Chapter 2 (Edited)

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Anabelle, Zoey and I were all struggling again when an old barn come into view. What were they going to do to us? I thought about licking the guys hand that was over my mouth, maybe I could catch him off guard and he'd uncover my mouth so I could scream.

That was crushed when I thought about how I didn't know when the last time this guy washed his hands or what else he had touched. The last thing I need in this shit of a situation was to get some dieses, or be sick and not in my best shape to fight or run if the opportunity presented its self.

I ended up hanging limply after they opened the barn door. A huge elevator was visible in the corner of the room, it looked old and was so scratch that it looked like something from a movie. Our captors walked in, pushing a lever down, the thing started to move giving a creaking noise.

I closed my eyes, I always hated elevators, and one that looks this old was worse then any modern one by a long shot. I open my eyes after a long few moments of creaking, and look around.

My sister Anabelle was crying and struggling half heartedly trying to get out of her captors arms. My best friend, Zoey, was limp with tears freely falling down her cheeks. i hung there silently my face dry of tears.

I was in shock, how could this have happened to us? Not even a full five hours ago we were talking and laughing about our crushes, and about what we were going to do after we finished college. What Anabelle was going to do on summer brake from high-school. It was mere minuets before my sense came flooding back, feeling like was stuck for an eternity.

I started to struggle, kicking, scratching and pushing, anything that I thought would cause pain. Thinking that maybe if I caused enough he would drop me.

I spent the whole creepy elevator ride fighting and struggling with my captors arms, making him bleed. None of it worked, he was still as a statue made of marble. Not even batting an eyelash from the blood running down his arms.

Finally the elevator came to a stop, jerking as it did so. I closed my eyes again still trying to pull and fight at the arms around me. The doors opened with a loud screech making my eye shoot open, revealing some sort of concrete riverbed.

There were more men in black running attire standing around the elevator. Looking closer to their belts they each had guns, not tazor or BB but real bullet shooting hand guns on there sides. I stopped fighting, if (that's a big if) I got loose they could shoot and kill me. Being shot would most defiantly defeat the whole purpose of trying to escape.

Focusing my attention onto the concrete river bed, I noticed it led to an open meadow type area. It was huge, big enough in length and width for there to be mansions upon mansions nestled next to each other. And there were, but one larger then the rest of the mansion houses caught my attention. the largest house was closest to the smallest one, not a mansion but what seemed to be a three bedroom, one story house. They were on the opposite side of the meadow / cave area that we had been brought into. there was a road leading clearly to them, cutting a path between mansions. I would have guessed everyone who lived in this underground town or city was gathered in front of two houses, by the large crowd at the end of the road.

We were jogged up the road and over to the crowd, going up to the three people who stood on a platform or stage higher then everyone else.

Everyone gathered was calm keeping there eyes focused to us. Excitement or anticipation hung in the air as it went eerily quite. The same thought I had earlier must have finally went through Anabelle and Zoey's minds as they stopped struggling.

Turning my attention back to the people in front of me. The man and women who were obviously older, racked their eyes over us slowly. they Looked as if to check if we were good produce, or meat you bought at an edgy store.

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I wanted to leave; to go back to my living room sleep over. I started to cry whimpering softly as tears continued to fall over my face. The younger man standing next to the couple looked at us, going over Anabelle's face and body then to Zoey's. Like he was examining us as well.

He's eyes stopped on my face. I could only imagine how I looked. I could feel the grime and soot from the fire covering my face along with cold air stinging at the tear streaks going down my cheeks. That's what they get for kidnaping us, I thought feeling anxious about my appearance.

My inner voice shot back, then again why should I care how I look?

He stared for a few seconds his eyes dazed and glossy, before moving forward and taking me out of my captors arms, making sure to put a secure hand over my mouth. He turned and faced everyone before speaking in a loud commanding voice.

" This is my mate." everyone in the crowed gasped collectively as he continued on. "I was going to go out and search for her in the next few days. Seeing as our beta, gamma, and head warrior have brought her to me by mere coincident, I will no longer need to leave." His voice wasn't as deep as the guy holding Zoey but still a baritone deep. It was soothing almost, had I not been in the situation I was in, I would have complemented him on it.

"Good, son," said the older man to him. I could feel him nodding before he turned us and started to walked away.

I cast one more look at Anabelle and Zoey, before they were out of my sight. Taking in there tear stained cheeks and ashen colored faces, I knew in that moment they were beyond scared.

He kept walking, seemingly unaware of my glance back to my sister and friend. He Walked us a for maybe five minuets in the direction of a small house. It didn't new but it didn't look unkept in the slightest, someone obviously loved this house or at the least had enough money to pay someone to look after it.

After opening the door and walking inside he let me go. I stood there dazed for a few moments. He turned his back on me to lock the door.

This was my chance to run, and I took it. I didn't know where I was going, just somewhere away from him, to sort this all out in my head.

I turned down a small hallway, and opened the second door to the left. It was a bathroom. I shut the door thanking god that there was two locks, one on the wall and another one on the handle. I locked both as quickly as I could, before turning and sliding down the door. After a few moments I began to look around.

There was a white toilet in the middle of the far wall with a small brown window above it, and a hot tub sized grey bath tub to my left with a white double sink to my right. There was a fogged glass shower on the far right that was pushed flushed against the back wall. It wasn't a small bathroom in least, everything was over the top and moderately modern.

Jumping to my feet I hurried over to open the window, finding it was nailed shut. Of course it was, this was a town that kidnaped people on a seemingly regular schedule.

I ended up sat on the far left side of the bathroom, my legs curled in front of me and my arms locked around in front of me. I sat there in a dazed state staring at the tiled floor, for who knows how long, before a loud knock sounded on the door.

"This is confusing for you, but if you come out we can talk about it and I can set some things straight," it was the guys voice, the one who had brought me to this house.

His voice was firm but not unkind, almost like he was talking to a scared child, trying to reassure them. I didn't say anything.

"My name is tom," he said after a few silent moments. He must have thought that knowing is name would make me come out, or make me feel safer. It didn't, it only gave me a name to curse at this monster.

Again I stayed silent, laying on the tiled floor as I listened to my breathing, trying to calm down enough to think. I could feel my eyes droop, closing for longer and longer each time I blinked. The impact of being emotionally and physically exhausted finally catching up to me, I let my eyes stay shut, as my soft breath lulled me to sleep.


This is one of my first books that I do plan on finishing it just depends on my schedule right now on when I can edit and write more! I'm hopping to stick to at least a bi-weekly schedule of publishing this story!

Feel free to give me feed back in the comments! Any rude or unnecessary comments will be deleted and/or blocked.

- A.L.

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