Around noon we were all fresh and ready. Jamie and Jessa bonded quickly and seem to share the same dislikes. I now see what Jimmy meant by Jessa being similar to Jamie. Judy was sad that we were going but I promised her that we would meet soon. She gave me a tight hug as we left.
"Seems someone likes you," Ri whispered in my ear as we were moving towards the car.
"Yeah, we share a mutual love for cars-"
"I wasn't talking about Judy." She said and glanced towards Jimmy who quickly looked away. I did the same trying to hide my blush.
"I don't know what you are talking about," I said and averted my gaze. Where is Jessa, can't she unlock the car already!
Ri gasped.
"What happened?" I asked
"You tell me! What happened between you two? Jimmy can't keep his eyes off you and you look like a bright red tomato." She gasped again " Did you-"
"No Ri, nothing happened! Leave it."
She smirked and wiggled her eyebrows.
"You are a bad liar. Just wait till I tell Jessa that you kissed, oh it's going to be fun."
"Are you kidding me, Jessa will kill both of us!"
"Ha! You didn't deny anything." She said and started laughing.
"Ri at least wait till we are alone and Jimmy is not in hitting distance"
She laughed again.
"Awww, don't worry sweetie. I won't do that to you."
I breathed out in relief.
"Ok, let's go," Jessa said while waving to Judy.
We all piled inside her car with me and her in the front and Ri and Jimmy in the back seat.
Throughout the ride, Ri was giving both me and Jimmy weird kissy faces whenever Jessa wasn't looking.
I was getting more anxious as we were nearing the place.
I leaned back on the car once we stopped. Jimmy closed the car door and stood beside me and grasped my hands.
I suddenly felt a lot calmer.
He squeezed my hand but didn't let go.
"Shall we?"
He said while sweeping his hand towards the entrance.
I weekly nodded my head and we moved inside.
All my cousins were there and so was Ashu, they were standing in a semicircle in the doorway with their hands crossed in front of their chests as if waiting for me. Their expressions ranged from a frown to anger to sadness. Even Alex looked angry and he never does.
My friends thoughtfully stepped aside and so did Jimmy.
I glared at them.
"We saw you from my room's window," Sasha answered and then sighed and engulfed me in a hug.
"We were so worried, why didn't you tell us anything?" She said while stepping back.
"Guys I am fi-"
"Grace what happened to your feet?" Ashu asked. He looked the maddest of all.
"It's nothing," I said and tried not to wince because standing hurts.

FantasySomething more than normal teenagers struggles. It would have been easier to have everyday problems rather than these... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We have been running for an hour, the...