It's the day of the duel. I'm still getting ready when the yorkshire walks in. She starts helping me put my armor on.
" What are you doing?!"
" I'm your servant. I'm supposed to help you get ready... unless you prefer Cathy."
" Your already here so I guess you will be fine. I have never had anyone help me before."
" Tiger is all ready and waiting so I decided to try to help you look as tough as him."
" There. All set." I walk out with her. She takes me to where the duel is going to be held. She was right. The tiger looks extremely tough.
When it's time to start the duel Raph comes out and sits up in an enclosed area. I watch him and Tiger shoves me.
" Are you ready?"
" As ready as I'll ever be."
He gets in a fighting stance. I realize I already have an advantage. He has one sword, I have two. I pull my katanas out and get in a fighting stance. I can see the worry in his facial expression. It goes as fast as it came.
The King told us to start.
Tiger jumped at me and I jumped back and cut his back going around him. He winced but turned around and jumped at me again I jumped over him and kicked his feet out from under him. He fell heavily and slowly sat up. Then he turned around to look at me and his eyes were entirely red. His paws lit up in fire and jumped at me. I tried to move to the side but he grabbed my arm. My arm started burning and I tried pulling free but his grip just got tighter. I screamed and it startled him. I kicked him in the stomach and he slid backwards and fell on the ground. I put one of my swords back and put the other one at his throat.
" Do you yield?" He shut his eyes and nodded slowly then spoke in a loud voice.
" I yield." I grabbed his arm and helped him up. Everyone started cheering. Tiger hung his head and Brute ran up to him then looked at me.
" Now what happens?" Raph walked over.
Raph, " Now Tiger drops his rank to commander and Leo is the general."
Brute, " But what about Maxwell? He's the commander."
" Maxwell and Tiger are both commanders. It will make it easier when it comes to splitting up the army."
Raph walked up to me and grabbed my hands.
" How's it feel to be the general?"
"No different than before. I was King Domor's general."
" That's right."
We head back to the castle and Tiger runs up next to me.
" Hey. Sorry about burning you earlier."
" It's fine. I didn't know you had powers here."
" Yeah. A lot of us do. Scruffy, Terry, Cathy, Foxy, Wolfy, Donnie, Mikey, Raphael, me, the Cat Army..." I cut him off.
" I get it. A lot of you do. Who's Scruffy?" He stopped and stared at me. I stare back at him.
" I never took you to Scruffy?"
" Nope."
"... I'm going to have to." He ran up to the king and they started talking. I let them be and walked over to Ribery. He was standing and Foxy was next to him.
Foxy, " Hello."
" Hi. What are you doing with my horse?"
" I'm the one taking care of him so I'm trying to progress his healing."
" Why don't you just use magic?"
" When I use magic on pets... it ends up bad and we have to kill the pets."
" Oh. Good reason." I pet Ribery and he whinnied. I smiled at him and he nuzzled me. I kissed his muzzle and head back to the castle.
I went to the throne room and the army was in there. I stayed back against the wall but I heard what was being said.
Some cat, " We can't drop Tiger."
Raph, " Well guess what? We are."
" We are a CAT army. We need a CAT leader."
" TOO BAD!" They all went silent then I heard a female voice.
Female cat, "We don't want the turtle."
Some cat, " Thanks for being so straightforward." he sounded really upset.
Raph stood up and his eyes were white and he screamed that he didn't want to hear it and that they were going to accept me being the leader.
I ran out. I couldn't believe that they didn't like me and they haven't even met me. I'm thinking about leaving or giving the position back to Tiger.
I ran into Tiger in the hall.
Tiger, " Oh sorry."
"It's fine. You can have your job back. They don't want me."
"... Okay but only if the king accepts it."
" That won't be necessary. I'm going to get my things and leave." I walked past Tiger and he stared at me and I heard him run off so I started rushing so I could get out before he told the king.
I ran out to Ribery with my stuff and strapped it down to him and mounted him. I pulled the reins and tapped his side with my foot and he started running. He stopped at the gates and I opened them and he ran out. I decided to go somewhere other than Elderon so we went a direction I have never been before. It was a dark part of the woods. Ribery stopped running and walked slowly. I found a cave for us to spend the night. He laid down heavily and I started a fire. I put my back against his stomach. and started writing in my diary.
I heard something walking in the cave and I rose my head to look around. Ribery heard it too because he lifted his head and grunted. I rubbed his side and told him it was probably just some rodents. He laid his head back down.
I put my diary back in my satchel and laid down putting my head on Ribery's leg. I fell asleep thinking about Raph.

The Knight and The King
FanfictionIt's an alternate universe on TMNT 2012. Leo is the knight and Raph is the supposedly cruel and unjust king. Leo is supposed to kill him but he doesn't exactly get that far...