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3rd Person POV

"I couldn't believe that Shiro said that about Lance!" Pidge screamed out to no one. 

She had been keeping themself distant from everyone since having a shouting match with Shiro, she had been fuming silently while tinkering with any and all gadgets they had within arms reach for hours.

Pidge's POV

It wasn't until I find out that Lance was an Omega that I even started considering how bad our actions and words really were, but that isn't an excuse we still shouldn't have treated him as our stress relief, it's the fact that he is an Omega that makes it that much more dangerous. 

I still remember all the times watching Matt start to close himself off from people and just carry on smiling like nothing really happened when it got too much for him, I don't understand why people find it so difficult that male Omega's exist it's just their gender not who they are!

"We are going to fix this, we are going to make this right."

That's when I decided to start making my way towards the dining room, everyone should be there for dinner. I could feel myself march forcefully forward with speed, purpose and intent, I entered the room and everyone was there except Keith & Lance (to be expected).

All eyes turned to me as I entered, I looked at everyone in the eye before beginning to talk, just as I took a deep breath I hear the door slide open behind me and see Keith stride into the room.

"Guys we need to talk." Dammit he beat me to it.

Keith's POV

Pidge turned and looked at me like I had grown a 2nd head, "I was just about to say that!" They exasperated. I smirk and nod then look to the rest of the group.

"We need to help Lance, we need to fix what we've done." I State.

"W-what's wrong with Lance? Is he ok? Did something happen? He isn't hurt is he?! Answer me Keith!" Hunk's worried voice boomed from the kitchen while walking towards me.

I put both my hands on Hunk's shoulders and look at him in the eye "Woah there buddy, he's fine, well he's not really, but he is ok for the time being ok? We just have a lot to figure out."

I could see Hunk's eyes wanting to ask more questions but he just nodded and took a seat waiting to hear what we were going to do.

I can see Shiro stand "Why isn't Lance here Keith? We need to talk about this as a group. And what happened between you two the last couple of days? What would've happened if the Galra attacked?"

I feel my cheeks darken with red both from mentioning the last couple of days and the fact that this was Shiro's main concern. I take a deep breath and compose myself. 

"I'm letting Lance get some much needed rest, and not from what you think either Shiro, Lance has been through so much more than you can even imagine. All of us need to be there for Lance right now, he needs to know that he is loved, that he is needed and wanted, that he is worthy of being here with us. And your comments of your main concerning being just about a Galra attack over Lance's health does not help Shiro. Would you be the same if it was Pidge, Hunk or me mmm?"

Without a second to spare Shiro had replied and i wasn't ready for what he was going to say.

"That's different, it's only Lance"

Hearing those words made me feel a new type of anger, it was insanely intense, like every fibre of my being needed to attack Shiro. I could feel my fangs start to elongate and growling pulsing from throat and gut.


Hunk's POV

This is bad, so very very bad! 

Keith looks like he's literally about to pounce on Shiro all I can smell his is Alpha scent spreading out trying to show dominance over everyone in the room, especially Shiro.

"Keith be reasonable, don't challenge me, I am the head Alpha and I'm your brother. Don't do this" Shiro stepped forward closer to Keith as he spoke.

'No no no no!' I kept yelling to myself, this isn't good I shouldn't get inbetween an Alpha fight, but if I did I know they wouldn't hurt me. Then that's the plan!

I stepped between the 2 looking at Keith hands up, low voice and slow movement. "Keith buddy, good friend of mine, I need you to try and calm down for me please."


"And how would Lance feel about you doing that?" Dirty trick I know but I need things to calm down. I could see Keith's eye leave Shiro's into mine, I could see so much emotion in that small glance, hurt, anguish, pain, frustration, longing. 

"You need to go back and check on Lance and make sure he is ok, we'll deal with Shiro. And he won't be getting of lightly." In that moment I did something I've never done before in my entire life; I turned my head till Shiro was in full view and I glared, bared my teeth and spoke in almost growl "Won't we Shiro?" I swear till my dying days that I could sense fear from Shiro. No one hurts my friends, including myself, lessons need to be learnt.

"Now go back to Lance please Keith, I have a feeling he's going to need a lot of support from you more than anyone else, and thank you for being there when I should've been. Go help our packs Omega." I gave him a quick hug, which I was surprised he hugged back and left the room. 

I scanned the remaining of the group, Coran and Allura seemed a little dumbstruck from what just happened and what was happening as a whole, Shiro was still stood there staring at the door, and Pidge, where is She?!

Pidge's POV

I had been an proper Alpha for a few days now and nothing could've prepared me for happened while in the dining room, I wanted so badly to join Keith against Shiro and make him understand what the hell he was doing wrong but I just froze and cowered away into the corner. The overpowering scents of dominance emanating from both Keith and Shiro drove my instincts to submit and hide, to not get involved between these Alpha's. I hated it! I hated how powerless that feeling forced me to be, force me to feel, I-it wasn't fair.

I only knew of one place that was going to be safe, the one place that felt secure and peaceful. Lance. I managed to sneak out the room as quickly and quietly as possible and bolted it straight to Lance's room, all I could feel was impending danger.

Once I was stood outside Lance's room I couldn't wait for him to answer, I opened the door and found Lance asleep on the bed, I hurried onto the side with the wall that he was facing and buried myself into his chest, I felt his arms instinctively wrap around me and I immediately felt a sense of security, he was subtly letting out calming pheromones which were working wonders for my nerves and peace of mind. I felt my body slowly relax and snuggle deeper into the hug.

I could feel my eyes well up with relief. "Thank you Lance, thank you so much." To my surprise I heard a voice speak back.

"I've got you little one, you're safe with me."


Hi guys, girls and all inbetween! Sorry it's been a while and thank you so so much for the comments & votes honestly means so much!

Hope you like the new chapter =]

Kiki xx

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