1) New Job

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(small abuse and alcohol warning)

Y/n lazily stares out the window, sharpening a katana with her hands as her mind wanders. She just got hired for a top secret job. Her father hadn't been willing to tell her much, but from what she had heard here and there, this would likely be a suicide if it wasn't done correctly.

All she knew was that some things needed to be done soon if her mission was to start. According to her father, code name Crimson Pain, she was the only one in her fathers "gang" that could do this job. She was expected to see him within the next hour to meet more on this subject. If she managed to succeed, this could give them all the cash they could ever dream of.

This was a golden opportunity, and Y/n wasn't going to let her father down, no matter how much she wanted to. She had the scars and bruises to remind her of what happens when she disappoints dad. Crimson Pain was a well known villain, an Assassin. Her mother had been a mercenary, however the two met up and fell in love was a complete mystery to Y/n.

At that thought, a loud knock sounded at the door, seconds before her tall, skinny, everyday looking father busted in. Behind him was her childhood best friend, Tenko Shimura, who was 3 years older than her. Tenko had asked her to call him by Tomura Shigaraki in recent years, but old habits die hard.

Her father slammed a packet of papers assigned to Y/n on the desk by the window, inches from Y/n's face. Startled at the sudden movement, Y/n flinches, holding the katana at a defensive angle while looking at the papers. If she had seen the sorrow on Tomura's face in that moment, it might have prepared her for the job someone was ready to hire Y/n for.

Opening the paper, Y/n sees the name of her latest target, her face immediately going pale, looking up at her father to make sure this wasn't a joke. The name on the paper read Yagi Toshinori, or better known, by his hero name, All Might.

Crimson Pain looked at Y/n with an expectant look on his face, waiting for Y/n to read the rest of her assignment.  Reading aloud, Y/n reads the first page. 

"Target: Yagi Toshinori - Other Name?: All Might                 Specifics: Someone young enough to seem the right age to attend UA without drawing suspicion. The attending UA has already been worked out, someone just needs to accept. This is a one time deal. Take it or leave it. Discreetly attack All Might enough to injure him enough he is forced to retire, or somehow kidnap him and bring him to the location on page 4. If you are successful, you will receive a good chunk of money  and forever fame in the world of assassins. If you fail, obviously, you will be dead, "missing", or in jail. All are quite likely. I sure hope you accept my proposition, if you don't, it would be rather unfortunate, being I am the source of most of your business. Best wishes!"

Her father gave the paper a glance before looking directly into her eyes. "I sure hope you will accept, darling Y/n. If you decide not to attend, I'm afraid that the only other person we could possibly send-"

His eyes flick over to meet Tomura's gaze, a slight pause before continuing, "-would be Tomura."

Y/n works to hold in a gasp at her fathers bribe, either her life would be risked- or her best friends. "I'll do it."

 She quickly spoke out. "When do I leave?"

 Her father gave a wicked grin, before answering. "You leave to a small apartment tomorrow. You must go alone, you have today to prepare. I knew you would accept, so I already got in contact with the principal there, and got you the uniform. In three days you will have a small test to judge which class they will put you in, if you can manage to get yourself into 1-A, you can become friends with some of All Might's favorite students. You could ask him to evaluate your learning, then stab him in the back..."

 He paused. "Literally."

He abrupted turned and left the room, slamming the door behind him, and leaving a shocked Y/n alone with a sad Tomura. Her childhood best friend spoke after a small silence. "Wanna go for a walk? We can go out and enjoy your last day-"

 His voice cracked (like his lips XD sorry not sorry) and trailed off as his unease carried in his voice.

A small nod and the two left the room, leaving the residence, and walking down the empty street. Tomura led the way, and they eventually stopped at a small, empty bar. Tomura was greeted by the bartender, and Tomura got a few drinks before guiding Y/n to a small spot where they could be alone.

He downed one before breaking the comfortable silence. "You want one Y/n?" 

Y/n took a minute to think about, before shaking her head. She was underage, and that was one rule she would prefer not to break. "No thank you. Tenko, I-"

 She was about to go on before being interrupted by her friend. "Y/n- Its 's Tomura now."

 He chuckled before going on. "But I still don't want to hear it. It's hard enough as it is.  What am I going to do without my best friend at my side?"

 His voice slurred a bit as his emotional barrier started to wither in the comfort of his friend. The alcohol also helped break his emotional barrier, more so than usual.

"Y/n- we both know this could end very bad."

 He kept pausing, obviously trying not to completely break. "I want you to have this-" 

With 4 fingers, he pulled two bracelets from the pocket of his hoodie. "It was a struggle-" 

He gestures to his hands. "-But I made these. Friendship bracelets. One for you, and one for me."

His wall seems to have crumbled, and Y/n gets flashbacks of when they were kids, back before his wall of emotions was completely built. Taking a bracelet, and putting it on, she gives a sad smile. "Ten- Tomura. I don't want to think of this like the last time I'll ever see you. Think of it like I'm going on Vacation, I'll be back before you even notice I'm gone. I'll be fine, I've already proven that I can handle myself."

Tomura smiles before standing up, his drinks all empty, as he walks Y/n home. When they reach her door, Tomura turns to face her. "My lover is expecting me, I have to go... Please Y/n, love, don't get yourself killed."

 A single tear rolls down his cheek, and he reaches out to hold her hand. Y/n's quirk cancels out his, allowing him to have all five fingers connected to hers, as last goodbyes are shared. As he turns to go, he gives Y/n a peck on the cheek before walking away.

Little did either of them know, that it would be a long time before they would see each other again.

word count: 1210

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