Chapter 173: ---Control-Protocols---

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One week from the start of the pandemic...

Countries with cases:

Australia: 2322 cases, 736 deaths
Japan: 235 cases, 177 deaths
India: 1139 cases, 814 deaths
China: 132 cases, 12 deaths
Iran: 111 cases, 43 deaths
Pakistan: 332 cases, 162 deaths
Indonesia: 552 cases, 321 deaths
United Kingdom: 24 cases
Mexico: 4 cases, 1 death
Mongolia: 77 cases, 11 deaths
Syria: 38 cases, 30 deaths
Afghanistan: 32 cases, 20 deaths
France: 44 cases, 1 deaths
Spain: 69 cases, 20 deaths
Italy: 15 cases
Portugal: 1 case
Cuba: 36 cases, 12 deaths

Most of them went into lockdown, and there are other countries preparing their borders to close if infiltrated. That's was the update.

I was working at that time and the entire Area 211 is in panic mode. Because of that, we decided to held a meeting about what to do when there is a single case in this country.

Later that night, we gathered enough important members of the Area 211. There's me, Freddy, Sr. Guillester, Azuler, Baldi, Sea1997, AbstractDark, Hinds, Vlacc, Loogiah, Majacko, Mr. Lorenzo, F-777, Carrie, Itadaki and Yoshida Saki.

Ruiz: Alright everyone, tonight, we will going to discuss the plans on what to do when there is a single case of the Black Death V2 in this place.

Sr. Guillester: How are we going to defend ourselves from the bacteria that LITERALLY KILLS EVERYTHING IT TOUCHES?

Carrie: About the bacteria, it will take 1 to 6 days till the symptoms appears, based on the observed cases from other countries. The fatality rate is just as high as the original Black Death, if untreated. It's between 30 to 60 percent by the way

Ruiz: Thanks for the information Carrie. With that info, let's put in the idea of what would the quarantine measures look like.

Freddy: I think this is what it will look like: They will be quarantined if they come into close contact with a suspected person with symptoms. They will be tested if they have the Bacteria, if they did, they have to go to the isolation ward at the nearby hospital, like Covid-19, except the victims are more likely to get severe symptoms.

AbstractDark: What are the symptoms?

Carrie: They are just the same as the normal Black Death, just only deadlier. There are three types: Bubonic, Septicemic, and Pneumonic.

Bubonic plague: Patients develop sudden onset of fever, headache, chills, and weakness and one or more swollen, tender and painful lymph nodes (called buboes). This form usually results from the bite of an infected flea. The bacteria multiply in the lymph node closest to where the bacteria entered the human body. If the patient is not treated with the appropriate antibiotics, the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body.

Septicemic plague: Patients will develop fever, chills, extreme weakness, abdominal pain, shock, and possibly bleeding into the skin and other organs. Skin and other tissues may turn black and die, especially on fingers, toes, and the nose. Septicemic plague can occur as the first symptom of plague, or may develop from untreated bubonic plague. This form results from bites of infected fleas or from handling an infected animal.

Pneumonic plague: Pneumonic is for lungs, patient will develop fever, headache, weakness, and a rapidly developing pneumonia with shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, and sometimes bloody or watery mucous. Pneumonic plague may develop from inhaling infectious droplets or may develop from untreated bubonic or septicemic plague after the bacteria spread to the lungs. The pneumonia may cause respiratory failure and shock.

Among all those three, the Pneumonic plague is the deadliest one, but the issue is that Bubonic Plague is very common, but still we must take action because if the bacteria Mutates, it will be even worse than this.

Itadaki: So now we know what is Black Death V2, but what about the protocols?

Ruiz: I'll explain. If there is someone who is suspiciously infected, they will be quarantined for 6 days. If one of the symptom has showed up, they will be immediately test to see if it's the V2 variant or a normal one, which it will be 99% of the results. They will be treated at the hospital where they will be isolated and be placed on a bed. They will be treated with higher class of antibiotics which it will decrease the severity. Of course there would be contact tracing to see if they are infected or not.

Carrie: What your saying right now is the protocols that the entire US would have if they have a case here.

Ruiz: Exactly, that would be the same thing here. Would it be fine if we do the same thing, except make it a bit stronger here?

Freddy: You haven't lost your motivation, so I think I should say yes.

Hinds: Me too, this entire place would be heavily defended against the Black Death V2.

Ruiz: Do you all agree?

Everyone: Yes.

Ruiz: Great, good night everyone and see you tomorrow.

After this, we left to take a rest, and to see the updates tomorrow.

At my house, I saw the new that the patient zero is still alive, which is Mario. I have thoughts about what to to to him if he survives the pandemic. I can just feel the urge to give him an uppercut if the situation gets worse.

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