Athena arc pt 2

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Feel like I have to say this a lot. I'm sorry for taking a long time to update, I tend to find it hard to focus so I work on chapters little by little. Such as the AOT story. I've been stuck on a chapter for what feltbl8ke at least a month. But, I'm still struggling to write it, and there's at least a page done.

Same case with this story. Takes me a long time to write each chapter. Especially with how little Time I had last month with summer school. But, please have patience, I probably won't update for at least a week after this.

Please enjoy this chapter, and once again I'm sorry.

Felicia: I see you found me… well come on in, I'll get you something water. 

Felicia walks back into the apartment and allows y/n to enter. He sat down at the dinner table, as she poured him a cold cup of water.. He had so many questions, but so little time. As the longer he takes, Athena's forces gain more control over New York. He had to use this time wisely. Felicia sits across from him and hands him the glass of water.

Felicia: You've really grown Y/n… you're probably my age at this point.

Y/n: … Felicia, why have you been in hiding? After we undid the Snap, I couldn't find you anywhere.

Felicia: … I had to go into hiding for things I couldn't disclose yet Y/n. I'm sorry, but I seriously can't talk about it. If I do, you'll just have more enemies.

Y/n: Felicia I fought Thanos, and protected New York for years. I'm sure I could handle it-

Felicia: You maybe, but your friends and family? Your Uncle in prison, your mother? Would they handle being attacked?

Y/n thinks for a moment…

Y/n: How do you know my uncle-

Felicia: Because they do Y/n. They have people that would kill Beck in an instant on the inside. They have the technology to find out who you are, and kill them. Hell, that's why I don't have kids, or any real loved ones. Because they would kill them if I crossed them. I'm telling you Y/n, just please for now, don't get involved.

Y/n: … Fine. Just for now, till I deal with this current problem.

Felicia: What problem?

Suddenly an explosion is heard outside.

Y/n: *places finger over his lips* Listen.

The room is silent as the sounds of gunfire, people screaming, and explosions are heard outside.

Y/n: *whisper* An army of robots are attacking New York, and a friend and I are forming a team to fight back.

Felicia: *whisper* Seriously?

Y/n: *whisper* As serious as a heart attack. Almost every hero within New York has been captured including the Avengers. Dr. Strange, opened a portal and sent me here to recruit you.

Felicia: *whisper* That's how you found me…

Y/n: We already have one person on board… so, will you help us?

Felicia looks down at the table, and then towards a closet on the other side of the room. She gets up and walks over to the closet before opening it and rummaging through it. She then grabs a large black steel box, with a small cat symbol on the corner of it. 

Felicia: I'll have to find somewhere else to hide… but yes, I'll help. But after we're done, you won't see me for a while. Do you understand Y/n?

También te gustarán


Y/n: … Yes.

Felicia: Good.

Y/n opens a portal, allowing her to walk through. At the same time, Strange's portal opens allowing Y/n to see the next recruit.


In a small cabin in the woods, a familiar Scarlet Witch is seen practicing her magic. She looked to be in a trance when a loud noise in the kitchen was heard snapping her out of it. She frowned as her hands began to glow brighter, she began to slowly float towards the source of the sound. Someone's foot is seen stepping out of the kitchen, as instantly, she blast the person. However, her eyes widen once she sees that person glitch past the beam, and appears in the living room.

Wanda: Y/n?

Y/n: Wanda?!

Wanda's eyes began to glow as her magic began to grow more intense.

Wanda: What are YOU doing here? Speak, now. 

Y/n, clearly panicking, raises his arms to show no harm.

Y/n: I've come to ask for your help!

Suddenly he feels his body begin to tighten as she lifts him into the air.

Wanda: And why would I help you? You betrayed me, left me alone in Westview!

Y/n glitches out of her hold as he summons a portal dropping his web shooters. He glitches them right on, and shoots two impact webs at her. The webs wrap around her hands, as she tries to take them off with her magic.

Y/n: You brainwashed me, tried changing what I thought was my reality
 But you can't Wanda, I'm literally a glitch in the damn matrix. Listen, I need your help because New York is under attack. And you're not gonna like what's attacking.

