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"JJ, there is a problem though." I point out.

"And what is that?" He asks me.

"Is living eachother, I'm a kook." I explain.

"I don't care. I want to be together!" JJ whisper yells

"We can't be together JJ. If anybody finds out-" I start

"Just this summer KC." I look into his eyes for less than a second and kiss him deeply. He dives into the kiss sticking his tongue into my mouth. Exploring it like it's so new cave he just discovered. I do the same to his mouth. We are fighting with our tongues. JJ wins and pins me down into the sand with my arms above my head. When he pulls away I whimper missing his warmness.

"We will make sure nobody finds out." JJ tells me. I look at him and nod my head waiting for him to put his lips on mine again, but he doesn't. He just lays beside me and pulls me over to him. Here we are, laying in the beach, where any kook could easily spot us in the morning. Yet I don't give a single care in the world.

I doze off and wake up early. It's 5am. I decide to wake JJ up before the Kooks all wake up. I decide to kiss him. When I do that he wakes up immediately and grabs my head holding it to his lips. I somehow manage to pull away.

"JJ the kooks will be up soon. Those snobs wake up early. Also I should probably go talk to Sarah. JJ nods his head and gives you one last deep kiss before heading back to John b's place. I walk to the Cameron residence. I know the code so I type it in and walk up to sarah's room, cuddling into her sheets with her.

" Wheezie go away." Sarah groans.

"Fine." I say. Sarah jumps up and hugs me.

"KC. I thought you were kidnapped Although your dad didn't think so." Sarah explained to me.

"I just didn't feel like talking to Topper. After he smashed my head open on a rock at the party. Also don't even say I could've called you. I threw my phone in the water." I rant. Sarah just laughs. She knows this is common of me.

"KC, please don't go home to your dad for a while. He's in that mood again." Sarah warns and demands me.

"I won't." I promise to Sarah. Me and Sarah both fall asleep in her bed. We woke up at around 12 o'clock to Topper bursting into the room. I groan along with Sarah then I realized it is Topper.

"Oh shit." I mutter under my breath

"Oh shit is right." Topper says must've been able to hear me.

"Topper I'm not in the mood." I state.

"Do you think I care? I haven't seen you since that party. I though those pouges kidnapped you, but no, you were hiding from me!" Topper yells. This leads you to assume nobody is home at the moment.

"Topper! You hurt me at that party!" I shout.

"Because you were trying to save a stupid pouge!"

"Yeah, but Topper, you were gonna kill him." I quietly say.

"So tell me KC, where have you been all this time?" Topper asks.

"I blacked out on the beach that night. When I woke up, I was in the cut." I say.

"And who brought you there?" Topper asks.


"What exactly did he save you from?" Topper questions.

"You. When you pushed me away my head hit a rock. It was bleeding!" I yell.

"What did you do after you woke up? huh?" Topper demand an answer.

"I answered your call. Then threw my phone in the water. Then I told the pouges I had to go. I was at home hiding. For the rest of the day." I lie. Topper slaps me across the face reflecting his anger. I get flashbacks of my dad.

"TOPPER!" I scream

"You are gonna marry me one day, and you have no say against that." Topper reminds me.

"I don't want to marry you." I say with a tear sliding down my bruised cheek. Topper comes over and slams me against the wall. Making me dizzy like at the party. A minute later, my head starts bleeding. Topper doesn't care though. You know who did care? Sarah. She ran to go get Rafe. Rafe rushed into the room looking at the scene before him. Blood was pouring out of my head at a fast rate, and Topper was slapping me while yelling. Rafe pulled him off me. Topper only then had realized what he'd done. Sarah called 911 and I was rushed to the hospital.

I had blacked out in the ambulance. When my eyes began to flutter open, I saw none other than the pouges and Sarah in the room.

"KC!" Sarah yells. I cover my ears as she screams.

"Ouch." I say as loud as I can, which is barely a whisper.

"Sorry. I was so worried. They thought you'd be dead." Sarah explains to me.

"Where is-" I begin to ask but Sarah cuts me off.

"He's not here. It's just me and those two boys." Sarah says pointing at John b and JJ.

"H-hi." I say.

"Can you explain to me what happened?" JJ asks. Sarah looks into my eyes and than at her feet. She feel responsible. She thinks if she got Rafe sooner that it would be different. But it wouldn't have. Rafe would've been fine with it until a drop of blood was shed.

"'s not your fault." I say ignoring JJ. Sarah wipes a tear off her face and smiles giving you a hug. John b and JJ just sit there like idiots.

"Okay someone tell me what happened now." JJ demands.

"JJ...I can't." I manage to mumble out. JJ just shakes his head in disbelief.

"JJ. If I was her I wouldn't tell you either." Sarah tries to reason with him.

"Yeah alright. So who did this to her? huh?" JJ says obviously irritated.

"JJ.....It's okay." I try to calm him down.

"KC look at you. It's not okay. Who di-" JJ stop mid sentence storming out of the room. John b follow behind him. He knows it was Topper. Even though I told him the truth about Topper never laying a hand on me. Sarah looks at me in worry. I just shake my head no. Meaning that she didn't need to stop him. Topper is big enough to fight for himself.

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