s house to work on getting everything else ready for the gender reveal tomorrow. Of course everything pink and girl related Brielle had already taken care of. Tommy and Taylor would stay with Blake while the team was getting ready for the game tomorrow.
Blake smiled seeing his parents walk out of the airport as he pulled up to pick them up. After a quick hello and Blake helping his father with the luggage they were off to the Clippers practice facility.
Brielle finished her breakfast and slipped out of the bed so she could start getting around. She was thinking about Sam that morning for some reason and made a mental note to check on him later. She had completely forgot about inviting him to the gender reveal.
Her father would be there sans her mother. He had already started moving his things out to his house in Malibu. Brielle hadn’t been over there just yet. She was waiting for her father to get out and settled in before she made the visit. She resisted the urge to call her mother and at least let her know what she was having. Knowing it would be foolish because her mother wouldn’t be excited about it she ended up not doing it.
Brielle was looking forward to having Tommy and Gail out. Especially Gail. She had really started to fill that mother role for her, even though she wasn’t her biological mother. She technically wasn’t even her mother in law yet. That was another thing Brielle needed to work on once the holidays were over.
She took a quick shower and threw on a gray maxi skirt and long sleeve white shirt that hugged her belly. She still needed to go maternity clothes shopping. Maybe that was something else she and Gail could do together.