Wanda: *scoffs* What, another Thanos?

Y/n: … Another Ultron, Wanda.

Her eyes widen, as she stops floating, and walks up to Y/n.

Wanda: What do you mean by another Ultron?! He's back!?

Y/n: Not exactly. It's another A.I. that's gone Rouge, it's misinterpreting orders, and is taking over New York, soon, the work. The A.I. is violent, and is using any means necessary to take over Manhattan. Hell, it even created Avengers robots, even a robot version of me! Wanda… I've read your files from before the Snap. Do you want another attack like that to happen again? Another Sokovia? 

Wanda: … No.

Y/n: Then please help us. 

Wanda: … Fine. 

Y/n: *whispers* Thank you…

Wanda: How do I get there? If the city is already under their control?

Y/n: here.

Y/n opens up his portal to Strange's manor.

Y/n: Through there, are some of our allies. I need to get one more person. But after that, we'll create a plan and save the city.

Wanda nods, and walks into the portal, as the final portal, arrived.


Y/n steps through the portal to appear in a random alleyway. The sounds of robots flying through the skies fill his ears. Y/n glitches enough so they can't detect them. He walks around the alley till he sees a certain red mercenary eating a chimichanga. Despite being invisible to everyone and everything in this reality… the man looks directly at him.

 Despite being invisible to everyone and everything in this reality… the man looks directly at him

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

???: What's up spider guy!

Y/n stops glitches as his face just held a shocked expression.

Y/n: How- How the hell did you see me?!

???: To me you were just standing there. So, what's up?

Y/n: Who… Who are you?

The man sticks out his hand.

Deadpool: The names Deadpool, a handsome mercenary by night, and a handsome mercenary by day!

Y/n hesitantly shakes his hand.

Y/n: A mercenary? Then you must be who Strange wanted.

Deadpool: Oh the wizard guy! So what you wanted me for? An extra member for your basketball team against aliens? Your fight against Darkseid? Or someone for the music competition?

Y/n: Uhh… none of those, rather against the robots flying around us? We sorta need your help breaking them and regaining the city?

Deadpool: So we're blowing shit up?

Y/n: Yeah basically.

Deadpool: Hm… alright, but how much? This is an extreme task you're asking from me? I'd take 45,000 right now.

Y/n: Right… mercenary. How about 50,000 after the mission is done? You know, when the robots don't control anything?

Despite Y/n himself clearly not having that type of money to spare, and not wanting to use his wives' money. He could certainly get S.H.I.E.L.D to play the merc some other time.

Deadpool: *chuckles* You sure you even have that money? 

Y/n: Man, I was an Avenger. I have a good amount of money. 

That's a lie. He wasn't ever paid being an Avenger, which was complete bullshit. But for some reason everyone but him was paid! Hell all of his girlfriends are probably more rich then him individually!

Deadpool: Hell yeah Avenger money!  

Y/n: Alright, well, we should probably go before the robots spot us. I'll open a portal, and we'll create a plan at base.

Suddenly, loud metallic bangs are heard above them. The two look up to see four androids perched on the roof looking down at them. Their eyes suddenly turned red as each one stared directly at Y/n himself.

Deadpool: Alright… so, you gonna open that portal now?

Y/n: Yup!

Y/n grabs Deadpool and glitches as the four jump down and approach the duo. Y/n then opens a portal directly where they're standing, taking them directly into the manor. The two get out of the way as Y/n quickly closes the portal.

Deadpool: Yo what's up Pottor!

Y/n looks to see Dr. Strange standing behind them, clearly not amused by Deadpool's joke.

Strange: Good, that's the last of them. We'll discuss the plan in the next room.

Y/n nods as they follow him to what looked like a living room. Everyone took a spot in the room. Y/n sitting on the couch with Wanda and Felicia on both sides. Deadpool tried to get on the couch as well by lying across the top of it. All while Johnny leaned against the wall paying full attention to Strange.

Strange: Now… here's the plan.

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