Chapter 3: The Date

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It's been a week since Kale had kissed me, and to be completely honest, I think I looked like an idiot walking away. Should I have kissed him back?

Scrolling through my phone a text pops up.
K:so I was wondering, do u wanna go out tonight?? Or are u busy?
A:haha no I'm free
K:cool, pick u up at 7:00 ish?
K: (:

Oh god, what am I going to wear?! I don't even have a nice enough dress! Maybe he's not dressing all fancy. Grabbing my favorite superman long sleeved shirt and sweat pants, I ran downstairs.

It was only 5:45 but I wanted to look perfect for tonight, Kale is the only guy that has ever kissed me on the cheek, let alone ask me on a date. So this is something special to me.

Instead of just throwing my hair up into a messy top-knot I curl it, to give it some wave. Then I put on some mascara and eye liner to top it all off.

"Mom do I look ok?" I asked, twirling around to let my tired mother examine me closer. "Oh sweetheart, you look gorgeous! But where are you going?" Moms eyes gazed into mine with curiosity.

Frantically trying to spur up some words I said, "I'm going on a date with Kale, he's asked me to go, I-I really wanna go mom! Kale's the first guy I've actually liked." I pleaded, gesturing with awkward hand motions. One of moms eyebrows managed to lift itself above the other, "Of course you can go! But don't do anything illegal! I don't know if I trust that boy Kale."

What?! She hasn't even met him yet! Seeing the look of disappointment on my face my mom let out a small giggle, "Gotcha." She answered, combing her long fingers through my thick hair.

A few hours passed bye when Kale finally arrived. "What took you? You didn't run anyone over did you?" I joked, "Haha real funny, I actually had to drop something off at Bryan's house, sorry I'm late beautiful."

Beautiful? I've never been called that before, well my mom has but still, not the same right now. Mom came around the corner to see Kale and I standing side by side.

"Awe you too look adorable! Kale it's a pleasure to meet you." Grinning she shook his hand. "You too Mrs. Milo's." Kale smiled back, "Oh Kale, you can call me Gwen." Oh no not this again. Anytime I had a friend over that mom hadn't met before she'd act like this, mom don't ruin this for me I thought to myself.

"Well you two have fun, Ashton you call me if anything happens ok?" Oh god, a twitch of embarrassment arose over me as Kale took my hand. "Shall we?" He asked, waking towards the door.
As we pulled into the parking lot I looked up at the sign, Celebration Cinema. "I didn't know what so I thought maybe a movie?" Kale's worried eyes searched through mine, I think he was nervous, it was kinda cute really. Kale trying to impress me in all.

"What do you wanna see?" He asked taking my hand once again and looking up at the posters displayed. There were two exact movies I was dying to see, You and I the romantic comedy, and Silence the action slash adventure film. I couldn't decide, You and I might be appropriate for the date, but I didn't want to make it weird, well whatever I guess.

"How about You and I? I've been dying to watch it!" I exclaimed, reaching my hand into my bag and pulling out two ten dollar bills. "Whoa whoa! What are you doing?" Kale asked taking the money from my hand and putting it back into my bag. "I'm paying tonight, a special treat, just for you." Nudging into me he pulled out his own money and payed for the tickets and popcorn.

When we entered the theater there was like no seats left, my eyes scanned the large room and found a small row near the front that hadn't been taken. Yes, I thought, not as embarrassing as I had imagined. Kale took the seat on the right and I took the one on the left.

As the movie began to play he whispered in my ear, "You know what? This is turning out to be less frightening than I thought it would be." I answered back with a smile.
"Haha! I love the part when he fell into the tiger enclosure! The look on his face was priceless!" We laughed together as we headed out towards the car. "This was fun, I'm glad you picked You and I, it was hilarious!" He laughed again. "Well I liked it when Ally meant to hit Mike but accidentally hit," Kale finished the sentence, "Hit her boss!" Laughing in unison we got into the car.

Kale placed his hand onto my shoulder, "It's fun being with you, I feel comfortable around you, like I can be myself." He took his hand away and started up the car. "Ya me too." I answered.

Before we pulled out Kale looked at me, with the same brown eyes as always and I felt his soft lips press against mine.....

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