Does anyone know if Markimoo is going to go to Comic Con? If he is then what date? I need to know as soon as possible so I can buy the tickets and pass for that day. Enjoy this second one shot :)) - ChinitaPlease
Mark was finished recording Fatal Frame 2, he was currently editing the videos that he was going to upload tomorrow. Everything was peaceful. That's until he heard your loud scream.
Mark jumped and ran out of the recording room and to where you were at. The bathroom. Mark barged into the bathroom and looked at you frantically.
"WHAT HAPPENED!?!" Mark screamed, looking around the bathroom for any signs of danger.
The only thing he saw was you standing on the sink, shrinking and shaking in fear. You look like you saw a demon from hell. Heck! Maybe you did!
"I-I saw a... I-I saw a..." You stammered, you couldn't talk. You were scared! Scared out of your mind!
"A what!?! Demon? Satan? Wade!?!" Mark asked frantically, shaking you. You pointed at the bathtub, your hands were shaking.
Oh yea, you were so scared that you're literally shaking. Mark turned around and looked around, he saw nothing in particular.
"I see nothing! What is it?" Mark asked, you face palmed and looked at Mark deadpanned. Though, you're still scared out of your mind.
"S-spider!!!!!" You screamed, blowing Mark's eardrums out. Mark blinked at you and began laughing.
"Spider? Haha that's nothing!" Mark scoffed, you furrowed your eyebrows at Mark and got down from the sink and grabbed him as dragged him to the bathtub.
"Let me take care of this spider! I'm a manly man!" Mark exclaimed, dropping his voice a couple octaves, making his voice even deeper.
Mark turned around and looked down at the bathtub, his eyes widened. Before you know it, Mark took off screaming his head off.
"SPIDER!!!" Mark screamed in a high pitched voice, he ran back into his recording room and slammed the door and locked the door.
You blinked at blank space and then looked at the spider and sighed.
"Or not." You sighed, grabbing a bug spray and began spraying the spider for a long time, waiting for it to be dead.
"I'm sorry, Mr. Spider. But I don't like you nor do I like your species." You said, watching the spider writhed and finally die.
"MARK YOU ARE NOT A MANLY MAN!" You screamed, flushing the dead spider down the toilet. Mark opened the door and pouted at you cutely.
"I am so! ... The spider is scary and big!" Mark whimpered, you sighed and patted his head.
"Sure, Mark. Sure!" You chuckled, walking back into the kitchen to get your favorite drink.
"I'm still your manly man, right?" Mark asked innocently, laying his chin on your shoulder. He wrapped his arms around your waist and looked at you.
".... No comment." You said, taking a sip of your drink. Mark pouted and buried his face into your neck, nuzzling his face into your neck and began making random noises.
"Mmhmm... Manly man my ass." You sighed, Mark buried his face into your neck, knowing that you hate the feeling of Mark's facial hair tickling your neck.
"Mark! You know I hate that feeling!" You whined, Mark looked at you and grinned at you evilly.
"I know!" Mark chimed, continuing to nuzzle his face into your neck. You groaned and flinch away from Mark, only to be held down by Mark.
Why does he have to he so well built? Though, you don't mind! You get to see him shirtless while working out! That's a bonus.
Updated! :)) hope you all enjoyed this one shot :) I'm busy this week because of PARCC testing and I might have a lot of homework! I'll try to post more ASAP :)) - ChinitaPlease

Markiplier One Shots
FanfictionYay! My first Markiplier one shots :)) I suck at making descriptions so... Enjoy these one shots!! :)) ^^ — ChinitaPlease