part 3

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i said good bye and went to find Krista. i found her at the front of

the school with Adrian... oh boy was this going to be fun... "hey

girl!!!!" i said jumping one her back hugging her from behind. Adrian

looked from me to the ground in just a matter of seconds... i wasn't

sure if it hurt to see me or if her was just trying to avoid looking

in my direction.when i got off of Krista's back she gave me a hug and

a kiss on the cheek.

"hey!!! i missed you! what happened?" i seemed to be getting the

question a lot lately...

"I'm sorry. i missed you too... i was busy and not home half the time.

trust me i would rather have hung out with you then what i did do.

trust me the end of my summer sucked!" it all wasn't a lie but it

wasn't the whole truth either. Adrian still looking at the ground i

saw a look of sadness pass his face... "so.... Adrian.... what was

your summer like?"

looking up unable to make eye contact he said " well my mom and dad

got a divorce and I'm supposed to go live with my grandma but i think

I'm going to try to find a place of my own..."

i felt so bad... " I'm sooo sorry Adrian..." it was still an automatic

thing to hug him for comfort. and so i reached out to wrap my arms

around him. he flinched at my touch. i had got one arm around him as

son as i touched him he pushed me away. i was hurt i mean after all we

had been through he could and would just push me away as if nothing

had happened. with my heart broken looked up into his eyes... his

golden brown eyes... the window to his soul. pleading with my puppy

dog face. he still pushed me away...

" listen Mr. Degraw wants to see me to talk to me about what my

parents are doing and to see if he can help me find my own place. ill

see you later guys." and with that leaving me heart broken he turned

and walked away. i felt as if part of me was missing but i didn't know

it it was him or her...

"what was that all about??" Krista asked sadness in her voice. "what

happened between you two?? last i knew you guys were all over each


oh boy... just my luck! why did she have to bring it up. "oh

nothing... we just agreed it wouldn't work out between us... its for

the best...'- i think -' we decided to still be friends though." she

looked at me shocked.

"i thought you were perfect for each other. you were supposed to be

together forever!! you were the cutest couple in like the history of

couples!!!" rolling my eyes i changed the subject.

"hey have you heard from corrie?" i knew this would get her attention

like it always did.

'no i haven't seen him since last year!!" corrie is our best friend

that's a guy at least. but hes amazing. i don't like him like that but

i think hes really cool. he sticks up for what he believes in not what

others tell him to. i guess with that i should tell you hes gay. yup

hes our gay friend. you know the one that you can sit with and talk

about all the hot guys with out him feeling awkward. yeah that's our

corrie. we walked around for what seemed like forever.

corrie was by the gym like always. but he was with some one. a guy.

awe our Corrie had scored!

"corrie!!" i missed you!!" Krista said running down the hall almost

tripping down the stairs. goodness that girl had so much energy and no

balance what so ever. laughing at her i walked down the stairs trying

not to fall my self.

Krista! i missed you too!!" corrie had always loved us so he wrapped

Krista into a big hug. letting her go as he found sight f me he ran

over. stopping to take the impact f his attack. he slams his body into

my body picking me up off the ground  he twirled me around all 125

pounds of me. placing me on my feet so i could catch my balance he

introduced us to his friend

"hey you guys this is Kegan. isn't he amazing??" looking at this Kegan

guy i realized he was beautiful. he has jet black hair, very tan skin,

and piercing blue eyes.



A/N i know its been a while since i uploaded but i dont feel like many people are reading it i dont want to keep doing something for nothing... let me know what you think leave me a message or comment thanks :)

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