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Rue and Yuna had woken up at the same time and quickly prepared for breakfast then got ready for school. In ten minutes. Kai and Blake will arrive. Or rather Luna and Karen as they know them to fetch them.

It's been two weeks since the sisters arrived in DDC. Things were never normal because that is indeed the city of criminals. So despite not liking the idea. They accepted Luna's offer to stop by their house with their car to take the Shan sisters with them.

It was a pretty wise offer that Blake thought. And Llanis approved of it too since his nieces are the two's missions.


For two weeks. It already felt normal for Rue and Yuna to receive threat messages. It applies to Blake and Kai too who are being threatened with the safety of their missions.

But it gets worse. Because not everyday, they allow the two "girls'" to stick themselves on their sides like gums. So whenever they think they are by themselves. Going clubbing and such.

They feel like someone follows them aside from the fact that Blake and Kai tails them all the time until they get home safe. They have that dangerous and weird feeling that whoever it is that follows them is up to no good.

"Uncle. Why don't we hire a bodyguard for us both? Just to look after us from afar." Rue suggested while carefully slicing the expensive steak on her plate. Yuna is just carelessly and clumsily eating beside her with smudges of steak sauce all over the sides of her mouth.

Her maid had wiped off the sauce on her face for the nth time.

"You want a bodyguard? But to watch you from afar?" Kessie laughed and looked at Llanis' nonchalant reaction.

"Yeah. What's wrong with that?" Rue shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't think anyone will take the job! Especially for both brats like you!" Llanis said bluntly and pointed his table knife at the two.

Rue and Yuna rolled their eyes in unison. Scoffing at their uncle's statement.

The siblings are quite famous among SHADOWS to be spoiled brats and ultimate devils. They live up to the expectations from their demon uncle.

They had a few bodyguards and all of them started signing off from the job because of how mischievous they are. Even though they aren't aware that their bodyguards are all Cold Bodies. They had to sign off before the girls learned who they were.

"Come on! We're talking about our safety here!" Yuna scoffed and harshly ate the steak on her fork.

"Don't worry girls! We already hired bodyguards for you! They're so good that you don't even know they're watching out for you!" Kessie stated with a chuckle and looked again at Llanis.

Llanis had been oddly quiet ever since the news that Myungsoo was killed reached the entire Cold Bodies. It wasn't said on the news who killed him but of course, the couple know that it was Phoenix who did it. It's just not that good to see him all quiet than he already is.

"Geez. Maybe they're the ones we thought were tailing us at Cleveland Bar!" Rue grumbled and took a gulp of water.

"Why don't you two just go clubbing in the daytime so you won't feel uneasy when you club at night!" Llanis and his lame and stupid suggestions again.

"Uncle! Who the hell goes clubbing in the daytime?!" Rue laughed as she finished off her steak.

"Try it! Kessie and I do that a lot!" Llanis shrugged and finished up his breakfast too.

"Alright. I'll see you girls tonight!" He said and stood up to leave for work after leaving a peck on his wife's cheek.

"You two hurry up and get ready for school too. Your friends will be here any minute!" Kessie said and finished up as well. Leaving Yuna to be the last one eating her fourth portion of steak. With the maid still wiping off the sauce on her mouth.

They finished off after a half an hour and Blake and Kai were already there as well. The four drove off to DDU for an hour at least and made their way to their classroom.

While waiting for the first class to start. Girls screamings could be heard in the hallways. It only made Rue annoyed knowing who's causing the screamings early in the morning.

It's probably just Samael and Yohan with their girlfriends passing by the hallways.

Samael and Yohan were both labeled as school heartthrobs. But it's so funny that instead of hanging out with cool guys. You can find them among four girls; Leana, Bahiyyih, Lia and Jamie. Since the four must stick with each other to look after each other.

They purposely go to the hallway where they'll pass by the corridor of Kai and Blake's classroom. Just so they can check on the two. They were planning to check on Tim before but the boy insists not to see him claiming that Catherine might find it suspicious.

What's more fun after those two weeks. Rue really have a beef with Yohan and Samael. She gets pissed whenever the two is around because it will always be loud. So she ends up picking a fight with them.

And today is not an exception.

Rue stood up from her seat and stormed out of their room. She screamed furiously at the screaming students who immediately made a way that gave her a better sight of the infamous group.

"If it isn't the bozos coming in my corridors again!" She rambled while crossing her arms at them.

Blake stood up and walked to her back. Pretending to back up her friend. But secretly making sure nobody pops out of the crowd just to stab her.

"And if it isn't the singing bee!" Yohan snickered and eyed the girl like a prey.

Rue frowned disgustingly at the look that Yohan gave her and immediately snapped at Jamie.

"Your boyfriend is such a flirt! He sucks off at every lady he sees!" Rue spat and gave them each one a deadly glare before stomping back in the room with Blake tailing her.

The group briefly looked at Kai from inside the classroom and started walking away as if nothing happened.

"Rue! Why do you hate those people too much?" Kai asked.

"Why!!?" She snapped. "Because those idiots think the student body worships them just because they look like that!" She yells furiously.

"Yeah! I totally agree! I mean they're not really that good compared to us! The students here just have a bad taste for men and all!" Yuna giggled while braiding Kai's fake hair. Which is why they didn't get to back up the two earlier at the corridor since Yuna's too busy braiding his hair.

"Can we stop talking about those clowns? They already ruined my f***ing day! It's too early in the morning!" Rue growled and pulled out a compact mirror to check herself.

"Those fu**ing b**ches!" 

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