"Two years earlier"
~Maddies P.O.V~
Beep beep beep
My alarm goes off signaling me to wake up for school. I turn my alarm off and get up. Since its really hot outside, I'm wearing ripped high wasted white blue jean shorts and a blue and white ombre shirt that says sink or swim and has am anchor on it. I put my usual make-up, which is light brown eye shadow and top and bottom eyeliner and mascara. I curl my hair and walk to school. After two minutes of walking, I hear laughter and it sounds like Mathew, my bully. He tried to come near me so I started to run.I ran as fast I could I just I keep running.I ran until I reached the beach.When I was there I had to stop to breath.Just then I felt the sharp pain of my hair being ripped out.He started to pull me into the water.I was pushed under the water I couldn't come up he arm held me underwater.I finally gathered enough streagth to over power him and get myself above water.When I got to land he pushed me onto the sand croutched down and spat in my face,"I WISH U WOULD JUST SINK."He was refering to my shirt. As he walked away I just sat there crying. I called my mom to come and get me.~moms P.O.V~
Three weeks later, me and Maddie went to go get our yearly checkups. After the tests came back, the doctor came back and said everything was fine with maddie, but I could see the sorrow built up beneath her eyes. Maddie said she had to go to the bathroom, but when she left the doctor stayed in the room. "What's wrong with me?" I asked the doctor. The doctor took a huge sigh and said, "I'm sorry, but you have primary peritoneal carcinoma." "What is that?" I asked getting worried not only about myself but for my daughter. "Primary peritoneal carcinoma is a rare cancer. It has cells like those on the outside of the ovaries, but it starts in the lining of the pelvics and abdomen." She paused with a long sigh and I could see hurt in her eyes while she looked at me. "Symptoms and treatments are similar to overian cancer. You only have 1 to 2 years to live. I'm so sorry." After she said that Maddie came into the room. Maddie asked what was happing. "Its nothing, I just remembered that I left the stove on at the house." I said not knowing what to say. "Oh okay. Can we go out to eat after this?" "Sure sweety what do you want?"Maddie's POV~
-An hour later-
My mom and I where at the restaunt. "I know your secret." My mom said. My breath got caught in my throat. "What secret?" I asked scared of what she would say next. "I saw you and that boy at the beach the day you wanted me to pick you up. I was at the beach earlier that day and I forgot my sunglasses there. I saw him push you down on the sand. Who is he?" "His name is Mathew. He has been bullying me for the last year. I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I was scared." I was now balling and the manager came over to our table. "I'm sorry but if you're going to be this loud, you're going to have to leave. Like now!" The manager said to us. We arrived home and we talked for about an hour about the bullying and my mom told me she has cancer. She only has 1 to 2 years to live....