Part 3 :

992 38 3

Ariana Fletcher💕
Atlanta Georgia 📍(Von house)
July 21,2019

Ariana Fletcher💕Atlanta Georgia 📍(Von house)July 21,20199:10am

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I had woke up and von had me tight as fuck in his arm. I removed his arm and he woke up. "What you doing baby?" I kissed his forehead.

"Go back to sleep I'm finna go brush my teeth and wash my face." I said getting up.

He turned over and went back to sleep at least I thought he did, I was brushing my teeth then he walked in and was standing behind me kissing my neck and cuffing my ass. I was blushing he was so cute.

"What you doing today bae?" he asked me while he was washing his face.

"Nothing so far love." He rung his towel out and kissed me.

"We going to the mall then so get dressed." I didn't have no clothes over here so I had to go home and get some.

I cussed Jayda out for not answering. "That was my goal to get you to spend the night with him , OMG Did YALL"?

I put my hands over her mouth, "Jayda no shut the hell up don't do that shit again without asking me you don't know if I was ready for that".

"I'm sorry" I hugged her and went and got my clothes and went back out to the car.

"Them ain't enough clothes".

I looked at Von confused and didn't know what he meant. "I'm coming back home right"? He shook his head no and I rolled my eyes and went back and got all my clothes. Von came and helped me carry all my cases of clothes and shoes.

"Ima miss you, house wife" Jayda said tryna be funny.

"Bitch shut up you know we still gon be getting lit together".

In the inside I felt like we was rushing stuff but I was just gon let it play out plus I wasn't "INLOVE" yet.

I went on Instagram with a lot of notifications. They don't come to my phone I turned them off cause I'll wake up to a a whole bunch of notifications. I seen I was being tagged in a post on shade room and I couldn't believe me eyes.



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