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Vince had changed yet again once I agreed to the most animal instinct we shared. I was no longer in control of my motions and I was no longer allowed to move without his say so.

The grip he had on my wrists made it impossible to touch him in the way I wanted. He had one hand containing and the other began its decent into the thin fabric that separated my vulnerable being to him. His fingers danced over the entrance pressing the fabric and making slow, diliberate circles over my sensitive clit.

The moans that escaped my lips were consumed by the dancing of our tongues against each other doing their own intricate pirouette. My body heated up more and more with the more pressure and the more sensation Vinny gave me, all while controlling himself and keeping his grip on my wrists.

I didn't want him to control himself, not now. I wanted to loose control of myself in him and I wanted him to give me all that he's been holding onto for so long. I needed him to show me his true colors, I wanted to feel his animal.

Vince's hand stopped moving over my sensitive parts and pushed aside the thin layer of my underwear.

Waves of excitement ran through me as strong finger introduced themselves inside of me. The noises I made were purely unholy.

Vince released my lips from his and moved down my neck, leaving trails with his tongue as he moved further down to my collarbone. His grip on my wrist was released as he replaced them on the small mounds that were my breasts.

He pinched them and kneaded them in a way that sent my head further I to a haze that was driven by only instinct. I wanted him to move faster, to be more aggressive, to take all of me now.

He paused. His fingers left me and his head lifted with the look of annoyance.

A firm knocking had been ringing for the last minute or so accompanied by the door knob twisting and shaking.

"Fuck me."


Vinny removed his weight from my body as he left to go and answer the basement door. My body stayed frozen as the realization creapt over me that the moment was lost. The line had been crossed but neither of us had been satisfied or even had time to explore.

Vinny returned looking more annoyed than when he had left the couch.

"Mom would like you to help her with the dishes and prep for tomorrow's dinner."

I shot up and glared at Vince. "You're joking"

This tradition in Vince's house wasn't new. Every family member that made it through high school and got accepted into a college got a dinner that was rather expensive and consistent of lobster, marinated meats and desserts that were, obviously, prepared the night before.

Of all the times to ask, this had to be the worst. But if I refused Jen, she'd be more than irate and wonder more so what was going on down here.

I got up from the couch and brushed past Vince, prepared to explain why the door had been locked, when he spun me around and pulled our lips together. His hand was gripping my hair sending chills down my spine as he kissed me with more passion than before.

"Enjoy, little housewife." he snickered letting go of my hair and returning to the couch unfazed.

I blinked for a moment barely registering what had happened, when Jen beckoned me up the stairs.


I was chopping the garlic cloves into fine pieces for the steak marinade and had already set aside the parsley and rosemary. Cooking with Jen was like cooking for a royal family. No expense was spared when she cared about the people she cooked for.

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