Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven--Justin's Point of View

I had never known that it was possible to be in so much pain. The worst things that I had ever had to put up with were a migraine and a broken foot. And although they were intense, neither one of those pains compared to what I was feeling at the current time. Every part of my body was either throbbing, stinging, or burning. It hurt to move even a fraction of an inch. I couldn't draw in a really deep breath without my chest feeling as if there were a dozen knives being stabbed through it; even small breaths were painful to draw in. On top of all of that, I was practically starving and dying of thirst.

Aside from all of the physical pain, I was experiencing a lot of emotional hurt as well. It probably wasn't a secret to anyone that I had gone missing by that point, and images of my family, my friends, Sarah, and my fans were swirling around in my head. They were all scared; I could feel it. I wished more than anything that I could send them a sign to let them know that I was okay--or, at least, alive. Knowing that I couldn't do it was one of the most frustrating realizations ever.

I especially found myself thinking about Sarah. That day was supposed to have been my special day with her. It was our one-year anniversary, and I'd had big plans for it. The two of us were going to get on a private jet and fly to Nasvhille, Tennessee. That had always been her dream city. She had passed through the area once before, but had been forced to detour due to road constrctuion, so all she had gotten to see was the skyline. She had said that that was good enough for her; she had still been able to "sense the magic," but I wanted more for her.

After we spent a few hours in Music City, we were going to get back on the jet and progress to Alto, Texas, which was her hometown, so that she could see her family and friends that still lived in the area (it was going to be a surprise for all of them as well). After that, we were going to go to the mall in Grapevine, Texas, which is where we had first met. We were going to go ice-skating, because that's what we had been doing when we met. Well, I had been skating. She had been clinging to the rail, just barely shuffling along. My background in hockey had taught me a thing or two, but since she had never set foot on ice before, she was clueless. I helped her out, and by the time we were finished, she was skating like a pro. As it had done on the night that we met, dinner was going to follow at the Rainforest Cafe. Then, when we boarded the jet to go back to Atlanta, I was going to present her with the promise ring that I had bought behind her back a week earlier.

This isn't fair, I thought as my eyes filled up with tears. Today was supposed to have been completely amazing. I was going to make sure that it was one of the best days of her life. Now, though, it's probably the worst. I imagined her pacing back and forth, her fingers nervously toying with the royal blue dogtag (which was engraved with 'Let Go & Let God') that she always wore and her beautiful face streaked with tears. The mental picture pushed me over the edge, and I put my head in my hands and let loose, bawling like a baby.

At that moment, I heard the sound of the door being unlocked before it opened. "Aw, look at that." The disgusting voice that I had been dreading sounded from behind me in a tone of mock concern. "Little Baby Bieber can't take the heat. How sad."'

"Just let me out of here!" I screamed at him, jerking my head up and glaring at him through my tears. "Please! I want to go home! I want to see my family and my friends and my girlfriend! I want to be able to perform for my fans!" I paused for a moment, a thought coming to my mind. "I have money," I told him. "I have lots of money. Maybe we could come to some sort of agreement--"

"I don't want your money!" he bellowed. For some reason, he thought that my suggestion was worthy of one of his notorious slaps. I cried out as his hand collided with my sore jaw. "It's just like your apologies--completely useless. You're sitting there whining about how you want to see your family...well, guess what? I want to see my family, too! The only thing stopping me from being able to do that is you! Thanks to you, I have no family anymore!" he slapped me again, adding a powerful kick to the mix.

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