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"Are you sure you want to go?" Kai questions his brother at the door of their house, he looks concerned and slightly worried. But Peyton just smiles and nods enthusiastically.

"Yeah! He invited me around and I want to spend time with my new friend." He jumps up and down, Cole and him exchanged numbers in school one day and now that its the weekend, the older boy invited the younger one to his house.

Of course kai was still wairy- being the good brother that he is, he has to be protective over Peyton and think about his wellbeing before his happiness.

"Now i know you're excited but are you sure its a good idea, you haven't known him for long" he raises his eyebrows at his brother who stops jumping and tilts his head, clearly confused. "But you haven't known most girls long yet you still bring them back here, and sleep with them! I wouldn't be doing that."

Kai knows what he's doing, Peyton is basically calling him a hypocrite right to his face- which is fair. His face is set in a scowl, "yes but I'm not dumb and trust everyone, and I have my own car to get me out of places" Peyton looks annoyed now, he glanced out the window seeing Cole patiently wait on his bike for him.

He stomps his feet, "can I go now?" He drawls out the ending and kai pinches the bridge of his nose looking outside, the boy does look like trouble. With a motorbike and leather jacket- also he's eighteen.

Which isn't so bad because its not a big age gap but still, this is his brother. But making friends with someone older could cause you trouble.

He sighs, "fine go," Peyton is already rushing out the door with a huge grin on his face, "but remember to keep in contact okay, text me if somethings wrong and if you need to come ho-" he cuts of his rant to his brother seeing him already hopping on the bike in the distance.

He waves a dismissive hand going back in the house, "who am I kidding" he shuts the door knowing Peyton didn't listen to a word he just said. So instead he messages him it, what? Sue him for being a good brother and looking out for him.

Once they arrive to Cole's house- well mansion. They hop of the bike walking down the path and enter through the door, "my parents aren't home" they toe of their shoes by the welcome mat.


They head in the kitchen first, Cole turns around to the curly haired boy. "Because they're never here, always out" Peyton scrunches his eyebrows up, he can see that Cole's face changes. Maybe he's sad? "Oh... well I'm here now!" Cole laughs at that and opens the fridge.

"That you are. Do you want a drink?" he takes out  apple juice when Peyton points to the carton and proceeds to pour two cups, then handing one over to Peyton who sips it while he puts the juice back in the fridge.

"Common" he nods and walks up the stairs with Peyton slowly behind, drinking his drink and being careful not to spill a single drop on the expensive looking carpet.

They go to his room and both sit on the comfy double bed, Peyton likes the feel of it because its so soft- reminds him of a cat's fur. Sometimes his clothes feel too scratchy and he hates it against his skin and can't think of anything other than that the whole day.

He wishes the material from Cole's bed could be the material for all his clothes, smiling at his own thoughts he puts down his drink of juice on the bedside table, leaning over Cole.

Cole looks down at the boy and takes in his appearance, his olive skin and deep brown eyes that glows in the sun. They haven't known each other that long- maybe a month by now, but Cole already feels something for the boy.

He can't quite pin what it is, maybe he admires him. For being so unique and doing his own thing, not caring about others. The other day in school someone laughed at him in class for telling an animal fact when he got called up.

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He was supposed to present his work for English but went of taking about animals instead, he didn't care that mostly everyone was laughing at him or that he wasn't supposed to do that. So he continued with a bright smile.

It might be just that Peyton is so different from his usual friends, they all want to smoke and go to parties. All rich and dumb, getting in fights and being known as the 'bad crowd' around school.

But this boy is so much more, he's dorky and always happy. He steals from shops for his brother and he doesn't care that he lives in a small shabby house. He's not afraid to go on Cole's bike or even care for danger. When he got hit he just played it of, and he doesn't really get stranger danger.

Cole snorts at that as he stares at Peyton who is now rested on the bed with his feet out in front of him. If Peyton cared about stranger danger then they wouldn't have met, he wouldn't of taken him home- away from the creep that night.

He smiles about how things worked out, that they are now friends and he has gotten to know a little about Peyton.

"Want to watch a movie?" He grabs the remote still smiling, he feels like he has a proper friend now.

Peyton perks up at that with wide eyes, "yes please!" Cole laughs and turns to the TV in front of them, looking through Netflix to find something. Peyton soon recommends a Disney movie so Cole shrugs and puts it on nevertheless.

A while later, halfway through the movie. They had gotten closer, shoulders resting against each other as well as their legs which are propped up, Peyton resting his kneecap on the other boy's.

They talked throughout the movie, just about random things. Why Peyton lives with his brother, "our parents didn't want much to do with us so kai left and took me with him" Cole scrunches his brows together, they left their parents?

So many questions run through his head but Peyton tells an animal fact making him smile, he always does this- maybe he's obsessed with animals.

Perfect timing because the door opens slightly showing a grey kitten, Peyton sits up abruptly staring at the small feline and points to it. "You have a cat!? I didn't know you have a cat, why didn't you tell me" He looks like a child at christmas, with bright eyes and a huge smile on his face.

Cole gets up with his own smile and grabs her, "this is misty, she's only a couple months. I got her a while back because I wanted company" Peyton blanks him out because he's to busy staring intently at the tiny creature.

Cole notices that and sits next to him with a small chuckle, "you want to hold her?" Peyton snaps his head up, his eyes meeting Cole and he nods his head quickly. So quick that it might snap off.

He slowly passes along misty, making her sit in Peyton's lap. The boy squeaks as she rearranges herself to get comfortable, then he slowly lifts his hand to stroke her soft fur.

"She likes you" Cole whispers, leaning closer to the boy who looks up with a grin and a twinkle in his eyes.

But because he was distracted he petted her stomach, which she didn't like. He knew this because the kitten hissed and sat up quick, swiping her paw at Peyton.

She had her tiny claws out and got him, scratching his skin on his fingers. A small line stretched along all his knuckles and he winces.

Cole's eyes go wide, "oh. I'm sorry! Should have warned you she doesn't like her belly being petted" he grabs her and puts her down turning to the boy, who looks like he's seen a ghost, there's splodges of blood seeping through the scratch at certain areas.

For a kitten, she did scratch hard.

"Peyton? Are you okay?" He lightly grabs his hand making Peyton look up, it looks as if there's tears collecting in his eyes. Five minutes ago the boy was happy and having a good time but now, he's nearly in tears and he's hurt. Not just because of getting a small scratch but because a cat did it.

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