That night

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Have you ever been brought to the precipice of  a little death and held there? You want to fall into oblivion, but your lover won't let you. They hold you there. Taunting you and teasing you with their words, lips, skilled tongue and fingers. You hold onto the sheets below you as if they are your only lifeline as your eyes are slammed shut, back arched, breast heaving and mouth open in a perfect O. You lover licks and sucks on your little pearl, but he won't let you fall into that sweet death. You are at his mercy. All you feel is pure pleasure.

You met this man last night, but you didn't know he was about to change everything for both of you.

*Flashback to earlier that night*

You and your girlfriends were having a girls night out at "The Red Room Bar"  when a group of men walked in. Not just any men...Mayans. You and your girls's full attention was on them as they made their way over to the bar for a drink. They walked with an air of confidence, but with an aura of danger around them. Living in Santo Padre for the past three years, this is the closest you've ever been to them.

There were four of them. All good looking in their own right. One with dark hair to his shoulders and heavily tattooed, but shorter than the other three, but still striking with those piercing eyes and a bit on the thinner side. The man next to him was taller and reminded of you of a teddy bear with muscles, bald with a nice trimmed beard and also heavily tattooed. The third one definitely had some boyish charm to him if his smile was anything to go on. His dark hair had a nice fade haircut to go along with his handsome face with a neat mustache and a goatee, and you can definitely tell he didn't skip his daily workout if those arms were anything to go by with a few tattoos scattered around.

But it was the fourth one that had your complete and undivided attention. He was taller than all the rest. Hair as black as night,   clean cut and slicked back also with a gorgeous and very neatly trimmed beard to match. He had a cigarette hanging from his full lips with deep soulful brown eyes, that you know you could just get lost in. He was slender, but you could tell he too worked out with how well his button up plaid shirt fit his upper torso and clung to his biceps. He was mouthwatering. You couldn't help but stare until his brown eyes met yours. You could see the smug smirk on his lips as he caught you, but you blushed and turned your head back down to your drink and started talking with your girlfriends again.

You were about to raise your hand to the waitress to order another round of drinks when drinks were put in front of you by said waitress as she nodded towards the guys at the bar. You and your girls looked towards the bar as the Mayans all looked at you ladies with smiles on their faces, and your best friend being so bold as she is, waved them over to join you ladies.

So the guys pulled up chairs to your round table that you had been sitting at all night and introduced themselves as Coco, Gilly, Ezekiel,  please call me EZ, and Angel...Angel. He had pulled up his chair right next to yours. To say you were taken back would be a understatement. He literally took your breath away. He was even more gorgeous up close and smelled so damn good. You could smell leather of his Kutte, the smokiness of his cigarette, but also a hint of gasoline and cologne that has an herbal musk and citrus hint to it. He smelled divine.

He smiled at you and personally introduced himself to you, and you in return did the same. You both talked while your girls did the same with the other guys. Turns out EZ was Angel's younger brother and you could kinda get a sense there was a rivalry of sorts. A tension, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it, but you let it go.

One of this things you liked about Angel was he was funny, very funny, but their was also a dangerous charm about him. One that you could fall for.

He asked if you were seeing someone and you told him you were single, and you asked him again in return if he was single and there was a tiny bit of hesitation on his part, but he said he was single. You could see there was something behind eyes. A form of pain. Maybe it was the alcohol making you more bold, but you asked him who broke his heart. He was completely taken back by your words. He looked hesitant to respond, so you leaned in close to his ear and whispered to him that even though he didn't know you, sometimes it was easier to talk to a stranger than someone close to him.

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So when you pulled back he looked deep into your eyes like he was searching for something and after a few moments he nodded and told you about his ex-girlfriend, if he could even call her that, but that he thought he had found the woman of his dreams, but it was all a lie. She would do whatever it was to get what she wanted. Without going into detail because you could tell it was something he couldn't talk about with you, he said she had used him for her own gain, and she told him she was pregnant with his baby and he was thrilled, but later on found out it wasn't his child. She was pregnant with his half brother's baby. A man him and his younger brother couldn't stand that they had just found out was their half brother.

Your heart broke for Angel. You hand reached over and took his left hand in your right hand and squeezed it giving him a small smile, he returned it with a smile of his own. He asked how long have you been single and you hesitated yourself, and you realized that he kept your hand in his and gave your hand a gentle squeeze and you admitted to him that you had been single for 3 years. Told him that you had only been in one relationship in your whole life. Angel was shocked that you had only been with one man, but didn't say anything negative about it. Your ex had been emotionally abusive and Angel asked where he lived and he would go over and fuck him up! You smiled at Angel's protectiveness and told him your ex wasn't worth it.

As the night went on and the conversation moved from the serious back to fun and flirty, talking about his friends turned brothers. Stuff EZ and he would do when they were kids that had you laughing so hard, and then at one point, Angel had leaned in and kissed you. It was a sweet chaste kiss, but damn it, you wanted more, so you pulled him back to you by his Kutte and kissed him fully and even gave him a little nip to his bottom lip. When Angel pulled back his eyes were even darker than his normal deep brown, they almost looked black with the lust that was swimming around in them.

He asked you if you wanted to get out of there and go for a ride with him...but there was also another question beneath the ones he asked you, and you knew you wanted him in every way you could have him, even if it was just for one night. So as you nodded your head at him, and you told your girls goodnight, but not before one your friends that was talking with EZ told you that you better keep your phone on and phone tracker on and to text her later on. Hey you can never be too safe. So after you agreed, you and Angel were off.

You had never been on a bike before, but you had never felt more alive. You held on tightly to Angel and did everything he instructed you to do before you guys had even left the bar. Your hair whipped around you as you pulled yourself even closer to Angel and rested your chin on his shoulder. He reached down and squeezed your hands that were wrapped around his waist and then moved his hand down to your thigh and left his hand there for the rest of the ride as you made your way through Santo Padre.

*Back to the present time*

You weren't sure how long has passed.  It could have been minutes, hours, or days, but all you knew is that you have never ever felt anything like what Angel was doing to you with his tongue and lips between your legs. In what felt like eternity, he finally gave you permission to cum as he pushed his fingers in as deep as they could go with his rings on. Your back arched and you let out a scream as he curled his fingers in that perfect spot inside you and kept his lips and tongue wrapped around your pearl keeping you in a state of orgasm for as long as you could stand. It felt like wave after wave of pleasure was washing over you.

You didn't even realize you had blacked out for a moment until you were wrapped in angels arms with him whispering to you to come back to him.

"Are you back with me, querida?"

You can feel Angel leaving tiny kisses on your face and lips as you come back to full consciousness. One of his arms is wrapped around your back pulling you close to him, and the other is cupping your face as he continues to kiss you in any place he can reach. You finally looked up at him as he is lavishing you with attention, but you can't help but feel a bit vulnerable. The one man you had been with, your ex, had never made you feel the way Angel just had, sure you and your ex were intimate, but he never showed that kind of passion that Angel had bestowed upon you.

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